What's New FRIDAY??

Nancy B
on 11/19/09 1:51 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hello, everyone!

Well Thursday was my stress test…it started Wednesday when my computer died….apparently I had a bad virus and my Nortons had run out last week. So instead of staying home relaxing and staying calm, I had to go out and buy my new Nortons and came home with some Christmas gifts…..one point for me!

Then Thursday morning, Just as we were going out the door, headed to the Medical Clinic out of town,  the phone rang...I was putting on my shoes and thought..let them leave a message..I have to go...then my cellphone rang & by the time I'd found it in the depths of hell...er….the depths of my purse...it had stopped ringing.  Then the kitchen phone rang again and I ran for it..had to be important or a desperate caller. I caught it in time and it was BELLA Senior Care(long time facility) in Chippawa! They have a room for Mother!

BELLA Senior Care is THE facility everyone asks for! Mother can move in on Monday and can I come for a quick look?   I explained that I was on my way to Burlington (an hour each way plus an hour appointment)  and can I come this afternoon? So off we went to Burlington..I suffered thru my stress test. The techie asked if I made sure that I'd had no stress the last 24 hours and I laughed (computer virus...run out and buy Nortons, planning Mother's party and now Bella calls..oh no...NOOO stress!)

I’d never been on a treadmill before..so all wired up, on I went. Who knew that when the techie told me that the treadmill starts off SLOW! that she really meant "slower than a CHEETAH!". That was an interesting ride!

We stopped on the way home for a quick lunch ..I had seafood..sole and shrimp….then went directly to Bella. This place is twice as far for me to drive but its "the best!" place ! Had the tour…..spotless place! Its divided into four "communities"...Mother will be on the third floor in "The Falls" community of 28 people... Very small closet space and no built in cupboards like Meadows BUT lovely room...nice grounds...rooftop patio for nice weather where they do crafts..active activity schedule. Place has CATS..each community has TWO cats! They get pet therapy dogs visiting too. No Theurapeutic touch but that doesnt mean they arent open to it.

So Friday and Saturday, I clean out Mother's closet and we choose what she keeps and what i donated to Value Village.   Monday I take her, the walker and the wheelchair and her clothes and TV to Bella....I've got her phone disconnected as of Monday...she will use the phone system at Bella…..just adding her room number as an extension. Stamford Estates says her room there is hers til Dec 23 due to the security deposit so we can take our time moving out the big stuff.

I was invited by the managers @ Stamford Estates to attend the evening meal….a soup & sandwich buffet and entertainment after...buffet was good..lots of salads and different kinds of breads, croissants, and buns with different fillings, choice of soups and frozen cappacino cups for dessert but I had sandwich fillings and salad and fruit.

Then they had Celtic Fiddles & Country (lady on the keyboard, man on electric fiddle, another on guitar)..excellent!  Mother enjoyed it til she got tired..she had had her hair cut and permed and her foot care this morning, so it had been a long day for her.

I got her settled for bed back inher room, and took my stuff and went down to listen to the rest of the show, spoke to the musicians and asked their price thinking they could play at Mother's party..(a faint hope) but the keyboard lady is already booked elsewhere and I have to call a third person on Monday..get this..they charge eighty dollars!?!   If I can get them, Mom will love it. Anyway, I came home exhausted...going to be a rough week coming. I’ve got two LifePath groups to lead as well this weekend too.

So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Nancy B

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Eileen Briesch
on 11/19/09 2:01 pm, edited 11/20/09 1:25 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Nancy and my OFF family:

Waiting for one last story to finish my page. I had a busy day ... payday, so it meant paying bills, doing grocery shopping, picking up prescription, getting gas (well, that will be today, if I have money left after bills go through ...). I'm tired ... got to work, one of the Muskegon copy editor had his last day cake (it's a tradition) ... oh my, that was some cake! I was having my small piece, but it was so high that it turned out to be way too big, and I didn't have the cheese cubes I had brought with ... just too full. I've been drinking water ever since, trying to flush the sugar out of my system ... I know, it doesn't really work that way.

The care center sounds great. Lucky you, to have gotten your mom into there. And they have cats, too!

You could have gotten a free virus program called AVP ... I have it on my computer and it works great.

Anyway, after all my running around, I came home, had lunch, got garbage ready to go out when I get home, then crashed for an hour in my recliner ... usually I try to nap there in the chair that no longer reclines (the footrest comes up but the back doesn't go back) and end up with a stiff neck, but I was so tired it didn't bother me at all. When I woke up, I was so disoriented, I thought it was 6:30 and got panicky ... nope, just 4:30, so still had nearly 2 hours to relax before work.

Well, have a good day.

Edit: Should have said AVG ... as others did after me ... well, I wasn't home and couldn't look at it. Also have SpyBot and MalwareByte freeware programs that are excellent ... the last computer geek I had put the malware program on, said it was like taking a gun to a knife fight. I run it every couple weeks. So far, it's kept my computer safe.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




George T.
on 11/19/09 4:55 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Funny thing.  I had never heard of AVP before.  Yesterday, on another discussion board I frequent they were raving about it.  I may have to try it out.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 11/19/09 9:28 pm - Interlochen, MI
I use AVAST and it's free too.
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 11/20/09 12:22 am
Are you a journalist?  I wondered because you mentioned one page of your story left...

Eileen Briesch
on 11/20/09 1:16 am - Evansville, IN
Yes, I'm a copy editor at a newspaper in Michigan.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Nancy B
on 11/20/09 7:40 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hey Eileen!

Yes..I have AVG, SpyBot and C-Cleaner and Adaware..but I bit the bullet and bought Nortons too because I do alot of BANKING online. Im keeping myself physically removed from Mother's money so my two "absent" sisters cant possibly claim any improprieties on my part when Mom is gone.

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George T.
on 11/19/09 4:56 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning Nancy and all.  I thought the stress test was everything that was going on in your life.  Did not realize you were actually going to do one.  LOL.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Nancy B
on 11/20/09 7:42 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

LOL.hey George!

I'd never had an actual OFFICIAL stress test before..it's part of the preparation for the strict wl programme I'm in.  But I can provide my OWN stress, thank you kindly, I'd said ..but they didnt bite.

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on 11/19/09 5:15 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi Miss Nancy,
Thankyou for starting us out today. Carl is snoring away and it woke me up,
I am so glad you got your mom in the place that you wanted. Carl and I are trying to get the social worker to get my sister in law to stay in the nursing home. She has parkinsons real bad and cant take care of her self. She is adiment about going home to a house in disrepair.
So our stress level is high too.
I had a stress test done when I was diagnosed with Diabetes....I didnt know what it was either!!!!!
I was taking care of Lily last night and was playing around with her mom mac...I couldnt get the stupid thing to work. Everytime I pressed on the keyboard the cd would start planing some stupid music....So my phone rang and I was trying to stop the puter and I said Oh shineola, and Lily said you mean Oh **** I about fell over!!!!!!! OUt of the mouths of babes!!!!!
Today I have to go to my doc and get a note saying I cant have a PBD test. Cause I test positive when I get one. So I have to have a chest xray instead.I go for my pre employment physical on Monday...One step closer to starting my job......
I am flying to Chicago for 2 days to be with my daughter on her 28th birthday. I am getting her a diamond pendent. I am calling it the circle of life. It willl be a diamond circle. I am calling it that cause a circle represents life going full circle. Birth, education life events and marriage. I heard that somewhere but cant tell you where.
I am going to give it to her at the hanukkah party that my sister is having on her birthday.
her birthday is December 12.
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