Happy Wednesday Everyone.....
i love hearing about your boy!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Hope you hear something soon regarding your job.....seems funny they would hire you and not give you a start date.
Today we will bury a strong Christian man who was an important part of this community and of my church.....I went to visitation yesterday afternoon and the place was packed. His wife, a good friend and our book club leader, was doing well. She is a strong woman and she will get thru this with her faith and family to help her. I was happy to see her wearing a bright pink jacket -- no black mourning clothes for Rita!
Talked to DS on FB this morning -- he's having some digestive issues ....this happened the last time they went to Mexico....and no, they don't drink the water. They fly back late tomorrow.....I'll be glad to have them home safely.
Have some laundry going, then the funeral at 11 a.m. The rest of today and tomorrow are free -- wow almost two whole weekdays to relax. Need to pick up the pace on the baby bib and get it finished....the gal will be coming back to work soon.
Speaking of work, we got a notice that one of our bank branches will be closing soon......scarey.....hope my little job hangs in there.
Well need to run a lasagna down to the church for the funeral luncheon......thoughts and prayers for all that need them.
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Today after work I'm leaving for Detroit and staying overnight then we are flying to Miami, we will be leaving on our cruise for 9 days!!...I'm all packed and ready to go gang!!
I'm so excited...this will be our "belated honeymoon" and celebrating our 1st year anniversary early.
Work has been going crazy busy so I gotta get back to the grind.
Hugs and prayers to all in need.
Carla, good luck with your job, have fun with it.
I'll be back Dec. 1st
I've got a lot of clutter to clean up before he gets here. I have a tendency to put something down and leave it. I'm getting better at putting stuff away, but not perfect, yet!
It's pretty cool here in Michigan today. Lots of frost on the grass and windshields. I hope everyone has a blessed day.
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
morning carla and OFF....well its not to bad here today weather wise...supposed to have rain west of us and they can keep it...hate the chill in the air and then rain also?? no thanks!!!
today i should hear from my mom telling me her answer if she will come here for a visit or not. she better or i will be upset to say the least.
got my colorful afghan done last night and it looks pretty if i do say so myself!!! i have it on the back of the couch and bandit thinks its his new play toy!!!!! LOL rick said now that i have that done what color is next?! hummm have to think about that one!!! he wants a mark martin one...kelloggs colors with a number 5 in it!!!! yeah right!!!! LOL (mark martin is nascar)
doing some laundry but ran out of quarters...need one more to do a complete load....sending rick to get me more. might as well get the blankets done incase mom does come for a visit. :-)
not much else happening here at all. nothing to do now but wait til i hear from mom and go from there. need more yarn if i want to do another afghan...lol still have some hives on my arms but they are going away slow but sure.
supposed to go to dillons department store tonight for some party diane signed us up for. she said lots of prizes and free food so it should be some fun.
laureen i am never tired of hearing about your dillinger or anyone elses pet(s)....keep them coming!!!
pat sorry to hear about the bank closing a branch...hope you can keep your job.
carla...you should know soon when you start your new job....
margo where abouts in michigan are you moving to?? hope michael gets better soon!!! hopefully someone will come along and make you an offer on the house you can live with. wishing you the best of luck!!!
CRS just hit so sorry to not post to the rest of you....i hate when this happens!!!
hope you all know i am thinking of each and every one of you!!!! have a great day and remember to SMILE!!!!!!! makes people wonder what you have been up to!!! ;-)
I had a deposit to make on my way to work this morning and I drove right by the bank. I was on auto-pilot to get to work. Dang, now I'll have to use lunch hour to go make the deposit.
Lots of family and friends sick with the flu. No one is socializing much hoping to cut down on spreading it. Everyone is trying to get better so they can be out for Thanksgiving.
We have to pick up the 54 frozen pies tonight that we sold for a scout fundraiser. We have to get 44 of them into our freezer for the night until we deliver them tomorrow. My husband is convinced they will all fit . . . me, not so much.
I'm starting to get stressed about having the house ready for Thanksgiving. My neck and shoulder blades always start to ache because they are all knotted up.
I feel for you that are dealing with ailing parents, cancer, job changes and moves. I've been through all of that and it takes all your strength. I hope things get better for everyone.
So many people going through things. It seems the busiest part of the year and we all have something going on. I hope everyone stays healthy. I am getting over something, not sure what it was. But I took a shower this morning and feel a little better.
My hair is falling out, I guess I am not getting enough protein. I had a protein drink this morning. Hopefully that will help. Going to try and up my protein this week and see what happens. Not losing weight either.
My dog is doing better since the vet put him on prednisone. Don't know how long he can be on an antibiotic and the steroid. I feel I am just prolonging his misery. Though now he seems to do better. My daughter is trying everything for him.
Margo sorry about the secret pal thing. I will get it better next time. Hope you get an offer on your house soon.
To everyone else. I wish you the best and good health.
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.