Monday! Monday! What's Happening with YOU?
Wow, I'm glad you asked the blood type, that could have been a major problem if they had given you that blood.
Glad your swelling has gone down. My right leg is still swollen, almost a year after surgery. I have my yearly checkup in January. Either he is going to do something (I don't want any more surgery) or I am going to see someone about this leg swelling ... my PCP says I have leaky veins; my friend Mary Kay, who has so many heart problems, says I should see a vascular or heart doctor. Any one else with suggestions? My leg hurts so much tonight ... my brother can't believe how badly I'm walking.
Glad your swelling has gone down. My right leg is still swollen, almost a year after surgery. I have my yearly checkup in January. Either he is going to do something (I don't want any more surgery) or I am going to see someone about this leg swelling ... my PCP says I have leaky veins; my friend Mary Kay, who has so many heart problems, says I should see a vascular or heart doctor. Any one else with suggestions? My leg hurts so much tonight ... my brother can't believe how badly I'm walking.
Good morning Nancy and fellow OFFers. I too have a sister who holds every misdeed or imagined misdeed against my mother. And, my mother does the same with her. I am glad that I am able to have a good relationship with the both of them. My mother is a healthy 75 yr old woman so I don't yet relate with the rest. I send you prayers and kind thoughts. In fact hugs and prayers go out to all in need.
Now for my weekend;
Our second (we only have 2 kids) came home from University this weekend for a visit. The last time he came home, I was away with a friend on a shopping weekend. He had told his father that home didn't feel like home any more. I figured it was just because most of his good stuff was with him in the dorm. His room was more like a guest room than his room. Well, this weekend I was home. He told me that was what made the difference. It felt like home again. That made me feel really good. Sometimes it is hard to be a mom when the kids are not kids. I felt lost at first. I know that they still need me but it is just so different. I think I am finding my nitch now. But, it was a nice visit and it was good for all.
Today is just a regular work day. 0630 to 1530. Happy to have a job but not too happy that I have to go to it. lol Tonight is bunko night with some friends. That makes for a early morning tomorrow. Have a good day!
Now for my weekend;
Our second (we only have 2 kids) came home from University this weekend for a visit. The last time he came home, I was away with a friend on a shopping weekend. He had told his father that home didn't feel like home any more. I figured it was just because most of his good stuff was with him in the dorm. His room was more like a guest room than his room. Well, this weekend I was home. He told me that was what made the difference. It felt like home again. That made me feel really good. Sometimes it is hard to be a mom when the kids are not kids. I felt lost at first. I know that they still need me but it is just so different. I think I am finding my nitch now. But, it was a nice visit and it was good for all.
Today is just a regular work day. 0630 to 1530. Happy to have a job but not too happy that I have to go to it. lol Tonight is bunko night with some friends. That makes for a early morning tomorrow. Have a good day!
Finally had a chance to read your post in it's entirety and just want to say how special it is to read your post, the love you give your Mom is special and it is sad when someone can hold grudges that make no real sense, as the grudge keeping hurts the keeper more than they ever know. . . my own mother made lots of "mistakes" along the way and I had a long list of what I could have held against her, but thankfully I am not built that way, as I watched what anger and grudge keeping can do to someone, since my Mom seemed to be so good at it and I really believe it was part of what shortened her life. While there was a short time where I put my Mom off for her behavior to me as an adult, one of my blessings was that a few months before my Mom passed, she told me how sorry she was for all that she had done and explained why she felt she needed to be so hard on me and while I did not need it, I knew she needed to say it and so I was able to accept her apology and let her know how much I loved her and understood that she had done the very best she could. I think we were both afforded a great gift in that moment and she passed two months later. . .I've made my share of mistakes, what parent doesn't, and hope that my children will love me in old age, the way you love your Mom!
Anyway, hope you keep you sense of humor in getting the paperwork for Mom straightened out and that you have a great day!
