Monday Monday So Glad to be!!!!!!!
Please check out the link. There is someone who lives in NJ who may be able to set you up with a Pouch Party. You can e-mail Jen from the link. They're fun!
So hard to believe it's already Monday and a short week, too!
I'm working today until a foot doctor appt., tomorrow leaving early to take Michael to the hospital, he'll stay overnight and have a fistula (port) installed on Wednesday a.m. for dialysis. Not sure when he'll have to have dialysis, this is just to get it set up. He has advanced kidney disease. Once he loses weight from his RNY (which is set for Dec. 16), he'll be a candidate for a kidney transplant.
Anyway, Wednesday, I'll take him home and go back to work for a few hours and then home to start my rolls - I'm making two batches, one in the evening and one in the morning. I use the bread machine to the dough stage, and my family insists they are homemade rolls! LOL
Thursday the two of us will go to my brother's. His wife, my dear SIL, cooks the main meal and others bring things. There are only 8 of us this year, but it will be very nice.
I have the rest of the week off, and Sunday am having some OH friends over to do needle-felting, which is decorating felted hats and purses - so that will be very fun. A busy week here!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Carla....congrats on your daughter's wedding date...time flies so fast it will be here before you know it!
The VIKINGS won again yesterday...I am a happy girl!!
That 9/0.....woooohoooooo!!!
It is a dark and dreary day here today....we are supposed to be getting some snow...UGH!!! I hope it passes right on by!
I too have been in a slump for quite a while now. I feel like I am getting better and then BAM....down I go again.
Things are tough for my kids right now. I pray things improve soon. I can't help but worry about them and wish I could do more to help. My daughter Carrie is so down after her house was foreclosed....she works two jobs and still has such a hard time. Three kids to raise isn't easy. My daughter Jamie...well you know that many medical bills for Nic....they just can't get ahead. Jamie can't work because of all the medical treatments and such with Nic.... she just can't. Makes for sad times for us this holiday season.
I will try to find the good...after all....things could be worse!!
Prayers to those in need. I am wishing you all a wonderful day!!
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
So sorry to hear about your kids. The economy is so horrible. My DH and I struggle like that and so do all our kids. It's really rough.

I'm still getting my mind wrapped around the fact that Thanksgiving is Thursday, LOL. My son is making our turkey again this year. He really likes Alton Brown and learned the brining technique from his show. Our turkeys have been so tender and delicious since Bill started making them! The year's been too fast...again.
I didn't do very much yesterday except feel anxious. I wasn't sure why but I think I eventually figured it out. I think what I figured out was the right answer because right away my level went down and I began to relax. Whew!
Sounds like you had a really nice Sunday, Carla. :)

Good Afternoon Carla and My OFF Friends,
Carla I am very happy to hear that things are moving in the direction of starting your new job as well as the fact that your daughter has picked a date far enough in advance for you to be able to save, save, save!
Well I had yet another busy weekend and think sometimes that my life is just one big blurr that I am experiencing, my son actually said to me yesterday, Mom, you have the busiest life of any single person I know, maybe you should slow down some (lol). . .
Saturday I got up went to get my hair cut, nails done, got ready for the 50th b-day party of a good friend of mine, hit the road for the long ride to pick up another friend who was going to the party and then got to the party, where we had a great time. This friend of mine is someone I met about 20 years ago in a 12 step program, at one point I was her sponsor and then years later I submitted her resume and she worked with me up until we both got laid off in March of this year, anyway, there were friends from recovery and co-workers we shared in common at the party and a lot of the recovery people I have not seen in the better part of 6 years, since I moved to NJ from NY, so it was funny when I went over to say hi to those of them I knew and the look on their faces (I always love those looks of OMG, is that really you?), so it was nice, as well as seeing my old co-workers, only one of which is still employed at our old firm. I danced and had a blast until the party was over, dropped my g/f off at home and did not get in my door until 1:20 in the morning, threw my pjs on and climbed aboard the mattress with dear ol Dillinger, who was very happy to have me snuggle up next to him. I had to get up early to drop my roommate off at a rendevous point as she was heading to see her b/f with his family and that was at 5:15, after which I went back home, slept another hour, got up went to a 7:30 AA meeting I try to go to every Sunday a.m., then stopped, picked up some groceries and headed over to visit with the grandbabies for a little while, until I headed home. I never did recover sleepwise and subsequently the rest of my day was pretty futile, as I was just too tired to do much else. In the early evening my roommate and I moved the platform my friend, Owen, built for Dillinger to be able to get up on the new bed (it's great, 2' x 4' and 18 inches high with a piece of carpet on top), anyway, we got it in my room and then I put a treat on the bed as a way to entice Dillinger to get up on it, well it worked like a charm and both Dillinger and I were able to be back in my bedroom, comfortable and asleep before 7:30 last night. . . I woke up 2x, but got the much needed rest and here I am at work. . . which will be a wonderful week, as we only have to work 3 days this week and now one is almost over (lol). . .
I hope you all have a good day, as it is almost over. . .
Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I'm on here really late today. Sat down this morning and tried to get on, but instead I spent the time arguing with some woman on my FSA fund about why I still can't use my card even though I paid them back ... seems I have to pay back some more (although I was told the one thing that I paid back on I didn't have to pay back ... I paid the wrong thing but I had to pay it back anyway, but the guy I talked to before told me I didn't have to pay that one ... oh well, now I have to pay back another one! Does that make sense? I know, it's confusing.) Then I went to my psychologist.
We hadn't met for a month, since all the mess at work began. So there was a lot to talk about ... lot of crying and trying not to yell ... I don't really yell there, but there was crying. She seems to think I need an antidepressant, but she doesn't prescribe, she's not a psychiatrist. So I guess I need to see my PCP. I've thought about asking for one, but didn't know whether it was really necessary ... guess it is. I take so many drugs as it is, I hate adding another one ... and then there's the cost. But if it will help my mood, I'll do it.
I'm off today ... it's chilly and gray and gloomy. Most of the leaves are off the trees. Snow is in the forecast for Thursday ... hope it doesn't happen. I'm really out of sorts today ... don't feel like doing much of anything. I need to finish up the laundry and get another litter box dumped out today, though. I just feel like sleeping all day.
Well, have a good one. I know I've depressed the hell out of all of you again.