What's New Tuesday Revue
Thanks! Id like that!! We get to Benzonia several times each summer and TC at least one weekend a year. I love that area for vacation.
I thought about contacting Jan when we went though that area in Sept but she was in the middle of moving and I didn't think she needed any interruptions!!
Owosso is about 20 M W of flint. JO
Hi everyone, It was a crazy week last week. I went to Florida for a convention. It was fun. It was 80 - 85 degrees. This week I am catching up on paper work. George, sorry to hear about your wife having Parkinsons. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago. It can be a pain to deal with. Have a great week everyone. Mona
Veteran Bandster 2002
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
morning margo and OFF...
i have been missing for a few days and i see nobody cared....haha :-(
i am very upset...why??? well i put in for my vacation the week of thanksgiving and was told i can take the days requested but i will NOT get my vacation pay!!! said there are no vacations in november....well i know a couple people that are on vacation right now and they are getting their vacation pay!!!! then last night HR comes to me and says i can have sat, sun, mon and tues off....ummmm NO!!!!! i want to go back to michigan to see my family and my friends!!!!!!! i want to be with my family ON thanksgiving!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!?????????????? WHAT DON"T THEY UNDERSTAND?????????????????? they know my family isn't doing so well and yet they pull this on me!!!!!!! there are plenty of new cashiers so whats the problem of letting one of them that does work the food court work for me??? i just do not understand at all!!!! they know i am upset. i will take the time off even without pay and i was told i COULD take the days off i requested without pay!!!! sorry for rambling on and on but had to get it off my chest here ya know...i like my job and i am happy i have it...but i AM entitled to vacation WITH pay!!! and right now i NEED to get away from there and regroup...its only thanksgiving week i am asking off not like it was Christmas and new years both.....sighs
talked to my sister sunday afternoon and she is NOT eligible for a kidney transplant...they told her she has to many things wrong with her and they feel she wouldn't survive it. she is looking for a 2nd opinion. first one was at U of M and now she is going to henry ford see what they say. my brother is doing better since his stroke so that is good!! mom is still in alot of pain with her back even after the last back treatment she had. she wants to come here but then says no....my younger brother is doing well so no worry over him. but i feel that time is of the essence to get back to see my family while they are still doing somewhat better.
weather here is nice!!! just hate the thought of winter coming!!! still have alot of leaves on the trees yet but getting barrer and barrer thats for sure!!!!
got my car back last night from the body shop...looks good!!! they even did a few dents for free!!!! i am sooo glad i found this place!!! they are so nice and they go the extra mile for you!!!! was worth the wait to get my car back!!! :-)
my tv will be repaired tomorrow between 11 and 2. so that pretty much messes up my whole day off....oh well i can get some things done while i wait for them to get here.
well i went on long enough and i am sure most of you skipped over my post anyhow....so anyhow i wish you all the best in your problems with your goings on in your lives.
Sorry to hear your sister isn't eligible for a kidney transplant. I am glad she is getting a second opinion. Prayers going up for your sister, mom and brother.
And YES you were missed!!!!!
Hugs...connie d
thanks connie....i AM going to take the time off no matter what!! i need to re-group and get my head on straight once again...i am just so fed up with people being such slobs!!! its time for a break trust me!!!!
hopefully my sister will have better news on the second opinion...but i don't see it happening...i am so afraid for her...she has been through so much since she had this dam cancer!!!!!!! just isn't fair at all!!!
thanks for missing me!!! and for the prayers too!!! (((connie)))
hugs back
I read every word of your post and how we feel is not always facts, seems you are feeling like no one cares and that my dear Judy just is not the case. . .
re the job situation, I can relate on many of the feelings it conjures up about things being good for one and different for the other, but, like you, I enjoy the feeling of getting paid and being able to stay ahead of the bill collectors. . . glad your car got fixed and you found someplace that goes the distance. . .
Hugs, Laureen

PS, Got distracted as I am at work, meant to say too, that I hope things work out for your sister, mom and brother, prayers and positive thoughts being sent. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
thanks laureen!!!! you hit the nail on the head!!! yeah i do feel like nobody cares....sad isn't it??
at work there are so many people that hate me because of the old woman that doesn't do things the "right" way and i told on her....hey its my job....i have to report wrong doings dealing with how food is handled etc....would you want to eat food that was dropped on the floor and put up for sale??? not me!!! would you want to eat food handled with bare hands?????? after she was cleaning????? would you want to eat food that gloved hands were same gloves that were used to clean and then handle food??? not me!!!!!!!!!!! see i need to get away and re-group!!! so many people are in a clique like many other places....sad isn't it??
thanks for the prayers laureen....(((laureen)))