Monday! Monday! What's Happening with YOU?

Nancy B
on 11/8/09 3:26 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hello, everyone!  Since I'm still up, I might as well start today's thread.

Well, I’ve been struggling with a number of things lately. A lot of stress….and being an emotional eater doesn’t help. But Im working hard to not allow my emotions rule my world.

I am finally able to let go of the anger I felt towards my natural sister too. I’d called her last week about Mother’s 90th birthday this month. I’ve planned a small Afternoon Tea for her and invited friends and relatives…..some are even coming from Quebec which is a long trip! And consider what the weather could be at the end of November. Well, I asked my sister of she was interested in attending, participating or helping me with baking…her flat response of NO! still it somehow shocked me. I guess it is her path to hang onto imagined and exaggerated offences from her childhood. She hasn’t seen Mother since Dad’s funeral fifteen years ago….hasn’t recognized our parents’ birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Fathers Day or any family-oriented holiday for over 30 years…so why was I so surprised? Silly me!

Mother and I have had our disagreements…..all about her careless and foolish enabling of my adopted younger sister who is now 50 but has been an alcoholic and coke addict since her 20s…she almost bankrupted Mother who so desperately wanted to FIX my sister and couldn’t despite all the money she spent. But I have become very protective of my Mother…..she is 90 and fading…..forgetting things and being bewildered…..unable to walk to the dining room for her meals so she was not eating. I called in CCAC (Community Care Access Centre) who decides who and when seniors are placed in an assisted living facility. After a lot of hard work, I FINALLY got them to put Mom on the CRISIS list…..apparently, not getting to your meals is NOT an item in the criteria!. So I became very vocal…Mom was fading fast….her wasted upper arm and thigh muscles couldn’t hold her up much she avoided going down to the dining room for her meals. Where she is now, everyone needs to be totally independent..she is no longer able to be so. Even Mom recognizes that she needs help and she agreed that its time to move.

So for the last full month, I have fought the system, visited facilities to make choices, I’m getting her a wheelchair that she needs in the new place so they can wheel her down to eat, I’ve managed to talk the manager where she is right now into delivering her 3 meals/day to her room tho it is against their policy, and I’ve got a personal care worker coming in twice a week to help Mom shower and to tidy up a bit. I’ve run from CCAC to the doctors…both of them…to get signatures and diagnosis…..ive returned to pick up the signed paperwork, I’ve taken them to CCAC in the other city, I’ve bargained with the current retirement managers to make concessions for Mother til she moves. I come in to see her daily to make sure she gets the right meds and I keep her weekly pill in my purse so she doesn’t get it mixed up with the daily pills or her kidneys will be destroyed. I wash her dishes and clean up her kitchenette since she doesn’t seem to be able to keep up with those small tasks and I clean her bathroom too and tidy up, picking up things she may trip over and fall. She is a very proud and independent woman and it’s hard to see her so frail and so unable to cope with simple living chores. I’m tired…so tired. But I do not resent my work for her…somehow I’m closer to her than ever before. She was never a warm, nurturing Mother but I am nurturing her now. As it happens, Mom’s HEALTH CARD is also due to expore this very same month! So Ive had to jump theu hoops for that too…going into the city to explain that she simply cannot be taken up there to apply and get a photo and fill out forms and wait in line for three hours. Finally they gave my an exemption form…..that form had to be taken, yup, you guessed it…..back to her doctors to get these different new forms filled out.. then back again several days later to pick them up again. Then back to the city to hand them in. Then I get asked for a copy of my Power of Attorney. They couldn’t ask for that so I could make it all in one trip? Apparently they love the sight of my smiling face! So back again I go! And now, Tuesday I have an appointment to go into the city had stand in line and take all kinds of paperwork in to prove Mother is who she is.

Bring a drivers licence, a passport or a birth certificate….lol… She never drove, nor left the country (no Passport) and was born in Quebec where births were recorded by the parish priest so all she has is a photocopy of a handwritten note from the parish records that she was baptized. Can we say FUN!??

So that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! s

What’s going on with YOU??

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Margo M.
on 11/8/09 6:38 pm - Elyria, OH sista...i'm chuckling here this morning...not AT you but WITH you about the idiocy of the different trips to the same doctors and the paperwork and etc!!! and i am pleased to see that you are feeling closer to your mother now...i know this has been a struggle for you-specially dealing with the adopted younger for the natural one-well- i have my own natural sibs-diff cir****tances of course but-defeating to you isn't it? stand tall- you ASKED her- it is her loss....your mother raised a wonderful daughter in you and you are a blessing to her as she is to you....however;  can sense your "tired" --and understand! here's a hug!---oh; as for your smiling face-those ppl see the frustration in you and they are playing a game! let's see how many hoops she'll go thru with that smile!!!!!

during some of michael's illnesses, i have been faced with similar cir****tances and it is heartbrealing...even now ; i see dementia creeping in and it frightens me...i am NOT ready...gosh i hate to even type that word-dementia- i dunno if he ever reads my posts- and i feel safe talking with all y'all here-but i still guard so much of what i DO say (believe it or not, much as i talk,  i don't tell all!!!). there are quite a few of us OFFers who have either older husbands with ailments or simply husbands (or spouses-can't forget geworge!)with ailments and we don't hear from them - i think of them often- 2 in particular come to mind and i know their burden is not light...

well-it's monday and i'm up-what more could anyone ask...oh yea- i'll get dressed before i go to work!

progress being made with the new bird- she is frightened of hands and sticks (perches) --so it's like starting at square one in training her to be sociable...she is eating well...she was in her own cage last nite and she was not happy to go inside! ah well....

