Hi Janet and my OFF family:
I'm home! I've been home from north of Milwaukee (Hartford, WI, where my brother Gary lives) since about 3 p.m. but I was so hungry I had to order a pizza ... just craving pizza ...probably because Gary had leftover pizza last night and I was smelling it when I heated it up last night. I didn't want his, though ... it was a stuffed pizza with pepperoni and other meats, and pepperoni doesn't agree with me. I was good and had a Lean Cuisine and a salad. I actually ate fairly sensibly while I was there ... I made him buy me some food so I didn't eat out. He doesn't have much in the way of salads or other foods I would eat.
Anyway ... I left probably about 9 a.m. Central time and didn't make many stops ... so I was pretty sore by the time I got home. I wanted to stop and have lunch or breakfast, but every place I wanted to go to eat was too crowded, so I passed it by, and then by the time I was hungry enough, I didn't feel like stopping. So I just grabbed coffee and snacked on peanuts in the car (which I had brought with me) ... so I saved a lot of money. Gary had given me $20 ($5 he owed me for the prescription I picked, $15 he told me to use on lunch), so I used it for the pizza ... I only had two pieces, of course. Stopped at the Starbucks in Portage, waved to Brenda ... I knew she was still not feeling very well, so I didn't call.
Gary was feeling a little better, still in some pain, but the Percocet was helping. He's just drowsy from the pain pills. I took out his recyclables to the trash and put some cat food up on the counter so he doesn't have to bend down too much or go out to the trash can in the back. And considering the AeroBed seemed to be leaking last night again, I'm surprised my back isn't feeling too bad today.
I'm rather tired and glad to be home ... kitties missed me and now are sleeping in my empty suitcase ... I'm sure it smells of Gary's cat, ZuZu. Scooter really meowed at me when I got in. I gave them both lots of petting and some treats. I missed them a lot. My friend and cat sitter, Gayle, stopped by to give me the keys and we talked briefly ... but my pizza had arrived just moments before she did, so we didn't chat for long.
Well, I'm really glad to be home and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. I missed my condo and my kitties and Hudsonville ... didn't miss work, though. Glad I didn't have to miss y'all.
I'm home! I've been home from north of Milwaukee (Hartford, WI, where my brother Gary lives) since about 3 p.m. but I was so hungry I had to order a pizza ... just craving pizza ...probably because Gary had leftover pizza last night and I was smelling it when I heated it up last night. I didn't want his, though ... it was a stuffed pizza with pepperoni and other meats, and pepperoni doesn't agree with me. I was good and had a Lean Cuisine and a salad. I actually ate fairly sensibly while I was there ... I made him buy me some food so I didn't eat out. He doesn't have much in the way of salads or other foods I would eat.
Anyway ... I left probably about 9 a.m. Central time and didn't make many stops ... so I was pretty sore by the time I got home. I wanted to stop and have lunch or breakfast, but every place I wanted to go to eat was too crowded, so I passed it by, and then by the time I was hungry enough, I didn't feel like stopping. So I just grabbed coffee and snacked on peanuts in the car (which I had brought with me) ... so I saved a lot of money. Gary had given me $20 ($5 he owed me for the prescription I picked, $15 he told me to use on lunch), so I used it for the pizza ... I only had two pieces, of course. Stopped at the Starbucks in Portage, waved to Brenda ... I knew she was still not feeling very well, so I didn't call.
Gary was feeling a little better, still in some pain, but the Percocet was helping. He's just drowsy from the pain pills. I took out his recyclables to the trash and put some cat food up on the counter so he doesn't have to bend down too much or go out to the trash can in the back. And considering the AeroBed seemed to be leaking last night again, I'm surprised my back isn't feeling too bad today.
I'm rather tired and glad to be home ... kitties missed me and now are sleeping in my empty suitcase ... I'm sure it smells of Gary's cat, ZuZu. Scooter really meowed at me when I got in. I gave them both lots of petting and some treats. I missed them a lot. My friend and cat sitter, Gayle, stopped by to give me the keys and we talked briefly ... but my pizza had arrived just moments before she did, so we didn't chat for long.
Well, I'm really glad to be home and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. I missed my condo and my kitties and Hudsonville ... didn't miss work, though. Glad I didn't have to miss y'all.