it's Thursday-what's new ??????????

Laureen S.
on 11/11/09 11:11 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Prayers for you to get through whatever is weighing on your mind with a minimum of distress.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/11/09 10:32 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Good morning Margo and OFF family,

It's a beautiful day and sending every one who needs hugs and prayers to you!

Work is busy, we are starting our Tree of Love fund raising campaign for uninsured women to help with mammograms, it's a great cause and I'm passionate about it...but I'm a passionate kind of gal!!

I'm getting so excited about my upcoming cruise. I know we won't be doing big trips after this one, just sticking to camping and I love camping...but this cruise is our belated honeymoon gift to us.

My wonderful hubby is just going to town on our new remodeled kitchen, he can do anything! Hummer is the love of my life. I am blessed.

Going to spin class after work today. These spin classes have toned up my butt and thighs big time!

I'm drinking some Atkins Advantage Milk Chocolate Delight Shake, 15 gms of protein only 1 g. sugar, 160 calories and only 1 net carb! I don't usually like protein shakes but this one I like!
Connie D.
on 11/11/09 11:20 pm
Debbie...could you please clone your hubby and send him to about a brother???  Hahahahaha!!!

Hugs...connie d
on 11/11/09 11:36 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Actually this is funny....I just fixed up my BIL with my spin's a love match!!
If this doesn't work out Connie, your next!!!

Bob has a beautiful home half way between Mackinac City and Cheboygan so you would have to love water, riding in boats, scuba diving. Actually Bob was the one to fix me up with his little brother....who's my was a love match too!!
Connie D.
on 11/12/09 4:11 am
He sounds perfect!!!!!!

Thanks sweetie....connie d
Pat R.
on 11/12/09 6:43 am - Sturgis, MI
Is there an "older" single brother, my age?????


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 11/12/09 9:06 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Hi Pat, nope Bob is the oldest brother BUT....I have some wonderful older volunteer's I work with!
Laureen S.
on 11/11/09 11:19 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Margo & OFFr Friends!

Yet another grey, gloomy day here and there seems to be no relief in view, makes me wanna stay under the covers, but unfortunately there is the bills to be paid and no one is giving me greenbacks for staying between the covers, so here I sit at my work desk, stealing time to read about you and say a quick hello.

My day is about work, my evening will be spent with a friend helping to move a few items in preparation of the furniture being delivered on Saturday, then off to an AA meeting, exciting now isn't it?  lol

Well friends, wish you all a good day and whatever challenges this day poses, I wish you the strength to get through them and if it's good things coming at you, enjoy them!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Eileen Briesch
on 11/11/09 11:32 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Margo and my OFF family:

It's very chilly here north of Milwaukee today ... or at least it seems so to me. I wish I had brought my warmer nightshirt (I have three levels ... a short-sleeve one, a longer-sleeve fleece nightshirt that's knee-length, and then two floor length loungers, one that's a sherpa-fleecy one that's very warm ... my favorite for winter). Anyway, wish I had brought the fleece one at least because I'm cold. I bumped up the heat in Gary's apartment (he doesn't pay heat) but I'm still cold.

He's still in the hospital but in a regular room. He started having pain yesterday afternoon; however, he's very stoic, like my dad. When the nurse asked him his pain level, he said a 5 ... when my pain is bad, it's usually a 8-10 (he said it was up to a 10 summer 2008 when this problem started). I think it's because whatever painkiller's they give during surgery wore off finally. This is a very nice hospital; when you want your meal, you just pick up the phone and order and it's there 45 minutes later. Even the guest room service meal is very reasonable.

But I didn't have my lunch with him yesterday; I went out to Culver's and had chili and then went roadtripping to Cedarburg, Wis., a very cute little historic town with lots of charming shops about a half hour away that has a winery ... yes, Janet, I can find a winery just about anywhere. Actually, Gary told me about this winery; he and his friend Bruce's sister and brother-in-law met there a couple of weeks ago ... Bruce had bought Gary a KitchenAid mixer (he had miles to trade in from his American Airlines card, I think, and he's obviously not going to use them, so he bought Gary a mixer because Gary has been wanting one ... me too, but Gary's his closest friend). Anyway, so they met up in Cedarburg at the winery and took the tour, tasted wine, had lunch and Gary got his mixer. The winery was very nice; I bought three bottles, two of this red spiced wine that was wonderful ... you can heat it up and it's supposed to be really good for the holidays (it wasn't heated when I tasted it ... you can also mix it for sangria in the summer) and then a syrah ... of course it was their most expensive bottle but still only $15. Nothing was higher than $15. Then I browsed a few shops, but you had to climb a lot of stairs, and they were old stairs that were very steep, so I stopped at the first bunch of shops and then came back down. Saw a cute pottery shop ... Annette, I thought of you, they had a black cat with a sign that said "Black cats, bad luck," but with a slash through it. I had to chuckle. And a few other cat things I liked but didn't buy. The wine was enough ... I count that in my groceries. Since I only drink two or three glasses a week, it lasts for a long time, unless I have guests.

After that, I went back to West Bend and cruised this one strip mall ... needed sunglasses again because mine broke again. This makes about six that I've either broken or lost this year. So I went into a Dollar Tree store and bought three pair of sunglasses for $1 each. Nice ones, too ... but if I lose or break them, I won't cry. Treated myself to an ice cream (one scoop) at this little shop called the Chocolate Factory ... it was a big one scoop, though. Turtle ice cream ... yummy! Don't have ice cream often. Then I went back to the hospital, thinking Gary might be discharged, but his doctor called and said he wanted to keep him in there one more night. So we talked for awhile and then I came home, fed ZuZu and settled down for the night. ZuZu napped on the AeroBed while I propped my feet on the footstool and two pillows, had dinner, napped and watched TV. Such a thrilling vacation I'm having ... actually, the winery was nice.

Gary might be coming home today. I'm still in my jammie, so I should call him and see how he's doing. He got a call from Bruce at the hospital, which was nice, but still hasn't got a call from his son. He joked he was going to call his son and get on him like my mom ... "Are you dead in a ditch somewhere?" My mom called me last night here and asked about Gary and I gave her an update; I told her she could call him on his cellphone, but she said that was all right. She doesn't hear well, so I'm sure that's why she didn't want to call him (and she doesn't want to admit she doesn't hear well).

Well, I've rambled on long enough. Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts about Gary. I told him you were all thinking of him ... he's appreciative, even though he doesn't know any of you (although he has talked to Carla after my first knee surgery). I think we all connect to each other so well that we know each other's families.

Gary just called ... he's going to be released from the hospital and I have to pick him up about noon. He's kinda groggy ... I guess the pain is starting to get to him and he's taking a few more painkillers than he was expecting. Well, I told him it was major surgery and he is going to be exhausted for awhile.

Anyway, I gotta go pay some bills. Talk to you later.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 11/12/09 10:07 am - Elyria, OH the wine an Ipecras????// that is my absolute fave!!!!!!!!warm or cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ummmmmm

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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