we're trying to keep the house as neat as possible not knowing when the "second showing " will be- and praying for it soon!!! i'm trying so hard NOT to get my hopes up here folks...i so need this to be THE ONE!!!!!!

also waiting-impatiently-for the scheduling of michael's aneurism repair...i want to get moved.there -i said it.

well-need to pack lunch and get my arse moving...

sending hugs and prayers to you many of you don't post--i think ya probly still need these hugs and prayers....pass them on if you truly feel you don't!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Jan C.
on 11/8/09 10:43 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
keeping my fingers crossed about the cash buyer....heard anymore?
Is it easier to take birds to the islands rather than dogs or cats? was wondering why you are getting new birds if it is so hard to get your animals in ....teach then to holler ....feed me , pet me.then if they have to stay somewhere maybe they would get better attention lol

Hope Mikes surgery is soon. loving you Jan


Margo M.
on 11/9/09 10:48 am - Elyria, OH
jan...actually it IS easier to get teh birds to hawaii- simple vet visit - a paper to fill out and $5.00 plus airline is that rabies test and $165 etc

i have no clue why we got this new bird- she needed a new family-and the mom was desperate-hse had offers for over $1000 for her and hse GAVE her to us cuz she was so impressed with us! go figure!!!!!

no more about the house- my agent was out of town all day- hopefully tomorrow at least about a second showing????


I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Laureen S.
on 11/8/09 11:09 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

I pray and hope that your buyer comes through this time, as I know your life has been in a holding pattern now for some time.  Things happen for a reason, but when we're in the midst of it, not knowing the reason, it can be damn irksome!

Sending you hugs, wish I could give you a real one, I miss you!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Margo M.
on 11/9/09 10:50 am - Elyria, OH
i miss you too...and i feel the need for some good sit on the couch and gab time with my sistas!

this holding pattern -or limbo as i have called it--has been going on too long and so i am trying so hard to be patient-and not get my hopes up.....i want to be moved-NOW!

irksome, nervewracking, frustrating, hmmm...probly gazillion others!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Laureen S.
on 11/8/09 8:33 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Nancy, Margo & the rest of my dear OFF friends!

I'm doing a quick driveby before I head out to work, where I will pick up with what's going on with you all. . .  here's my recap and story for today . . .

I had a busy weekend, Barix (my support group) all day Saturday, food shopping on my way home from there, which while I was doing it, made me realize that I have a serious food shopping addiction, can anyone relate?  I shop the circulars for sale items and come away with lots of groceries, so other than what I need (yogurt, milk, eggs) I think I will go through what I already have in the house and stop perusing the circulars. . . after that I ate dinner and went to my AA meeting, home and bed.

Yesterday I did stuff around the house in preparation for furniture delivery next weekend and then went and bought a new mattress as one of the items I purchased was a nice queen size bed, hand-rubbed Australian Pine with cedar drawers underneath.  Came home cooked with my roommate, then was plum tired and went to bed. . .

Back to work, so much to do at home and very little time, this week is bowling tonight, tomorrow dinner with friends, Wednesday bringing a meeting into a rehab. . .  I have a wonderful, rich life, but need a break. . .  lol

Have a great day!  Hope that all facing challenging situations have the strength to get through it one day at a time!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/8/09 8:57 pm
Good morning Nancy, Margo, Laureen and OFF friends,

Laureen - LOL - Oh my gosh, can I relate to the shopping addiction.  I jokingly said to my daughter the other day that I hope I don't have a transfer addiction - lol - it's really not all that I'm making it out to be, but .....I try and get out each day to get some walking in and find myself walking through the dollar store, department store, and grocery store.  I pick up more from the grocery store than I need.  I get all excited about making new WLS friendly dishes and end up throwing most of it away because the recipes are too much.  I'm going to try and figure out a way to cut them back so it only makes enough for one or two meals.  I guess the term "food porn" fits my personality now - lol - let's just say I hope the birds are eating the leftovers I put out there yesterday when I cleaned the fridge out - lol

I hope every one has a marvelous Monday!



on 11/8/09 10:34 pm - Alexander, AR
Laureen, what a good topic you brought up!  I have a long history of food hoarding, going back all the way to childhood. My mom and grandmother would put me on a diet (as early as 7!) and I remember sneeking food and hiding it in my room.

When Gary and I got married he asked me what how I would define security(financial). Mind you, I was 26, so that's a factor, but my response was that I would be able to go to the grocery store and not worry about how much I was spending.

I still shop sales and keep the freezer and pantry well stocked, but at least now I don't feel badly about throwing away food left on my plate or left in the fridge for more than a couple of days. That, at least, is empowering to me!

On the run today. I'm finally going for a pedicure, first since before my trip to Dallas. Yikes!!!  Then, yes, to the grocery, and then home to have a full work day on SaintBella.

I'll check back in later. Hope you all have a wonderful day and that they are stress free and happy



Laureen S.
on 11/9/09 3:22 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Good to know I'm not alone, but being a family of one, I don't need to spend $80 every week (lol) and I don't have a problem throwing things away or sharing my food with my roommate or co-workers, it's just the overbuying part of things, I was never a food hoarder before, but now I'm always thinking about cooking up something, reading the supermarket sales circulars, anyway, other than milk, yogurt and produce, I'm going to steer clear of the food shopping for a little while, use up some of what I got. 

Funny thing is because I prepare food at home and bring all my food to eat during the week, I don't spend any money during the workweek, other than on gas for the car; and I just realized in the past I could always justify spending money on food, because we have to eat, but while I have some nice clothes items and have replenished my closets, I still will talk myself out of spending money on clothing before food. . .  interesting to think that I still have the mentality of food is ok. . . well I do have some furniture to pay off over the next year (lol). . .

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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