What's new Thursday?

Margo M.
on 11/19/09 6:05 am - Elyria, OH
mary...were you two writing in emails or snail mail???
seems she is just ignorant of what depression is/can be....so very many of us (and i mean in the world!) suffer from various degrees of it and often a simple pill can make a difference--sunshine helps me alot in winter and my everyday  meds...somedays , tho,,,it just can be overwhelming to get out of bed...hang in! i love to write letters; don't do it enough! am hoping to resume the act!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 11/19/09 7:25 am - Medina, OH
HI Margo,

Mostly emails.  Everyday like clock work.  Sometimes two and three times a day.  I am getting used to the fact she doesn't understand where I am at in my life.  I can't help it. It just happens. 

You re right many people are on something OR need something.  I miss the sun right now too.  I always feel better when it is sunny.   I don't know why I am in Ohio too.  I want someplace warm and sunny.  Maybe some day.

I used to write stories and poetry.  Can't find the inspiration to do so anymore.  Maybe it will come back.

I enjoy my art class weekly.  That is theraputic.

When you get to letter writing again, drop me a line..lol



I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


Margo M.
on 11/19/09 7:01 pm - Elyria, OH
mary...something that helps me tremendously-both with my depression and my desire to write-i get a notebook- i love the old style compostion books like from 8th grade science class -hmmmm maybe that's the connection; good memories!--anyhow- they make them so cute now and so stylish--but--i use one and i cut out pictures and sayings and glue them in or whatever- i write--i date my writing-maybe put a note about the weather-then;if i talked to someone and it "triggered" the writing i might put why--i put all that in the sidelines and then i just write away...i've gotten very bad about it cuz i keep it private-and need "me" time to do it--but i can often print out posts i have made here to put in as my journal--journalling helps- no one ever has to see it or if you ever go to a counselor you might share...i think it's therapuetic (s?) and somedays i actually write verses or start short stories...who knows maybe you'll start "your writing" again this way! try it!!!

as to the meds- i was on them for a long time- helped tremendously-had to get off when michael lost his insurance- and wow-after all this time and all this struggle i HAD to bite the money bullet and ask for help again-huge difference!!!!!!!! when i first started on them; my MIL thought i could just "think happy thoughts"   "pull up my boot straps"...yea...

my absolute best friend and i used to email all the tme-she shut me out of her life a few years ago when she developed ovarian cancer and i still miss her dearly-sometimes i'll send her a quick e-dunno if she even gets them!


I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 11/19/09 7:42 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Margo,

The notebook sounds like a great idea.  I think I am going to try something like that.  It will surely keep me busy. 

Sorry about the insurance.  I know that is really tough we have been through that too.  Once we were without it and had to wait when he started a new job. My gallbladder was working up and I had to put up with pain for a long time.  Then went to the doctor and had it out.  The doctor said you have either a high tolerance to paun or your just crazy.lol.  That is how bad it was.  I don't want to go through anything like that again.  Poor people with out insurance suffer every day.

Yep, I have been through things where people ask why are you depressed.  You don't need pills you should be happy.  Oh yea.  They don't have my problems or let things bother them like it does me.  I can't help it.

They do take the edge off of what you are going through.  Sometimes I wish I could get off of them, but I am afraid that I will go back to where I was.  I don't want that.

Other days it doesn't feel like I am taking anything and still get depressed.   I know I grieve still over my mothers death.  And, things that happened around her death with my father.  Long story.

There are other things that get to me, but I am trying hard not to sweat the little stuff anymore. 

It helps to talk to other people who have or are on meds.  THEY understand.

Thanks  Margo for being so honest too.



I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


George T.
on 11/19/09 1:41 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Men... Of course not including you in that generalization George...)

Thank you.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 11/19/09 7:50 pm - Medina, OH

I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


on 11/18/09 10:21 pm - Jacksonville , NC
Morning OFFers.  We are having our yearly Week before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving meal.  There are so many pies and stuff.  My eyes are bigger than my stomach now for sure.  First big meal of the holiday season.  I hope I don't over due it and get sick.
My body does not define who I am but I am trying to define my body.  It  gets easier with every pound I drop. 
Brenda R.
on 11/19/09 12:00 am - Portage, IN
Good morning, Eileen and my OFFer's.

Here it is Thursday and Margo doesn't have many more days to work. I bet you are getting exited about that aren't you, Margo? Your move will be coming soon. It may not be what you wanted exactly but it is the start of your dreams coming to fruition.