A great big hug, Laureen
Finally had a chance to read your post in it's entirety and just want to say how special it is to read your post, the love you give your Mom is special and it is sad when someone can hold grudges that make no real sense, as the grudge keeping hurts the keeper more than they ever know. . . my own mother made lots of "mistakes" along the way and I had a long list of what I could have held against her, but thankfully I am not built that way, as I watched what anger and grudge keeping can do to someone, since my Mom seemed to be so good at it and I really believe it was part of what shortened her life. While there was a short time where I put my Mom off for her behavior to me as an adult, one of my blessings was that a few months before my Mom passed, she told me how sorry she was for all that she had done and explained why she felt she needed to be so hard on me and while I did not need it, I knew she needed to say it and so I was able to accept her apology and let her know how much I loved her and understood that she had done the very best she could. I think we were both afforded a great gift in that moment and she passed two months later. . .I've made my share of mistakes, what parent doesn't, and hope that my children will love me in old age, the way you love your Mom!
Anyway, hope you keep you sense of humor in getting the paperwork for Mom straightened out and that you have a great day!
A great big hug, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good morning to you, Nancy and my OFFer's. Here it is Monday and the beginning of yet another least we woke up on this side of the that is a good thing. We have yet another chance to do something good in this old world.
Nancy, I know what you are talking about with your Mom. It can be so terribly frustrating and depressing. I have a sister (she is my only sibling) that didn't do anything for Mom while I took care of her. I had with Bill and I for a lot of years and as she developed Alzheimer's she became more of job to take care of. I had to put her in a nursing home and that was so hard to do. I was the only one that would make the decisions for her health care and such. My sister is one that has in her mind things that happened to her as a child and when I tell her that I don't remember that she tells me that I was to young to remember it. Then one day she said how she hated tomatoes in her food and how Mom liked them and put them in and made her eat them. I told her that I don't know how that could happen because Mom didn't like tomatoes in her food. Then she made some other excuse for it happening and I know that she didn't put tomatoes in the food she made. But at Mom's funeral she was the grieving daughter...yes the one that came to the nursing home about 5 (at the most) times in the 3 years that she was in there. We have to do what we have to do to make ourselves feel right. I know what you are saying about learning a lot about your Mom..I feel the same way and by the time that she passed away I could say that she and I were good friends. I never thought that would happen. But I am so glad that it did. I am just sorry for the other times that I missed because of myself.
I am not planning on doing much again today. I am feeling a bit better but the cough is still there and really bad. By the time I get through the coughing jag my chest hurts so bad I can hardly stand it. I am achy legs and my neck are the worst ones that ache. I guess the aching stays for a while. Bill is feeling a bit better today. And he starting to look like normal again. You can always tell when he is isn't feeling good...his face gets deep lines in it and then when he is feeling better then disappear. His lines aren't near as bad now.
I am sending love and hugs to you all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a wonderful day spread the joy.
Nancy, I know what you are talking about with your Mom. It can be so terribly frustrating and depressing. I have a sister (she is my only sibling) that didn't do anything for Mom while I took care of her. I had with Bill and I for a lot of years and as she developed Alzheimer's she became more of job to take care of. I had to put her in a nursing home and that was so hard to do. I was the only one that would make the decisions for her health care and such. My sister is one that has in her mind things that happened to her as a child and when I tell her that I don't remember that she tells me that I was to young to remember it. Then one day she said how she hated tomatoes in her food and how Mom liked them and put them in and made her eat them. I told her that I don't know how that could happen because Mom didn't like tomatoes in her food. Then she made some other excuse for it happening and I know that she didn't put tomatoes in the food she made. But at Mom's funeral she was the grieving daughter...yes the one that came to the nursing home about 5 (at the most) times in the 3 years that she was in there. We have to do what we have to do to make ourselves feel right. I know what you are saying about learning a lot about your Mom..I feel the same way and by the time that she passed away I could say that she and I were good friends. I never thought that would happen. But I am so glad that it did. I am just sorry for the other times that I missed because of myself.
I am not planning on doing much again today. I am feeling a bit better but the cough is still there and really bad. By the time I get through the coughing jag my chest hurts so bad I can hardly stand it. I am achy legs and my neck are the worst ones that ache. I guess the aching stays for a while. Bill is feeling a bit better today. And he starting to look like normal again. You can always tell when he is isn't feeling good...his face gets deep lines in it and then when he is feeling better then disappear. His lines aren't near as bad now.
I am sending love and hugs to you all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a wonderful day spread the joy.
Hi Nancy and all my OFF friends,
Nancy I know where you are coming from. We moved in with my father-in-law because he had dimentia and was too confused to take care of himself. He always knew who we were but he would wander. He fell one morning outside and the paper guy found him and banged on our door. He was alright but couldn't get up. The whole side of his face was black and blue. My husband cried as he installed bolts on the doors so he couldn't get out. He could no longer figure out the microwave or the VCR. We had to hide his meds and dole them out to him because he would over-medicate himself because he forgot he already took them. His sense of time was totally screwed up. He would come in our room at 3:00 a.m., turn on the light and say "are you going to sleep all day?" At the end he just had no interest in eating. He was such a sweet man it was so sad to watch him deteriorate until he passed two years later at 84. God bless you for all you're doing for your Mom.
I won a raffle prize at the fundraiser for the women's learning center. It is a gift certificate to the local Christmas tree farm. It is enough to get a tree but I can also use it in their craft barn or for wreaths and such. Nice.
I didn't get the Christmas lights up on the front hedges like I thought I would. I did get a lot of things done inside the house to clean for Thanksgiving. I need to go on-line and order some presents for the grandkids. My daughter-in-law emailed me a list.
I sent off a card to my nephew at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. I want to try to send him a card at least once every two weeks. They can't receive any care packages until after they are done with boot camp which won't be until after Christmas. I think I'll slip a phone card into the next card so at least he can call home for free.
My Tiger Cubs (1st graders) get their first badge tonight and we have a special ceremony planned to present it to them. Older scouts will do the ceremony for them. We are going to try and simulate a campfire indoors. It should be special if everything works out right.
Not too much else going on this week.
Hugs and good wishes to all,
Nancy I know where you are coming from. We moved in with my father-in-law because he had dimentia and was too confused to take care of himself. He always knew who we were but he would wander. He fell one morning outside and the paper guy found him and banged on our door. He was alright but couldn't get up. The whole side of his face was black and blue. My husband cried as he installed bolts on the doors so he couldn't get out. He could no longer figure out the microwave or the VCR. We had to hide his meds and dole them out to him because he would over-medicate himself because he forgot he already took them. His sense of time was totally screwed up. He would come in our room at 3:00 a.m., turn on the light and say "are you going to sleep all day?" At the end he just had no interest in eating. He was such a sweet man it was so sad to watch him deteriorate until he passed two years later at 84. God bless you for all you're doing for your Mom.
I won a raffle prize at the fundraiser for the women's learning center. It is a gift certificate to the local Christmas tree farm. It is enough to get a tree but I can also use it in their craft barn or for wreaths and such. Nice.
I didn't get the Christmas lights up on the front hedges like I thought I would. I did get a lot of things done inside the house to clean for Thanksgiving. I need to go on-line and order some presents for the grandkids. My daughter-in-law emailed me a list.
I sent off a card to my nephew at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. I want to try to send him a card at least once every two weeks. They can't receive any care packages until after they are done with boot camp which won't be until after Christmas. I think I'll slip a phone card into the next card so at least he can call home for free.
My Tiger Cubs (1st graders) get their first badge tonight and we have a special ceremony planned to present it to them. Older scouts will do the ceremony for them. We are going to try and simulate a campfire indoors. It should be special if everything works out right.
Not too much else going on this week.
Hugs and good wishes to all,
Good morning Nancy and everyone....
I did enjoy my time with my daughter and grandchildren this weekend.. I love them so much!!!
Did you ever have that feeling that you are alone even though you are in a crowd? That is how I feel no matter where I am or what I am doing. I feel like I am just looking in. It is just me and my depression. This is an ongoing stuggle right now and I don't like it!
So many of you need extra love, hugs and know you can count on me!!
I wish you all a good day!!!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
I did enjoy my time with my daughter and grandchildren this weekend.. I love them so much!!!
Did you ever have that feeling that you are alone even though you are in a crowd? That is how I feel no matter where I am or what I am doing. I feel like I am just looking in. It is just me and my depression. This is an ongoing stuggle right now and I don't like it!
So many of you need extra love, hugs and know you can count on me!!
I wish you all a good day!!!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
I am a fairly out going person and I guess no one would guess it but I feel that way a lot. I have been living here for 4 yrs now and still have not made good friends. I have a few friends and we get a long well but no one like back home. We don't entertain unless it is family because we don't have mutual friends yet. He knows people and I know people but not very well. Things are just weird. It leaves me feeling like I am sitting on the side lines of life. I am not depressed so that must just make it all worse. I could use a good friend and you could use some one up beat. Shame we dont live closer. Major hugs coming your way. Use some and share the rest!
I am a fairly out going person and I guess no one would guess it but I feel that way a lot. I have been living here for 4 yrs now and still have not made good friends. I have a few friends and we get a long well but no one like back home. We don't entertain unless it is family because we don't have mutual friends yet. He knows people and I know people but not very well. Things are just weird. It leaves me feeling like I am sitting on the side lines of life. I am not depressed so that must just make it all worse. I could use a good friend and you could use some one up beat. Shame we dont live closer. Major hugs coming your way. Use some and share the rest!
I know how you feel, as I felt that way a good portion of my life and having moved to a place where I had no real connections, other than my son and his wife (her family), I went through a very rough period for the first 3 years I lived in NJ. Now through my AA meetings and WLS, I have met and connected with many people, which is nice, but there are many times, most especially when the topics of different associations or places they are familiar with comes up, that I feel that looking in feeling, sometimes to the point I want to just withdraw from my social circles, but thankfully, I've learned to talk my way through (in my head) and realize that feelings are not facts and it is only natural that I would feel left out at those times. But as I said, I've also had them even where I spent most of the first 48 years of my life, so I think it's probably something about our human natures. One of the things I've learned about the disease of addiction is it is a "dis ease" within ourselves and mostly a social "dis ease", which is why I believe it becomes so isolating, easier to not have to deal with it.
Anyway, sending hugs your way and seasonal affective disorder comes to mind as well, seems a good many people I know are having issues surrounding the recent time change and season change. . .
Hugs, Laureen
I know how you feel, as I felt that way a good portion of my life and having moved to a place where I had no real connections, other than my son and his wife (her family), I went through a very rough period for the first 3 years I lived in NJ. Now through my AA meetings and WLS, I have met and connected with many people, which is nice, but there are many times, most especially when the topics of different associations or places they are familiar with comes up, that I feel that looking in feeling, sometimes to the point I want to just withdraw from my social circles, but thankfully, I've learned to talk my way through (in my head) and realize that feelings are not facts and it is only natural that I would feel left out at those times. But as I said, I've also had them even where I spent most of the first 48 years of my life, so I think it's probably something about our human natures. One of the things I've learned about the disease of addiction is it is a "dis ease" within ourselves and mostly a social "dis ease", which is why I believe it becomes so isolating, easier to not have to deal with it.
Anyway, sending hugs your way and seasonal affective disorder comes to mind as well, seems a good many people I know are having issues surrounding the recent time change and season change. . .
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Thank you Laureen....I have a really awesome mental health team...I will get thru this... it just slow going for now.
I grew up in this town ..although I did live in other states for parts of my life. I know so many people. I have many friends...lots of support. I just feel blank right now. Like I said....even in a crowd!!
This has been such a hard and long year for so many reasons....I was bound to crash sooner or later.
Thanks for caring...hugs....connie d
I grew up in this town ..although I did live in other states for parts of my life. I know so many people. I have many friends...lots of support. I just feel blank right now. Like I said....even in a crowd!!
This has been such a hard and long year for so many reasons....I was bound to crash sooner or later.
Thanks for caring...hugs....connie d