Monday! Monday! What's Happening with YOU?
I always had the shopping addiction ... how do you think I got into bankruptcy? Even now, I have to watch myself ... it's why I'm still in therapy. Whenever I get too down, or stressed out, I either turn to food or shopping ... I like to spend money. I have not figured out a different way to express this other than to scream and cry, and I've had my meltdowns at work lately, and I know that's not good and not putting me high on the list of my boss, either (probably what got me sent to sports Siberia, for one). I've done not too bad lately on the shopping addiction, as far as not buying clothes or jewelry or other nonessential stuff since June when the pay cut went into effect ... but I still slip up occasionally. I do spend a little too much on food sometimes, like you, I shop the circulars and stockpile (you should see all the black beans, chili beans and tomatoes and tomato sauce and paste I have!). It is good to have a stockpile.
I always had the shopping addiction ... how do you think I got into bankruptcy? Even now, I have to watch myself ... it's why I'm still in therapy. Whenever I get too down, or stressed out, I either turn to food or shopping ... I like to spend money. I have not figured out a different way to express this other than to scream and cry, and I've had my meltdowns at work lately, and I know that's not good and not putting me high on the list of my boss, either (probably what got me sent to sports Siberia, for one). I've done not too bad lately on the shopping addiction, as far as not buying clothes or jewelry or other nonessential stuff since June when the pay cut went into effect ... but I still slip up occasionally. I do spend a little too much on food sometimes, like you, I shop the circulars and stockpile (you should see all the black beans, chili beans and tomatoes and tomato sauce and paste I have!). It is good to have a stockpile.
Hi Nancy and everyone else,
Sorry to hear about your problems and Margo. My prayers go out to you.
Saturday I spent some time outside it was a beautiful day and the other part on the computer reading.
I had to make a late order to my avon and it will cost me shipping and handling. I don't have very many customers yet. So I am upset about that! My fault though I just forgot to place an order. Too many things on my mind! But I want the customer to get it in time.
I am taking my oldest dog to the vet tomorrow. He is 16 and has stopped eating and breathing oddly. He is breathing very fast and it seems labored. I don't know, I hope it is not time to put him down but he is old and lived a good life. I just feel sad.
Today the chimney sweeper comes to clean out my chimney. Have to get it done because we use a wood burner all the time during the winter. He charges 125. YIKES. Money I do not really have. It is always something.
I never shop at K-Mart here for food but yesterday we needed a few things other than food and only K-Mart carried them. We unload everything on the belt and the guy is having trouble with the scanner and pricing gun they use. It took us like 25 min for him to finally get everything working. THEN he over charged us an three items we found out when we got home. This has not been my best two days.
Well... enough said.... I have to get dressed yet and get ready for the chimney guy coming. We took out the wood burner, it is so heavy I don't know how we will get it back in. More stress.
Have a great day
Mary G
Sorry to hear about your problems and Margo. My prayers go out to you.
Saturday I spent some time outside it was a beautiful day and the other part on the computer reading.
I had to make a late order to my avon and it will cost me shipping and handling. I don't have very many customers yet. So I am upset about that! My fault though I just forgot to place an order. Too many things on my mind! But I want the customer to get it in time.
I am taking my oldest dog to the vet tomorrow. He is 16 and has stopped eating and breathing oddly. He is breathing very fast and it seems labored. I don't know, I hope it is not time to put him down but he is old and lived a good life. I just feel sad.
Today the chimney sweeper comes to clean out my chimney. Have to get it done because we use a wood burner all the time during the winter. He charges 125. YIKES. Money I do not really have. It is always something.
I never shop at K-Mart here for food but yesterday we needed a few things other than food and only K-Mart carried them. We unload everything on the belt and the guy is having trouble with the scanner and pricing gun they use. It took us like 25 min for him to finally get everything working. THEN he over charged us an three items we found out when we got home. This has not been my best two days.
Well... enough said.... I have to get dressed yet and get ready for the chimney guy coming. We took out the wood burner, it is so heavy I don't know how we will get it back in. More stress.
Have a great day
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Thanks Laureen... I need a hug...:)
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Sorry to hear about your dog ... I know it gets hard when a pet gets old and has breathing problems (I had a 19-year-old cat that started panting ... I knew he was pretty ill anyway, and when he was panting, it was time to let him go because cats don't usually pant).
I hope all went OK ... it's tough to let a furbaby go.
I hope all went OK ... it's tough to let a furbaby go.
Thanks Eileen,
We should know something by this afternnon. He is going to the vets.
Thanks again for your thoughts
We should know something by this afternnon. He is going to the vets.
Thanks again for your thoughts
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

lol whats going on with me, you ask???? well for sure not what all is going on with you....your life is way way to busy for me ..I would be totally lost....right now what is going on is re-hab...they just called while ago and said they would be here by 10 so i will take my pain pill before they arrive so i wont be hurting and can do all they want me to do. they were surprised how much weight i was bearing on the replaced knee....the swelling is going down. i weighed again this morning and have lost 6 of the 10 pounds i gained in the hospital. They gave me IV fluids and antibotics all the time i was in the hospital...and two units of blood too...when they went to hang it i ask the girl what does it say on that unit you are holding? she said type B whoa!!!!!!!!Nelly....look on my chart and see what it says my type is/// it is A+ isnt it? oh she grabbed that blood and almost ran from the room....soon she was back with the right blood for me and another person with her and both of them checked it twice with the chart , my bracelet and with me before hanging . sure glad i caught that when i did....that was just one of the mistakes they made and i caught them on...dont know what else they did that i didnt catch .....
Sheesh Jan, that is scary stuff about the blood type! Thank goodness you had the presence of mind to catch it, hope your therapy goes well and your are up and at 'em soon!
Hugs, Laureen
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland