it's Thursday-what's new ??????????
That is so kind of you to take in rescue animals. My bird club often sends out e-mails looking for homes, etc., for birds. Obi (the Grey) is the first large bird I've owned. I'm very comfortable with her now. She'll be 2 in December. With the three birds, I just can't imagine the time for another - lol - although the blue and golds are just beautiful. Kudos to you and your hubby for opening up your home like that.
Do you FaceBook? I have a video of Obi chattering away on my FB if you'd like to friend me and take a look. Debra Spine Lewandowski is my name. She's in there saying "Happy Halloween" now - lol - the kitchen light is still on since I'm waiting for the coffee to finish. She'll say "go back to sleep" "nightie nights" after I turn the light out. I love my birds as I'm sure you love yours! Aren't they fun?
That is so kind of you to take in rescue animals. My bird club often sends out e-mails looking for homes, etc., for birds. Obi (the Grey) is the first large bird I've owned. I'm very comfortable with her now. She'll be 2 in December. With the three birds, I just can't imagine the time for another - lol - although the blue and golds are just beautiful. Kudos to you and your hubby for opening up your home like that.
Do you FaceBook? I have a video of Obi chattering away on my FB if you'd like to friend me and take a look. Debra Spine Lewandowski is my name. She's in there saying "Happy Halloween" now - lol - the kitchen light is still on since I'm waiting for the coffee to finish. She'll say "go back to sleep" "nightie nights" after I turn the light out. I love my birds as I'm sure you love yours! Aren't they fun?
debbie...i would love to see your obi but it has to wait til next week--she sounds precious!
when michael was actively rescuing he did rehab and training and etc before he placed birds...i'll tell you more later.....
when michael was actively rescuing he did rehab and training and etc before he placed birds...i'll tell you more later.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Morning Off
First thing, Prayers still going up from this house for all those who are having health problems or any kind of difficulty. I do believe in prayer and in the One I pray to.
Busy here! this house isn't big enough for 7 kids!! I absolutely refuse to admit that maybe I am getting to old for this!!!! Between getting the little ones to the shrink appts and such and trying to keep up with the teens goings ons wow!!!!!! Its no wonder 85 yr old gramma gets tired! These kids do take real good care of gramma though. they do most everything around their house.
Today My angel Mary is available for a few hrs. God BLESS OUR MARY!
I am meeting with the job consultant and once again trying to find a job. I like the lady's enthusiasm for her job and she has such a pleasant personality. I do get irritated though when she cant hear me say I need a near full time job. I need to start adding to our retirement or we will be sitting in those rocking chairs we don't own on a nonexistent front porch instead of traveling and enjoying retirement! She figures if she helps me get a 5 hr a week job at min wage so she can get her paycheck its ok, Not so ok with me!!!
Gotta go drop off my babies at angels place and head for my argument, ah I mean meeting with Job consultant Becky.
\Have a great day everyone
First thing, Prayers still going up from this house for all those who are having health problems or any kind of difficulty. I do believe in prayer and in the One I pray to.
Busy here! this house isn't big enough for 7 kids!! I absolutely refuse to admit that maybe I am getting to old for this!!!! Between getting the little ones to the shrink appts and such and trying to keep up with the teens goings ons wow!!!!!! Its no wonder 85 yr old gramma gets tired! These kids do take real good care of gramma though. they do most everything around their house.
Today My angel Mary is available for a few hrs. God BLESS OUR MARY!
I am meeting with the job consultant and once again trying to find a job. I like the lady's enthusiasm for her job and she has such a pleasant personality. I do get irritated though when she cant hear me say I need a near full time job. I need to start adding to our retirement or we will be sitting in those rocking chairs we don't own on a nonexistent front porch instead of traveling and enjoying retirement! She figures if she helps me get a 5 hr a week job at min wage so she can get her paycheck its ok, Not so ok with me!!!
Gotta go drop off my babies at angels place and head for my argument, ah I mean meeting with Job consultant Becky.
\Have a great day everyone
This back thingy is no better. It's like the olden days when I couldn't even tie my own shoes or pick something off the floor.
I know my daughters will have a fit but I'm going to the doctor today. They complain that I go to the doctor for every little ache and pain so I usually wait or don't go.
This time I won't share the information with them. The pain is so bad that I am sick to my stomach.
Talk about whining --- I did a lot today. Sorry.
I know my daughters will have a fit but I'm going to the doctor today. They complain that I go to the doctor for every little ache and pain so I usually wait or don't go.
This time I won't share the information with them. The pain is so bad that I am sick to my stomach.
Talk about whining --- I did a lot today. Sorry.
Hi Everyone!
Well nothing new here. Going to deliver some avon products and straighten up. It has been quiet at home. Did a lot of reading last night. Hubby watched the cavs game. I forgot SVU was on and I am p***** I missed it. Oh well it is one of my favorite programs.
Dog seems to not be breathing as heavy. The doc game him three medicines, believe it ot not one was lasic.
Just prayes for those who need them and I am going to do laundry. With four adults living in this house. I do alot. My washer seems to go everyday.
Take care everyone.
Mary G
Well nothing new here. Going to deliver some avon products and straighten up. It has been quiet at home. Did a lot of reading last night. Hubby watched the cavs game. I forgot SVU was on and I am p***** I missed it. Oh well it is one of my favorite programs.
Dog seems to not be breathing as heavy. The doc game him three medicines, believe it ot not one was lasic.
Just prayes for those who need them and I am going to do laundry. With four adults living in this house. I do alot. My washer seems to go everyday.
Take care everyone.
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Mary....oh darn...I missed SVU last night too...I forgot about it until you just mentioned it. My days are all mixed up!
Hope your dog gets to feeling better after taking the meds the vet gave him. His breathing is less heavy so that is a good sign.
Laundry...ugh...that is why I have a cleaning fairy. But then I live alone and don't have all that much laundry each week.
Have a good day...hugs....connie d
Hope your dog gets to feeling better after taking the meds the vet gave him. His breathing is less heavy so that is a good sign.
Laundry...ugh...that is why I have a cleaning fairy. But then I live alone and don't have all that much laundry each week.
Have a good day...hugs....connie d
HI Connie,
Thanks for writing. I know I am going to miss it from now on and don't have a dvr. Bummer.
I am hoping the dog gets better too.
Thanks again
Thanks for writing. I know I am going to miss it from now on and don't have a dvr. Bummer.
I am hoping the dog gets better too.
Thanks again
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Hi Jan
I went to the website but couldn't find Wed nights show. I think I am looking in the wrong place. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the site it is really cool
I went to the website but couldn't find Wed nights show. I think I am looking in the wrong place. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the site it is really cool
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.