It's Sunday here in SWNJ, What's New?
Good Morning All,
I have been up buying Xmas presents for the dear grands and so I thought since I'm up, I'd start the Sunday thread.
Had a busy day, Tony came down. . . my furniture delivery came and I now have a queensize sofa sleeper and my "old" full bed has been moved to the front bedroom (spare) and my new queensize bed is huge, I kid you not when I say I need to buy one of those step stools to climb into it (lol), but I love it. It's the first time I ever bought a bed of my own, the full mattress set I did purchase 7 years ago, but a bed, never, always had what was given me before and this one, well I do love it and think I'll go try it out for the night now. Oh and tomorrow I have to go about finding steps for Dillinger, because there is no way for him to get into this new bed. . . :(
Oh and I wanted to share that my daughter Angela found out Friday that she was accepted into the Bachelors program for Nursing, she graduates with her associates RN next month, but now in 18 months she will have her Bachelor's degree as well! I'm a proud momma this morning!
Well I'm off to sleep in my new bed. . . nighty night, I'll look forward into peeking into what's going on in your lives tomorrow when I return from my early morning AA meeting.
Nighty, night!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Can't sleep so I thought maybe I'd get to start the thread but you beat me to it. I got to buy my very first bed set (that is, the headboard, dresser and nightstand, new, when I moved into the condo) seven years ago, along with my sofa, living room tables and entertainment center. I had put the bedroom set on layaway because I ran out of money, then my two college roommates, Roxane and Debbie, chipped in some money to help me with the rest (I still had to fini**** off, though). I always had used furniture before ... I moved so often and had such poorly paying jobs that I couldn't afford good furniture ... well, I may be back to that again (I hope not soon!).
I'm not sure why I can't sleep ... didn't have any caffeine after 3 p.m. ... maybe it was the shot of espresso I had in my coffee from the Starbucks on the tollway (they just had the Pikes Place Roast and I like something a little bolder). Anyway, I'm wired. I thought I was sleepy... I was nodding off while I was reading ("Brothers" about Bobby and John Kennedy ... it's heavy reading but interesting). But for some reason I just couldn't get to sleep. I was too warm, I was itchy ... Scooter was snuggled up next to me and wouldn't let go and just purring away. I know he missed me ... Nettie too. ZuZu is sweet (Gary's cat) in her own way, but Scooter and Nettie are so much different, so much more affectionate. I think maybe being home has brought back all the stresses again, so maybe that's why I'm not sleeping ... gee, I could psychoanalyze myself!
I have no big plans for the next two days, just laundry and catching up on my rest before going back to work. Work, yuck! I used to like work and now I'm dreading it.
Laureen, your new bed sounds heavenly. Enjoy your slumber.
It is nice as over the last 6 years, since buying my home, I have slowly made it my own through purchasing items that fit my tastes and replacing what had been given to me over the years, or that was my Mom's. My one exception has been my Mom's bedroom set, which she purchased new in 1967 for $2500 and it was a contemporary set which never really dates and it is good solid furniture, so I've been happy to have it and this bed I bought matches as closely as anything I've seen, which is why I bought it. I will be a bit house poor for the next year, but I can sleep comfortably in the meantime. . . lol
Oh, funny story about the bed and Dillinger. Now I climbed into the bed and Dillinger wanted in, no way can he make it into the bed without steps or something, he circled and I went in search of something to help him climb up, found a shelf unit in the basement, put it accross two foot rests from the living room, he climbed up, but because it was narrow, he was not comfortable, so he laid down on it (lol), that wasn't working, I got back in bed and he whined and whined and I tried different ways to get him up, finally, I opened the drawers under the bed, put the plank of wood on them, a little throw rug to give him traction and climbed up myself to give him the idea, well it worked and with a little help from me, he got in the bed and we slept very well (lol), this morning I took a couple of pictures, because he looked like King for a Day lying in the bed and today is dear Dillinger's 13th Birthday! Getting him off the bed was yet another story, but it finally happened, I have to now shop for doggy stairs. . . didn't I say I was broke? lol
Have a great day!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Hope you find some doggy stairs ... or maybe you have some handy person who can build you some. They're not hard to make. I tried to get my handyman to make me some, and he took measurements but he's so busy he never got back to me on them.
