Panic attack history with me...thanks so much for the concern...
I have had panic attacks almost 30 years. They hit me out of the blue. I have had every kind of test they can imagine...[real good insurance] They were just never diagnosed as that until lately post WLS.....we all called them my "dizzy spells".
When I was in the hospital for my WLS, that O2 thingy on my finger kept going off all the just drove me nuts. I had to be seen by a pulmunologist in the hospital and they sent me home on oxygen 24/7.
Then I had to go see a Pulmunologist here in Madison. I had been tested for sleep apnea....did not have, for arterial blood gases....which were a little abnormal.....then they tested me with a machine all night long to test and record all of my oxygen levels all night long and they found that I had many epsidoes of oxygen level below 70...which is not good at all.
This is a quote from a book I have read:
Due to the nature of the fight or flight response many cases of panic disorder may be linked with the limbic system and be initiated by those biological factors that could be biological, reinterpreted emotionally as a threat to survival, such as hypoxia(lack of oxygen).
You probably recognize this as the classic 'flight or fight' response that human beings experience when we are in a situation of danger. But during a panic attack, these symptoms seem to rise from out of nowhere. They occur in seemingly harmless situations--they can even happen while you are asleep.
For years I have had Panic Attacks in the night usually around 5 am.....I used to say to my husband....."How fair is it that I have to wake up in order to pass out"....I was such a restless sleeper that he said I was like sleeping with a whirling dervish. BUT now that I sleep with oxygen on all night.....I sleep like a panic attacks which is wonderful.
So thanks for the concerns....but they don't know what to do with me, except perhaps make me wear oxygen 24/7 which I won't do. When I am up moving around I am okay, if I sit too long [ I put my oxygen on when I am on the computer]...I run into problems.
I guess it is all buried deep in my brain in the "limbic system"...they just don't know enough about what is happening yet, I would love to be in a study about this, but can't find any going on.
I take Paxil only because it helps.....they are not sure why....but it does. My neurologist says there is no cure for it.....So here I am....and I am sorry I bothered you all with it, I was just still shaky the next day and I guess feeling a little sorry for myself.
Love ya' all.
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
Love you,
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
Take it easy on yourself. If the Paxil and the oxygen help, then use them.

Love, M
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"