What's New FRIDAY??
evening everyone!!!!
worked all day and then had a few stops to make before getting home...all set to go in the morning to pick mom up...am excited to be going for her!!!
went to verizion about phone bill last night...i about flipped over the payment due!!! expecting a bill for $69 not $102!!!! found out i had v-cast?? on my phone and i have no clue what it even was!!!! called customer service and they took off $15 for that...now i am waiting to get the 17% discount form where i work to kick in. they said it would probably be next billing. and if it isn't on there to come back there and they would adjust it there for me.
went to the bank cashed my check and then came home. rick did the last of the laundry for me so mom has clean blankets along with clean sheets. things are falling into place now for her visit!!! still need to pick up a few things for the week yet but that can wait til we all get back home i guess.
rick wants to head out to walmart now so gusee i best get going...not sure when i will be back on here with mom visiting...she comes first this week ya know....so if i am not here....THANKYOU ALL FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES AND HOPEYOU ALL HAVE A WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!