saw the doctor
Oh Nettie,
Sciatica is not fun, it's one of those things that comes out of nowhere, and leaves when it choses to and I think I'm having a bout of it too. Not to mention this rainy weather seems to be making me ache where I never had aches before, hoping the new bed that arrives tomorrow will help some. . .
Hope you had a good night's rest.
Sending you hugs and positive thoughts, Laureen
Sciatica is not fun, it's one of those things that comes out of nowhere, and leaves when it choses to and I think I'm having a bout of it too. Not to mention this rainy weather seems to be making me ache where I never had aches before, hoping the new bed that arrives tomorrow will help some. . .
Hope you had a good night's rest.
Sending you hugs and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Annette honey, I feel so sorry for you. I know what it is like. I have chronic sciatica.
There are times when I have had it sooo bad that I threw up every time I moved. I could not keep anything down, which made my diabetes go haywire....with blood sugars of 300 to 500.....which astonished my husband as he said how can that be when I know personally she can't even keep a pill down.
He had to take me to the Urgent Care clinic everyday for almost a week for a shot of morphine and 2000 liters of fluids. He got real upset with the nurses because they couldn't get a needle into me and it took 4 people trying and that did it for him....he said "Get someone in here that knows what the hell they are doing"......I said "Oh honey it is not their fault, I am so dehydrated it is really hard."
It flared up again with both of my knees using the machine to exercise....Thank God for my takes him almost a week to get me straightened out again.
Don't worry it will get better and now you will know when you have to get to the Chiropractor right away....
That is the, ice and the doc.
Love, Marti
There are times when I have had it sooo bad that I threw up every time I moved. I could not keep anything down, which made my diabetes go haywire....with blood sugars of 300 to 500.....which astonished my husband as he said how can that be when I know personally she can't even keep a pill down.
He had to take me to the Urgent Care clinic everyday for almost a week for a shot of morphine and 2000 liters of fluids. He got real upset with the nurses because they couldn't get a needle into me and it took 4 people trying and that did it for him....he said "Get someone in here that knows what the hell they are doing"......I said "Oh honey it is not their fault, I am so dehydrated it is really hard."
It flared up again with both of my knees using the machine to exercise....Thank God for my takes him almost a week to get me straightened out again.
Don't worry it will get better and now you will know when you have to get to the Chiropractor right away....
That is the, ice and the doc.
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"