Happy Wednesday Everyone.....
Things are picking up for me. Excited for next week. Anticipating my check coming in so I can make my car repairs. Ready to cook this weekend for church dinner. And then again on Wednesday night/Thursday morning.
Not much else going on in my world. Check with you all later.
on 11/17/09 8:25 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hope you hear something today Carla.
I've spend the better part of the past week doing a whole bunch of "getting to know me" kind of stuff and healing some old wounds. Still a work in progress but feeling better.
My new furniture gets delivered this morning (between 7am - 11am). So exciting!!!
Made a lot of progress with getting settled into the house.........FINALLY.
I just realized, I moved in 5 months ago and 4 of those months I've been healing from 2 surgeries. No wonder I'm so tired much of the time.
The landscaper comes back today to finalize plans...hope it's not too late to do some planting but fear it might be. Oh well.
My friend from NY is coming to stay for a week...she arrives at 11pm Sat night....will be nice to have company....been a long time for me.
Well gotta press on...things to do, boxes to unpack, etc etc.
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Hugs to everyone and best wishes to those healing.
Good morning, ya'll.
It's Wednesday. I'm supposed to get 100% strength chemo today. I was supposed to last Wed, too, but the doctor hadn't written the order. I see the Dr. before chemo today, so we should get it straight.
Hard to believe Thanksgiving is just a week away! Yesterday I tried a new recipe I want to try for Thanksgiving. I like to preview new stuff first. It is NOT one I will be adding to the Thanksgiving table. It sounded good and was, but it wasn't spectacular. One grandson said it was OK, the other said no thanks.
My weight is hovering around 150, 152. I guess that is good for going into radiation. Not hungry and not much tastes right. I DID discover that eggnog still tastes yummy. I've been drinking LOTS of that. That is why my weight is staying up where the doctor wants it.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
Prayers are being sent for your chemo today. Hoping it will go well for you. Not an easy situation but medicine has advanced so much that good outcomes are the norm now.
Have a fun, funny day. Laugh lots and Love more.
Chilly morning here in Mi but gonna be a nice day. We are having a nicer Nov then Oct.
I'm having trouble with vertigo again. Seems to happen every year this time. All kinds of tests last year showed nothing wrong, I'm just dizzy. Not grabbing the wall so I can stay upright dizzy just feeling funny inside my head. Hubby claims there's not enough up there so the wind blows through it in the winter! Got a Dr appt today to get the antivert stuff that helps a bit.
My Little one loves preschool! I do have to stay but I just work around the other end of the classroom. I want her to become less dependent on me and this is working.
Prayers going up from our house to yours for all who need or want them.
Have a great day everyone
I'll be at Memorial Hospital in Owosso for the birth of my grandson next month. Maybe we can meet for lunch or something. My son and DIL live in Durand. He teaches in Bancroft and she in Corunna.
Just a thought on your dizziness. I deal with this all the time. I have for the past 30+ years. I once had my inner ear so cold that it now becomes sensitive to the weather. This time of year is worse for me. I feel like I'm always on a boat; rocking sensation.
I had gone through extensive tests only to find out there is nothing wrong. Uggghhh then why am I like this? I had one old fashion family doctor tell me that it was damaged slightly and now sensitive to cold moist air... great... I live in the Seattle area...... When I get really bad I take a decongestant and keep my ears warm & dry. I also have to keep my sinus areas clear.
There is more congestion inside than what we realize; usually we think of congestion when our nose or facial passages are blocked but they run all through our head. And of course affect our ears too.
I'm probably telling you things you already know but, there are those of us out here that have the same problems.