Monday, Monday - I trust that day - What's New Revue

Connie D.
on 11/16/09 12:04 am sad for you co-workers family...I will be saying prayers for them that they can find peace and understanding.

Hugs...connie d
Connie D.
on 11/16/09 12:20 am
Good morning George and everyone...

All is okay with me...lots to do with my job today so I am just doing a quick check in.

Many prayers to those in need...and so many are needed here right now.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d
George T.
on 11/16/09 3:36 am - Grand Prairie, TX
We appreciate a quick drop in just to let us know all is good.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Eileen Briesch
on 11/16/09 1:11 am - Evansville, IN
Hi George and my OFF family:

Brrr, it was cold in here this morning. I didn't want to get out of bed. I keep it kinda cool anyway, preferring to save on energy and cuddle under the flannel sheets, but then I don't want to get up. So Scooter and Nettie and I just snuggled til nearly 10 a.m. I slept so well last nigh****ched the end of the football game between the Colts and the Patriots ... great game ... looked like it was going to be a blow-out but then the Colts came back and won it 35-34 right at the end. Very exciting.

Sorry about your coworker, George. Who can know what goes on in the mind of someone who commits suicide. At one low point in my life a few years ago, right before I decided to have surgery, I considered ramming my car into an enbankment to end it all. But, with all the bad luck I was having, I figured I'd probably just end up a parapalegic instead and that would be worse ... so there I was in the car, crying and driving and deciding to keep living, and deciding I was going to have WLS instead. That was my life-affirming moment. I went on to have my psych eval and really learned I was nutso, then went on for counseling and learned I had an hysterical personality ... overly emotional ... well, duh, I sure knew that! I do know that suicide really affects the families so much ... my former ceramics teacher's son commited suicide when he was 17 or 18 ... she still talks about finding him in his car (he gassed himself) and how hard that was ... then the Catholic church wouldn't bury him in the cemetery, so they switched churches, ... took her a long time to get over that and to find her faith again. It's sad.

I'm going to my brother Ed's in Northbrook, Ill., for Thanksgiving. I haven't been to a family Thanksgiving for five or six years ... I've worked every Thanksgiving those years to make extra money. Now they don't give you the double time anymore so it's really not worth it. However, now that I work in sports, I was told I either have to work Thanksgiving or Christmas ... not as many people, I guess. On the udesk (the news desk), there were more people, so there were enough to ask for volunteers ... and when they were offering double time, there were plenty of people who would volunteer. Not anymore. Oh well ... I'm not going anywhere for Christmas ... my family gets together the Sunday before Christmas anyway.

And because my brother and sister-in-law make dinner, I don't have to make anything, although I may bring something ... don't know what yet. It will be nice to see my family ... well, except my sister, who's always so crabby. Hopefully it's not snowing ... that's always a problem in November/December in Chicago.

Well, I'm off for the day and no big plans. Still doing laundry. Washing the sheets I brought to Gary's ... he uses some very fragrant detergent and even though I brought my own sheets, I can still smell the detergent on my sheets ...phew! Very florally! No wonder my allergies were kicking up over there. It's all over my clothes from being covered in the blankets.

Margo, hope you can make a deal for the house ... I know it's probably not what you want. Housing market still stinks and the buyers know it, that's why the bid is so low. I know the woman who bought the condo just like mine paid $98,000 and I bought mine for $110,000, so I'll probably not be able to sell mine for as much as I bought mine for when I try to sell. Plus, they know you're desperate to sell, too.

Well, I should get off the computer or go check my e-mail. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




George T.
on 11/16/09 3:40 am - Grand Prairie, TX
Did you see Elvis Andrus was runner up for Rookie of the Year?  A lot of people down here are ticked, but bottom line is, Bailey had a heck of a year.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Eileen Briesch
on 11/16/09 5:06 am - Evansville, IN
I was surprised Gordon Beckham was so far down as fifth ... geez, he was The Sporting News Rookie of the Year and some players' choice (can't remember the award). I know Bailey had a good year, but I guess I'll never understand the voting.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 11/16/09 3:22 am - Sayville, NY
I'm sorry to hear about your co-worker.  I pray that his wife and family will be ok.

Things are pretty good here with me.  I cleaned the house.  I did the laundry and now I am playing on my computer.  What more could I ask for?

Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

George T.
on 11/16/09 3:39 am - Grand Prairie, TX
I could send you my address.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 11/16/09 7:56 am - Sayville, NY
Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

on 11/16/09 3:47 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi George and all my OFF friends,
George, that is so sad.  I've seen way too much useless deaths in my time.  It just makes me sick.  I heard a commercial on the way to work today touting how their store makes buying a gun easy.  I believe in responsible gun ownership for hunting or target practice, but this place made it sound like buying a soda.  What are they thinking?
My Uncle on my Mom's side passed away on Sat.  He did the best Daffy Duck voice when we were kids.  Kind man. Led a full life.  Will miss him.  I know it's hard on Mom because he is the first of her seven siblings to go.  Mom is the oldest (82) and took a lot of care of her younger brothers and sisters.
I'm already working on Valentine's Day, can you believe it?  I chair a dance with a live band that makes $5,000+ for the boy scouts to go to camp and on special trips.  I just found out that the man who does our signs has had a falling out with the troop.  I'm going to give him a call anyway and pretend like I know nothing -  which I don't know the specifics anyway.  I hate conflict. But I want to get our existing signs back from him.  He has always been nice and I to him, so maybe we can work past it.  Did I mention I hate conflict? 
I never go out on Black Friday, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to this year.  I buy a flat screen HDTV for the door prize for the dance and they are advertising such good deals for that day.  I was able to get a 20" for less than $200 last year.
I ordered all my grandkids presents on-line through Amazon so shipping is free.
I did a mile on the treadmill at lunch today.  I've been lazy and not exercising and it shows.
My Red Hat group is going to see the show "Sister's Christmas Catechism:  The Mystery of the Magi's gold" on Dec. 13.  It is supposed to be a comedy about a nun (who treats you like her class) examining the nativity.  There are local choirs involved, Christmas music and merriment.
I'm so excited I will get to see my Grandkids next week.  I can't wait!
So many sorrows and health issues for everyone.  Please know I follow your posts and think of you and wish you peace and good health very soon.

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