It is cold and rainy here today. It is suppose to be sunny for the week end so that is something to look forward to. Now if it happens is yet another story. I have heard that one a lot before and it didn't happen. I guess I just get up each morning and if the sun is shinning I get what I want...otherwise just wait I guess. ha ha

Bill is gone to his cousins and they are doing brake jobs on his cars. I have no idea when I am going to see him. Last night they did work on one car and today is the truck I am thinking. Heck...between you and me and the fence post sometimes I don't listen to everything he says...but enough to get the gist of what he is talking about in case there is a test afterwards. ha ha  Well...I know he does the same thing to me and I listen to more than he does with me....so that makes it alright. ha ha

I guess Bill is wanting me to call my sister and niece and see if they want to come over for Thanksgiving dinner. That means that I have to make everything. Easy for him to say! But one thing is after dinner like that he cleans the kitchen so I guess I got the best end of the deal with that. I can't stand cleaning up and filling the dishwasher.

The church bazaar is Saturday and I have the bake sale. I have that every year and they like the way that I do it. I am making tomorrow my baking day. I got some muffins and a cake and some bread to make. I am going to enjoy that. I like doing it and then putting the saran wrap on them and pretty little ribbons to make them festive. Then of course the bazaar is great. I love doing that. Then we have a buffet luncheon and Bill comes and we eat lunch together. Our church is known for the great cooks and there is always so much food to choose from. We always joke that the way Methodists deal with things is to cook and have a carry in dinner. ha ha  I know with my church it is the truth.

I suppose I should get going. I have nothing exciting to add now. OMG my life is so boring....but I guess it is better than being in a drama like I have been in. Where oh where is the happy medium? Not black or white but just nice shades of gray. That is all I want.

I am sending love and hugs to all and my prayers and good thoughts are going for everyone. It just seems like we all are having our ups and downs now. I pray for each and everyone....you all mean so much to me.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Judy G.
on 11/19/09 12:05 am - Galion, OH

morning eileen and OFF!!! :-)

just a quickie today need to get moving with things to do before mom arrives saturday!!!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

went to DILLARDS last night for the shindig they had going in the makeup department....got my nails done for free and also a hand massage!!!! nails look really pretty and are supposed to last for 2 weeks!!!!! i hope so!!!

just took car in for oil change and omg i need so many things done to it i need about $300.00 for them to do it all!!!! maybe santa will bring me money for Christmas!!! lol like that will happen!!!!

raining here off and on....temp isn't bad at all. hope it stops before the long drive to and from michigan saturday!!!

ok need to get going here so maybe i can stop in again before bed tonight?? so have a great day and SMILE!!!!!!!! you all know i AM ;-)


Laureen S.
on 11/19/09 12:33 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Eileen, OFF Friends!

Yup, I was asleep when you started this thread, I had a little conversation with Dillinger before going to sleep last night and basically told him, I needed a full night of uninterrupted sleep, so no whining and waking up Mom to go out, but not really want to do potty. . .  guess he understood, because I did not get up until my housemate got up to make coffee this morning at 5:30, tough sleeping on the floor in the living room (lol), but it's a choice I'd gladly make again for the old boy, who as each day passes is doing very well. 

We did have a little scare yesterday, when I took him out for a walk, as the vet does not want him doing anything that might cause the stitches to open up, so I can't let him out back because of the fence running he does when Zesus the neighbor's dog is out back. . .  anyway, I took him out and we were slowly walking, he was about to do a number 2 potty when out of no where comes this dalmation dog, from the neighbors house 3 doors down, well Dillinger got all riled up, my adrenlin started pumping, as I screamed for the neighbor to come get his dog, which luckily he did right away, apologizing profusely.  Other than Dillinger's back legs going under and it taking him a couple of minutes to get up, he appeared to be ok.  Me on the other hand was a mess, all shakey from the adrenlin.  After that he just wanted to go home, luckily I was able to get him out for another potty break later, which was good and probably the reason why he did not wake me all night, as the first two nights, he wanted to go out, but did not want to go down the steps, I had to trick him down the stairs a couple of times by telling him we would go for a ride in the car, it takes what it takes. . .tomorrow night we go for a check up and bandage change.

As you can see, I am not working too hard today, some days it's busy as can be and other's find me on here reading and posting to make my day go by, but so long as I can stay employed (corporate bankruptcy is big enough business that I am not concerned at the moment) that is what matters most.

Well that's my contribution to the thread for today, hope you all have a good day and I continue to wish strength to those facing tough life situations.

Hugs, Laureen 

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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