RNY and gallbladder removal??????????
When I had an abdominal ultrasound a few weeks ago, I was found to have gallstones. I had heartburn a number of months ago for the first time in my life, and I am now having a really sharp pain that lasts only for a few seconds between my shoulders.
My PCP said that since I'm not having any symptoms right now (forgot to tell him about the pain between my shoulders) that I wouldn't be sheduled for surgery to take out the gallbladder.
Then I started thinking - and I decided that I would rather have my gallbladder out now with the RNY instead of waiting until my symptoms get worse and have to have another surgery.
My surgeon has agreed to remove my gallbladder and will speak with me prior to surgery next Tuesday. I'm assuming that the surgery will be lap as the RNY is.
Has anyone had their gallbladder out? Did anyone have it out with RNY? Do you think it is a good idea for me to have it out or to wait? Is it a good idea to have the RNY and the gallbladder removed at the same time?
Sorry that I have so many questions. This was my idea - I just thought that the surgeon could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. My mother had her gallbladder removed, so this is something that already takes place within my family.
I was just on the phone with the surgeon's office about this - maybe you can tell!!!!!!!! I'm alone, as usual, and the best place for me to come was here for advice.
Many doctors routinely remove the gallbladder at the time of rny, whether it's done lap or open. Stats show that 30% of people who experience rapid weight loss develop gallbladder troubles. My doc said that's a 70% chance that it WOULDN'T happen, so he wouldn't remove healthy tissue.
2 years later I had my gallbladder removed. Oh well. Such is life.
Make sure you mention the pain to your surgeon. You might as well get a two-fer
I had my gallbladder aout when I had my kid, well maybe 2 months after. I had to have mine done open cause that was the way they did in 82. It was a long recovery 9 days in the hospital and off work for 6 weeks. Now I am glad they do it either at the time of the RNy and do it lap.
Good luck with everything and Ill move over a peg or 2 on the loosers bench.
I know a couple of years ago, I was having some pain (and knowing nothing about anatomy), I asked my PCP about it ... so he did an ultrasound of my gallbladder ... everything was normal. He figured it was just gas ... slow moving gas. Like everything else I do, gas moves slowly, too.

HI Margaret!
I have Dr Hagen as well and he removed my gall bladder (filled with stones) via laprascopic surgery during my LAP Roux en Y. I'd been having terrible gall bladder attacks including rush trips to Emergency!
My six tiny incisions are now almost completely unseen! Dr Hagen is wonderful....in fact he came to see me usually three times a day during the time I was in hospital at Humber River.
If your gallbladder is causing trouble, it makes perfect sense to avoid a second surgery..a second bout of anaethesia too...Dr Hagen does both at the same time and you are none the worse for wear! *s*
I do NOT miss the ole' gall bladder nor do I have any side effects of it's absense at all.
Nancy B
coming here is natural so long as you remember we are not doctors nor do we play them on tv!!! hugs to you!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White