Hello, family!
Wow,'re so wise starting already..I couldnt get over seeing Christmas stuff out in the stores the day after Holloween! Congrats on the new bed..doesnt it feel so good to have something that is truly YOUR choice!?! And congratulations also on your wonderful daughter's success in being accepted! You SHOULD be very proud and she should be proud of herself too. *s*
I spent Saturday doing errands, visiting Mother…I took her a week of reading materials, some homemade Dutch honey cake which she loves and I washed her dishes, cleaned her bathroom, picked up, took her outside for some sunshine in her wheelchair and showed her a beautiful tree out front called a "Service Berry tree" was filled with red berries and all kinds of beautiful song birds perched there in the sun…such glorious colours…..the red berries…the red male cardinals..the orangey-olive females..cedar waxwings… took my breath away.
Sadly, Mother didn’t seem to appreciate the sight like I did…..seems I can't get her to be enthusiastic about anything. I left there to do errands and looked for bone china tea cups and saucers at a thrift store….seems I might as well buy them NEW.
I went into M&Ms frozen food store to buy some sirloin burgers and came out with four bags costing me $135.00. I know I’m one of those "food hoarders"…comes from my childhood days and always hearing how scarce food was, from my parents. But I did buy stuff that was on sale and the guys DO eat it all. I just feel the need to keep my freezers full.
Sunday, we will go at 11am to my BIL's, Dick, place for his birthday. John has five siblings...A Dutch custom… do ALL the work on your birthday…..or, if you're lucky to be the male, your wife does it. Everyone comes to YOUR house on your birthday…you serve coffee/tea and cake…then out comes the booze and the nibblies… and cold…..platters of veggies, fruit, cheeses, crackers, dips, then meatballs in sauces, mini-wieners in blankets, all kinds of hot and cold hors d’oeuvres (my specialties)….the party usually last til about 4-5 pm. Then a late supper of soup and nibblies so it’s an easy day for me.
Eileen, welcome back home! I can well imagine your *****cats being so happy that you are back...nothing like your own bed too *s* but I'm sure that your borther truly appreciated that you were there for him!
Well, I'm signing off for now..
Nancy B
My dear Ange (youngest of my 3, at age 32) is somewhat proud of herself, but also afraid somewhat of her success, she has self esteem issues at times, but I am grateful that, in part, because of my longterm sobriety, she has taken a lot of what I taught her through my actions and applied it in her life, matter of fact when she has time, she goes to CODA meetings, which is a 12 Step program for Co-Dependents and began as a movement back in the 80s due to Melody Beaty's Co-Depedent No More book, anyway, she is very good at recognizing and trying to fight off those feelings and I, of course, do all I can to cheer her on from the sidelines, I am blessed to have a wonderful relationship with both my daughters, however, I miss them being 1000 miles away and hope that Angela will come north when she finishes with her schooling, which is a possibility, as she told me she is not adverse to it and actually does like it up here. At present time, she has no b/f, so she just may and that would be wonderful!
Hope you enjoy your busy day!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Morning Off
Haven't decided if its a good morning yet as its too early and I have been awake since 4. I hate it when I only sleep a couple hrs! I sure it bothers everyone though not just me~~
I am struggling accepting moms death. I know it was her time, that she is at peace and I believe I will see her again. Its just a normal period of grief I know. Still hard to deal with. I did nothing yesterday just laid around and read and kinda dozed some. my angel had the kids out to the Thanksgiving at the zoo thing they have every year this time. Our little ones chose bananas and a cabbage for the animals! Oh what a fun day they had!
Quiet day today I think. Church and I think I want to sign my smaller charge up for preschool. I think she might be ready and she is so jealous of the older one going and doing projects she gets to bring home! The preschool is at our church, they understand the deal with our little ones and they do take 3 yr olds if the classes aren't full so I think we will try for a week and see. I will probably have to volunteer to be able to get her to stay but that's ok if she enjoys it!
Off to put my chicken in to roast and try to sleep for another hr before the kids get up.
Prayers going up for all the friends here
have a great day everyone.