Monday, Monday - I trust that day - What's New Revue
Geroge sorry to hear about your co worker. What a shock. I hope he wasn't drunk or high and did it. It would be a shame to have him impaired and not make a rational decision. I feel bad for his wife too. Will send my prayres.
Everyone sounds like they are doing well. I stopped taking the meds the doctor gave me and feel a little better. I am now sure it was the meds and not the flu.
So Thanksgiving is around the corner. We are just staying home and I am doing the dinner. My son and daugther and his girlfriend. In-laws going to other sons house and my dad going to my brothers. It is ok, it is quiet and nice to spend special time with the kids. They are looking forward to Turkey and stuffing.
Well everyone sounds like they are busy doing things. Today I am just going to rest maybe do a little laundry. I still don't feel that great.
Hope everyone has a fine day. It is cloudy here and in the 50's. No sun... BoooHoo
Take care everyone
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

morning george and OFF family....well i almost posted on sunday thinking wow!! its so early and look at all the posts!!! LOL glad i looked again to see if it was today...LOL
george sorry to read about yor co-worker!!! prayers to the family...yeah the weather here is also weird....warm last few days and now its chilly once again...turkey day is just around the corner and i al so looking forward to it!!! have fun and also a safe trip!!!
carla...OMG woman you sure do travel alot!!! ;-) hope you hear about the job soon!!
margo had to LOL at you about my GRRRRRRRR LOL where abouts in michigan are you moving to? sorry about the offer on your house...but remember how bad the economy is and the houses not being where they should be....sad isn't it? good luck on getting closer to what you want for it!!
jacki...i am so sad about your mom and hubby...keeping them in my thoughts and prayers...and you take care of YOU through all this!!!
terri g...WOOHOOO your date is almost here for your WLS!!! hang on its a wild ride!!!! and don't forget to pack your chapstick!!!
grammylew you are amazing!!!
jo w so sorry about your mom passing and how you are feeling....i know its hard and it takes time to get past the sadness of losing a loved one.
mary g glad to hear you are feeling better.
laureen happy about your daughter!! had to LOL at you and dillinger!!! glad he can get in bed now...i know how hard it was for my dogs to get in bed when they were older....
eileen i know where you are coming from with your work place...been there done that...wish there was another type of job you could do....
well i talked to my mom over the weekend and she said she would let me know wednesday if she would be coming here to visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please keep your fingers crossed for me that she says YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we so want her to come visit us for a few days!!!! also talked to my sister and she still hasn't heard about the 2nd opinion on her kidney transplant. she does sound better though!!! also talked to my older brother and he is doing better but his knee is hurting him now....needs a knee replacement i am younger brother didn't answer his phone when i called i am thinking he didn't want to talk to me after i was telling him on his answering machine that ohio state was going to the rose bowl!!! LOL and also that ohio state plays michigan the 21st...GO OHIO STATE!!!!!! LOL we have always had a rivalry between us with michigan state and michigan and now its ohio state and michigan....LOL
as for my job right now they are wondering what i am smiling about all the i keep telling you all here....SMILE...MAKES PEOPLE WONDER WHAT YOU'VE BEEN UP works!!!!! they ARE wondering what i am up to!!!!! LOL i am hoping and praying i get to go to michigan and pick up my mom and bring her back here for a few days and she will have thanksgiving dinner with us and see where we live and all the stuff around here that we do....;-)
got most of my Christmas shopping done already. still looking for good sales and some i find after i bought but them i take it back and see if they will adjust the price for the sale far they do it for me.
have the furniture all moved into place for the big tree to go up. might do that while mom is here IF she comes...will do hers after i take her back home if she wants me to. see i alsready think she IS coming...LOL positive thinking here...:-)
still waiting to hear about the tv in for sure stinks not having it here in the bedroom!!! LOL connie...i KNOW there are other things to do in bedroom besides watch tv!!!!! ;-)
got my secret pal gift in mail saturday and my pal should get it anytime now. hope they like what i sent!!!
well time to shower and get ready for work...more SMILES so they can't figure me out....LOL
thinking of each and every one of you....hugs and prayers to anyone that needs them!!! and SMILE....;-)
I am sooo sorry to hear about your co-workers suicide and I can only imagine what his poor family is going through right now. Suicide is truly a desparate act and I know that from the prespective of someone who once really considered it as an option, it was at a time when I felt totally hopeless, I was looking for a way to do it that would look like an accident, as my only reservations were that I did not want my children to feel abandoned (they were young then). I believe God interceded in the form of a friend who brought me into 12 Step Recovery where I began to hope that somehow my life might get better, which while it took lots of work, it has, so even at my low points over the last 22+ years I've never wanted to revisit ending my own life, but what I am saying is I can understand how someone might feel hopeless and desparate enough to think of it as an option. . .
The weather yesterday was beautiful and so the rest of yesterday was spent productively in the form of raking leaves, sweeping pine needles and doing all manner of outdoor activities with Dillinger sitting on the front porch watching and barking when someone walked by (lol). . .Also managed some cooking and by 8:30 I was exhausted and so I went to bed, oh and the $75 stairs I bought for Dillinger yesteday, he did not want to use them, but I thought he wouldn't because they were not wide enough, so back they will go and I will probably have to build something for him. . . used the same method as the night before to get him up on the new bed and then watched a little television and shut it off by 10 and went to sleep. . .
Up early today to drop Dillinger off to have the growth on his front paw removed, I'll be happy when I get the call he is out of surgery, I am very nervous about this latest round of surgery, but it was unavoidable, so hopefully I will get the call shortly that he did fine and that I should pick him up by 4:30.
Well I hope you all have a good day, am sorry for those of you suffering with tough situations and I wish you the strength to get through them.
Sending you hugs and good wishes, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Vet called gave me a good report on how things went, tumor removed and Dillinger is recovering and I can pick him up at 8 p.m. this evening. Thanks Connie for your support, I know the love and prayers that have been said have been a part of what keeps him going.

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland