Monday Monday So Glad to be!!!!!!!
Well it is Monday again~!!!!!! Thanksgiving is upon us and where did this year go?
I am watching Miss Lily today and tomorrow. I have her till 1pm today as I have to take her to her grammys for the afternoon. I finally go for my pre employment physical and drug test!!!!!
Last night I went out with my cousins for dinner. We went to a local fish place and it was very nice. Then after dinner we walked around downtown Sarasota.
I finally saw Julie and Julia. It was a very cute movie.
My daughters wedding is set. Augest 14th of 2011. I dont know why she is waiting for so long, but that will give me a flying chance to save some money for the reception.
Well Talk on. Remember it is Monday!!!!!
I have 2 weeks left at this job, then I report to my new job! ... I am both looking forward to it, and not... if you know what I mean. I need to go, but this is so familiar to me that I am in that comfort zone...
I have been making pens for a week now... I have a fair amount of orders to get out. Nice to be out in the shop!
Have a great Monday all....
Carla, do you think your daughter will wait that long, or do you think she might change her mind? Just curious.
Had a rough day Saturday. Two employees got into an arguement while they were on the phone. I told them both to quiet down and take their calls, but they both continued. I finally told them both I said shut up. Two hours later, the lady had a heart attack. Right there in the office. Had to call 911 and get her transported to the hospital. Now I hear through the grapevine that she is going to try to sue the guy she was arguing with. Doesn't anyone take responsibility for their own actions?
George, sorry to hear about that woman's heart attack ... but you're right about taking responsibility for your own actions. I feel the same way about some of our reporters not taking responsibility for their stories (checking things on the photos that go with it, etc.) ... I think some people want everything handed to them.
I have had run-ins with coworkers, and fortunately, my boss has had a calming influence on both of us ... later, I have apologized to the coworker in question. I always want to leave with no animosity toward a coworker. Unfortunately, it seems you have some people who don't want to show that same level of maturity. Too bad.
i was awake at my "normal" ungodly time of 4 am--how long will this go on?????
george- i am really shaking my head here about the employee situation..what were they arguing about? is she going to be alright? maybe they should have simply been shown the door - or a time out corner????
carla- i wondered the same thing as george about lizzie--focus gf!!!!
marc --i know the feeling about the job situation-much as i complained about my old (as of friday!) one; it was comfortable- life moves on! you are up to this new one!!!!!
so--i'm up and need to hit the shower-we have to drive to tiffin for our last shot in the series that we started when we went to panama... on our way home; i need to drive by the DAR house to drop off some things and then my commitments to this chapter are basically done....
it looks like michael might stay home this weekend and watch the birds and dog while i drive back up north- i am not sure how i feel about this- i know that i wanted to get more work done before he saw the trailer- and it is because of teh birds and paint fumes that he may stay here- but i hate to leave him alone and over the holiday- i don't know if he cares about that part....however; if i go alone i can get lots more done to make it more presentable for him for that first look!
nothing else new yet- the day is still young! i need some protein and my shower!
sending hugs and prayers many of you(of us!!!) are in special need....please feel the comfort of this board.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White