What's New Tuesday Revue

Connie D.
on 11/9/09 10:14 pm
George....my prayers go out for you and Mary. I am sorry to hear Mary has Parkinson's. God Bless her!!

Glad to know Macon is doing okay too.

Hugs....connie d
on 11/9/09 9:02 pm - Galveston, TX
Good Morning, Margo and OFF!

Quick fly by to say GOOD MORNING!!!!!

Headed out the door with my hi-protein lunch and snacks.  Don't forget the water and vits!!!

Hugs and Prayers to all who need 'em!!!

back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel

“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne

OH Support Group Leader



on 11/9/09 9:13 pm - Interlochen, MI
Well, I'm going to be real diligent on taking my vitamins today.  I never seem to get in all my calcium and I know that's really important.
I'm home for the next five days and then back downstate for three again.  Then I'll be here until the baby is born.
I did pretty well when I was gone for 10 days.  Lost another 5 pounds.  I'll have to go to goodwill and get a size 12 if I keep this up!  That will be awesome.
Good thoughts and prayers going out to all in need.  Swinging the chicken for Margo.

Does anyone know how long soy milk stays good after opened?  I opened a carton just before I went downstate 10 days ago and I'm a little afraid to try it.  The packaging says good until 2-2010.  I don't know if it goes sour like regular milk or not.  Any insight?

Thanks, Jan
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

annette R.
on 11/9/09 9:33 pm - ithaca, NY
If it's not one thing  it is another. My back went bonkers as I reached in the fridge. It hurts to sit, stand, walk, lay down, breathe, you get the picture. About 3 AM I got up and searched for some pain meds. All they did was make me nauseous. 

I am getting out of the house today. No sense in trying to do any housework. Might as well go shopping.  

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 11/9/09 10:15 pm
Annette....hugs sweetie!!!

Love ya....connie d
(deactivated member)
on 11/10/09 5:39 am - Somewhere IN, TX


I always heard, "if it's not one thing, it's your mother". 

But I have to agree, when you can't sit, stand, lay down, or breathe, the only thing to do is shop.


Eileen Briesch
on 11/10/09 5:56 am - Evansville, IN
I feel for ya ... my knee, of course, has really hurt after driving for six hours and sleeping on the aerobed instead of my bed. ZuZu is trying to offer comfort (that, and vicodin).

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 11/9/09 9:41 pm - Bradenton, FL
Oh my go**** is Tuesday already. I am feeling better now so the day go on.
I had to be at Lilys house at 0530 this morning to play mom. I got her dressed and gave her breakfast and took her to Starbucks then to School. I just got back and is 0830.
The Hurricane I think got downgraded to a tropical storm. The sun is trying to popout and it is around 77 and windy. Maybe rain today.
I am gearing up to starting my job sometime next week.
Margo good luck on the information about selling your house.
George my sister has full blown Parkinsons and it is affecting her brain. Prayers are with you.
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Jo W.
on 11/9/09 9:47 pm - Owosso, MI
Morning Off  friends.  
First thing is prayers still going up for all those who need them,  Never met any one  but still pray daily.   Yes I do believe in prayers and in the One I pray to,
I have a house full of kids.  7 to be exact,  My two little charges plus the 5 teens we get sometimes  when gramma is in the hospital,  Seems like all I have done since Sunday is cook!!!
Is there a way to fill up teenagers?  I sure haven't found it yet.  All delightful kids though.  Gramma has done a wonderful job with these kids.
Also have 2 feral baby kitties in one of my bathrooms,  Mama got hit on the road and I couldn't stand the thought of the babies starving so we got out the live trap and caught the little beasties and I am not sure we can tame them down!     We can gently pet them but they are so terrified.
Oh well If I have to have the vet put them down  at least they wont grow up feral to produce more feral kittens out under our  woodshed.   Have too many feral cats around here now.

 Its still hard  waking up Monday morning and not planning when this week I can get up to see mom.  I know it will get better.
Busy day here with shrink sessions for both my little ones and probably to the grocery store.  I have old mother Hubbard cupboards with the kids here!

have a great day everyone
Nancy H.
on 11/11/09 9:16 am - Traverse City, MI
Hey Jo, not sure where Owosso is, but we live just southeast of Traverse City. If you ever make it up his way, let us know. Maybe I can be your first OH meet!!
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