Monday Monday So Glad to be!!!!!!!
i have coffee there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will touch base!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White

Hi guys.
I went back in the hospital a week ago and they gave me a tube feeding port. It goes directly into my old stomach, I think, and I run continous feedings at night. Then, during the day, I can drink water and eat clear liquid soup. They dialated my opening again and said the ulcers look about the same but they are not bleeding so that's good. Anyway, I also now have a port for extraparental, I think that's right, nutrition. They give me lipids and something else through the IV. If all is well, which it should be, they will get me healthy and I can gain enough weight and get strong enough to have a revision to get rid of the ulcerated mess. I am already gaining. I am now 101 pounds.
The tube feeding stuff is really gross smelling and since I cannot burp it up, I'm not really tasting it. The first two they tried gave me extreme diarrhea and I did throw up over and over again. Then they found a soybase one and a rice base one that works. I just change them back and forth and I fill the tube with a antidiarrhea about once a day. So, I'm good. Each can has close to 1200 calories and I do three a night. So, girls can you see my ass spreading.
I hope the gain comes quick, they can fix me, and I can think about something other than staying above 100 pounds, finding clothes that fit that don't say Dora the Exporer on them, and not thinking about the pain. Yes, I am going to beat this. And, the surgeon said this is not related to my wls. That I probably would have developed this had I not had the surgery but it would have taken longer to manifest. Most people get ulcerative colitis in their intestine, I got mine in my stomach or in my pouch and that part of my intesting that is attached to the pouch. It's a freak thing that happens so rare that they don't even have literature for it, but they will now. LOL
My hubby said that I finally have color in my cheeks and the skin around my eyes isn't looking so dark, so I guess I am getting better. Well, I'm off to get ready for teaching. I'm sure my students are happy with me teaching them online and having research days, but today they get me live and in form. LOL
have a great day

Best wishes to you,
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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