What's new Thursday?
Hi Bev,
No the employer does not pay and he only gets 10.00 a day from the court. I guess that is because we live in a rural community. I wish his employer did pay. Seems like they should. Doesn't it?
I truely am sorry about your sister but her son is doing so well for himself. She would be so proud.
I just think when you do something good it comes back to you in some way. I don't think it is always money. It could be health or in another small way.
Thanks for writing Bev. And, again I am sorry about your sister.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Sounds like your husband just needed to have you share in his misery today (lol). . .
As for your friend, that is very sad, as I've known many people throughout my life that need medication to cope with depression (or worse mental health issues), including myself, and while my personal belief is that medication should go hand in hand with some sort of psychological help, I think it is better to take something that helps you through it, then to suffer in silence, as too many people wind up in graves or doing things to others in their pain. To me a friend is someone who holds our hands, despite their personal belief systems, as in agree to disagree. I want my friends to be honest with me, but to recognize that their honesty might not be mine.
As for your doggy, sweetie, going through my own situation with Dillinger, I understand all too well the heartache in you having to make that decision, but we must know when to let go and you gave that doggy all you had, so I hope you can find peace in that and when my time to let go comes, I know you and others here will help me get through that!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I think my husband just wanted me up. Because he was up..lol
I was surprised at my frieds reaction, still am. People don't understand that sometimes you need a little help. That is me for now. I felt deserted when she wrote that email. Oh well, I have to out it behind me. Some people need to be on medicine maybe she does..
As for the dog, I will need the support. We pick up medicine for him tomorrow and hopefully it will help him. The doctor said once he can't lay down to breathe then it is time. so we are just giving him love for now. He likes to stay outside more now. Maybe the air outside helps him.
Sorry about Dillinger. I know it can be heartbreaking,
Thanks for the support, I really mean it
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

We're all here for you, Mary.
Yes, now the whole world I am on them too. I couldn't understand her reasoning, but oh well. Maybe her goal was to make me more depressed..lol
I am normal too but had had bouts of depression. I know one was the lost of my mother. We were extremely close.
Thanks for being here, sometimes just talking about it and knowing someone else is doing the same as you, makes it feel alright.
Thanks again,
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

I'm so sorry about your dog. That's a tough decision to make. I had to do it twice with my cats, Kittle and Cinnamon, and I cried for days. Our pets are part of our families.
It does good to talk to someone. I feel like I have come to the right place. I second guessed myself when I wrote that first letter. But, now I am glad. I have found new friends here. Which, is nice.
My dog is still hanging on and the vet says he is not going to live much longer but he is giving us some more medicine and thinks he can live comfortably a little longer. It gives us time to be kinder to him and give him love. I think that is important for all of us.
I want to thank you again Eileen. I appreciate your offer.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

I started taking anti-depressants many years ago and there were a few people that absolutely believed that I could be happy if I tried. They were wrong, plain and simple. If your brain chemicals are off you can either wait for them to get "right" (some things do help- exercise, laughing, sunlight, sometimes time) or take the medicine to help the chemicals stabalize. When i started taking the meds many years ago they did not have good ones at all. The newer ones are wonderful, and if you believe in God, they came from a loving God. Depression is a terrible thing... it makes you feel wuliaou stick with us!
Jorthless, sad, and hopeless. It is a medical imbalance. I have absolutely no guilt that I take them. I feel wonderful- my life is much better because I have the medicine. Your "friend" was really putting a power trip on you... how dare her! Who needs it! You stick with us!
I am sticking around here. I have much more support and the friendship is great. I have learned so much about people here. It is a great place to have.
I know, if you need the medicine you can't help it. It is some kind of imbalance. If a doctor doesn't think you need something, I don't think he would give it to you for no reason.
I am glad you are doing so well and are happy. I am hoping to get to a point where I can be comfortable with myself.
THanks Julia
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.