Happy Wednesday Everyone.....
I had a bad time with Vertigo about a year and a half ago and got physical therapy for it. It worked! Every time I looked up to get something out of a cabinet I would start to fall. Every time I looked down at my feet I would lose my balance. I fell a couple of times.
The explanation was that calcium crystals sometimes fall into the spaces in your inner ear that control balance. The therapist pinpointed which side I had the most problem with it being triggered. She then had me from a sitting position do quick rolling to that side laying down movements that ended up with my head hanging over the end of the table on that side. And remain like that for one minute. She had me do this at home on my bed twice every day as well as twice a week in her office. Essentially, the movements dislodge the calcium crystals. I kidded her and said it was like shake, rattle and roll.
Of course they can land back in there again over time, but now I know what to start doing if I feel them coming on again.
Another nice thing with the therapy was she gave me a head massage. I had about 10 sessions with her for five weeks and it worked! You should check it out.
LOL. I think I know what caused mine too. A couple of months before that, February I think, I was on my way to my car in the parking lot and there was snow covering a patch of ice . . . and I fell hard. My legs shot right out from under me. My back hit first and then my head with a crack. I almost lost consciousness. Managed to make the ten minute drive home. Had an egg on my head for a week.
That is when my Vertigo symptoms started. When my head and eyes seemed like they were swirling when I laid in bed to the point of nauseousness, is when I decided to go to the doctor. My PCP sent me to the physical therapist.
In hindsight, after the Natasha Richardson incident my husband told me I should have gone to the hospital. Thanks Hon. LOL.
I hope your symptoms are gone.
Here is a technical explanation from a web site which is what I was talking about. But there are other causes for Vertigo so this may not be helpful for you. I hope it is though.
Particle positioning maneuvers are a treatment for BPPV. BPPV is caused by loose otoconia within the inner ear. Otoconia are small calcium carbonate crystals that are part of the balance mechanism. In BPPV, these crystals break loose from their normal attachments and are free to tumble around the inner ear. When the involved ear is suddenly put in a downward position, the otoconia stimulate part of the inner ear abnormally. This results in a brief but intense whirling vertigo. Particle position maneuvers are a series of body turns that maneuver the otoconia into a different part of the inner ear where they will not cause symptoms. It is a very effective maneuver that takes just a few minutes to perform.
Hope this helps.
Carla, what Margo said about them putting off to possibly have one training session makes absolute sense, but at least you know you have the job and it will begin soon!
Margo, sorry that the offer fell apart, sad that people today think that it's ok to just undercut because it's a buyers market. I hope you will have better luck when you make your move.
Ruth, hope you have a nice day, enjoy the new furniture, right now because of Dillinger I am sleeping on my old mattress on the floor instead of my nice new fluffy bed. . .
Jacki, sorry you have to deal with your Mom's declining and your husband's cancer, please try to take care of yourself through all of this.
George, have a great day and at least you know your ride will be fixed shortly
Grammylew, hope your chemo treatment is not too bad.
I am staying home today, two nights of broken sleep and aching body, which I'm thinking is from all the outdoor stuff I did on Sunday, not to mention sleeping on a matters on the floor with Dillinger the bed hog, makes me one very tired person and I got clearance from my bosses that if I need a day to make it today, so I have some paperwork to take care of and get filed and then there is organizing this house of mine to keep me occupied and if I don't feel like any of that, then I'll just take care of the paperwork because that needs doing before December 1 and hang with Dillinger. Dillinger is up and down, last night when I got home he seemed better, but during the night he whined and woke me 3 different times, gave him his meds as needed, but he does not want to go out this morning and do potty, goes out the door, but does not want to go down the stairs. Oh well, he will get better on his timetable.
Anyway, I'll bet you are all tired of the neverending saga of Dillinger, so I'll sign off here and say, thanks for your support. Hope you all have a good day, wishing you the strength to face whatever challenges come your way!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland