What's New - SATURDAY?
Hello, OFF Family!
I'm sitting here listening to my Jesse Cook CD..fabulous Spanish Flamenco guitar..the CD is personally autographed by Jesse..one of fivew of his different CDs that I have. *s*
I send warm hugs and encouragement to this eneeding some and prayers too.
Well, Friday was spent going to three financial establishments…..transferring funds (Mother’s) from two accounts to a third account that gives better interest. Also put a stop on the current retirement home’s automatic withdrawals for rent as of this month. Also got paperwork done at the bank to hand in to the NEW facility to have an automatic withdrawal for Mom’s NEW home each month.
Then I went to the grocery store and bought some things and two boxes of LOW FAT Oreo cookies….…I’m making each guest a favour.:a bag of tri-colour chocolate bark (milk choc, white and dark chic) with broken Oreo cookies embedded in the chocolate) tied with a purple ribbon (Mom’s fav colour and the colour theme of the party) attached to a laminated bookmark with Mom’s photo of her at 20 (gorgeous!) thanking everyone for making her 90th birthday a special day.
Then to the bakery and bought a huge tray of brownies, a tray of macaroon squares, a tray of Nainamo bars (sp). That’s it for my baking…lol.
Next to the Bulk Barn where I bought top quality chocolate wafers special for making good chocolate and some Montreal steak spice which I use a lot of when cooking soups and meats and also a few pounds of chocolate nuggets w/ almonds and toffee (all of which I now find FAR too sweet so I wont touch them…they make me sick…..I confess that Ive tried long ago……still they are so pretty wrapped in gold…..some in silver..so they will add to the décor…..hopefully most will be gone at the end of the party.) and they will be displayed in a huge crystal goblet tied with purple gauze ribbons and netting. for the taking…..nice with hot tea.…I want it all to look so elegant!..
Then back home, unpacked, made tea, sat down and read the papers, returned five phone calls and checked on Mother to tell her I will be there all day Saturday to help her by going thru all her closets and drawers to see what she wants to keep and what she doesn’t, to pack her clothes and to reassure her again.
I tracked down another person from Mom’s life who lives now in London and he is the only son (my age) of Mom & Dad’s best friends most of my life and he is coming too! s It will be great to see him and catch up… But OMG! what started as a guest list of 12 has now become almost 40 and it’s still growing…lol. I also ordered a huge whipped cream European torte from the Dutch bakery with glazed fruit on top.
But I’m starting to feel very anxious for some reason… I KNOW that Bella is THE place people want to move into but I hate unsettling Mom at 90 and she is starting to lose her memory….she forgets that I’d called several hours before to say I’m coming over…is now having trouble getting her room door unlocked with her key…so why am I feeling so guilty? It’s eating away at me tho I know it’s now necessary for Mom to move into a long-term care facility.
Im also hoping that the Celtic group will be able to perform for us…..if not, maybe my cousins from Quebec will bring their fiddles and guitars and play and dance for us *s*
That's all, folks! :}
Nancy B
sounds like you are a busy lady with the party and house stuff going on.
busy is good though.
not much new here, still about the same with mom, tiny little improvement
but she still is not able to say anything we can understand, which is just
as to Bob, im beside myself with worry, he doesnt sleep right, he doesnt
want to eat because then his tummy gets upset and he needs to stay
strong for his surgery on dec. 2nd. i may call the doctor monday and inquire
about something prescription to help him rest and some food suggestions,
maybe Ensure or something like that. he has lost so much weight already.
im eating too much, old habits creeping in, eating from frustration. the good news
though is that im eating better stuff, as no real junk in the house. i started today
with a hot protein drink and will try to rein in my munchies. i dont want to gain weight
over this, i have to talk with myself on that subject. ( as in Self, eating too much
wont solve problems )
i wish everyone a good weekend, and as always hugs to all in need, i try to
keep up with the thread and I know many of you also are going thru health
and family issues and could use a warm hug.
be safe and well,
I know that munchie feeling when I'm stressed too. Not easy to rein in for me. I try to have good munchies on had because I know when it hits it doesn't go away easily.
I must have missed the post that said your hubby is having surgery.. what kind? I certainly will keep you both in my prayers and thoughts.
Stay strong my friend...... we are here for you.
Wrap your arms around him in the warmth of your love when you serve them to him.....:)
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.

I love reading about your busy life Nancy, it certainly sounds full and interesting and you are doing a nice job of it for the party, I'll bet your Mom loves what and how much effort you've put into it. At my cousin's dad's 80th b-day party they had a bagpipe player, it was such a hot day, but he was wonderful and gave us the background about the bagpipes and songs, the different tartans and it was quite interesting and Gene (my cousin's dad) is a very proud Irishman, so he was delighted with that gift, made us all get up to salute when the Irish national anthem was played by the bagpiper, not to mention it was a learning experience for me and a moment I got to share in with family who moved to SNJ over 30 years ago and because of life and distance I was not able to spend lots of time with, so I was grateful to be there and I'm sure those attending your Mom's party will feel similarly!
So here is my ongoing Dillinger saga. . . took him to vet's last night for them to check out surgical wound and redress it, which I will have to do again on Tuesday, however, the news on the biopsy was that it was a matasis of the cancer he was diagnosed with in February, however, the vet said that Dillinger is doing amazingly for a dog with that diagnosis, most especially because it was seen to be in 3 lobes of his liver and that in and of itself should have had him gone 6 months ago, so what she said, is basically, so long as he continues to do as well as he has been, to be grateful for what I've got. There are many lumps that were not there in the past, but they do not require anything and I am done with surgical procedures with him, this one was necessary because the growth was impeding his walking and was banging on the ground causing opportunity for infection. He has been a champion, bounced back yet again wonderfully and I believe in the power of love and prayer more and more, because all of you wonderful folks have taken part in this life of my Dillinger!
So, to change the subject, my day involves some primping the form of a haircut and getting my nails done, as I am attending a 50th birthday party for a friend of mine who I met in a 12 Step fellowship over 20 years ago, who over 11 years ago I ran into in the lobby of where I worked, so I gave her resume to HR, she subsequently got a job at my old firm and so we have other friends in common as a result of that, so tonight I will see a group of old coworker friends, many of us got laid off in March, so it will be a nice social evening tonight.
That's my day, hope your's is full of good living and if you are facing challenging life situations, may you have the strength to get through it and enjoy another day of life!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
on 11/21/09 11:37 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Sorry about the news on Dillinger. Enjoy the time together....it's so precious.
Best wishes to you both
on 11/20/09 9:02 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm recovering from an exhausting day with landscaping yesterday.....and I have round two today. But I'll relax tomorrow.
It was my birthday yesterday and Matthew really surprised me......it was a very nice birthday.
Well really gotta get going so much to do today (my friend and her daughter arrive tonight). Will check back in later today.
I'm up early (cat alarm clock) have done a bunch of things already, and just need to fix my hair and get out to Wal mart before the rush. I hate going when the store is so busy.
Looks like a nice day in store.....I know my Ds is out in the woods this morning hunting for bambi! Well, maybe Bambi's mom or dad.
Nancy your party sounds so wonderful.....we had a big family birthday party for Mom's 93rd and almost every family member came. She died two months later......I still miss her ever so much, and it's been four years already.
Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe. Good thoughts and prayers for all in need.
Pat r.
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