Marilyn C Up" & Down's-Update
Hi OFF Gang
It's been awhile again. Sorry about that. I have been dealing with a sever bladder infection
this past week. I knew it was coming on, but, Doctor would not put me on antibiotics last week
& it flaired up big time over weekend & could not pee at all & lots of pain along with that as well.
When I got into my Doc on Monday was running fever of 105 (she say you have infection) Gee-no
kidding ya think. Nothing but antibiotics, am doing better, but still not 100% yet. My energy level
is still in the tolet & have gained 5 lbs in the past 2 weeks. I know once all is gone that will go away. At leasst I am peeing again ( i no TMI) Those that have had this before will understand
what a relief that is. Other than that, the job I thought I had a couple o weeks ago did not come
through, so still unemployed 13 months next week. Not a great feeling, but, still dealing with it
the best I can. I did just get on Well butrin for a antidepressant only been on a few days, but, should help with some of my head thinking at least. Hope you are doing well, have not even read
to get caught up on everyone. If I am on computer spend it on facebook, mostly. plyin stupid mind
altering games. Have a good week & Thanksgiving if I don't get bak on here this week. Will try &
do better, miss the support I was getting from all of you, so do need to work on getting back on at least every couple o days.
Love ya
It's been awhile again. Sorry about that. I have been dealing with a sever bladder infection
this past week. I knew it was coming on, but, Doctor would not put me on antibiotics last week
& it flaired up big time over weekend & could not pee at all & lots of pain along with that as well.
When I got into my Doc on Monday was running fever of 105 (she say you have infection) Gee-no
kidding ya think. Nothing but antibiotics, am doing better, but still not 100% yet. My energy level
is still in the tolet & have gained 5 lbs in the past 2 weeks. I know once all is gone that will go away. At leasst I am peeing again ( i no TMI) Those that have had this before will understand
what a relief that is. Other than that, the job I thought I had a couple o weeks ago did not come
through, so still unemployed 13 months next week. Not a great feeling, but, still dealing with it
the best I can. I did just get on Well butrin for a antidepressant only been on a few days, but, should help with some of my head thinking at least. Hope you are doing well, have not even read
to get caught up on everyone. If I am on computer spend it on facebook, mostly. plyin stupid mind
altering games. Have a good week & Thanksgiving if I don't get bak on here this week. Will try &
do better, miss the support I was getting from all of you, so do need to work on getting back on at least every couple o days.
Love ya
marilyn...i hold you close in my heart for many reasons and have been praying for your job situation...and your back etc..this bladder thing is awful to hear about specially after carla having one too!
get better- and keep your faith ---it's what's getting you through!
get better- and keep your faith ---it's what's getting you through!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Marilyn, Hope you're feeling better soon. When I have a flare up over the weekend I go to the drug store and buy AzoStandard. It helps in a pinch. I can remember being in tears on the weekend because I hurt so bad. Dr. suggested AzoStandard in a situation like that.
I hope the Welbutrin works for you. I had a sever reaction to it and had to be driven home from work one day. Stopped taking it immediately and found something that works better for me.
Good luck with the job search. I'm sure one will come along one of these days.
I hope the Welbutrin works for you. I had a sever reaction to it and had to be driven home from work one day. Stopped taking it immediately and found something that works better for me.
Good luck with the job search. I'm sure one will come along one of these days.