repeat hernia surgery again
(deactivated member)
on 11/7/09 10:51 am
on 11/7/09 10:51 am
I am reaching my last straw with this surgery. I had laperscopic surgery in 2000. The next year I developed a hernia at the naval site. It was sore so I had mesh placed. The doctor used mesh plugs which were recalled, mine migrated to the left lower abdomen. It was really painful when they were removed. I then had a mesh placed over the hole. that lasted for a year. I am a nurse and have to bend and hover over people in the home. Not the best position. so the stress of my job tore the mesh again. so I had it fixed again. this time the surgeon put a diagonal mesh in and the muscle was pushing out around it, this lead to a traumatic hernia at work 6 months later and I was on workman's comp which was the worst experience I have ever had. then I had my rny and for some reason the small bowel came up between the anterior part of the muscle and the mesh and I had emergency surgery to resection the bowel. the doctor used none dissolving sutures to repair the mesh he had to cut through which is why the area hurts still after 5 months. We think the muscle has split with the grain of the the sewed line and i will need surgery again. The bowel is moving out and got caught out for 5 hours the other day. that was very painful and I took a dose of oxycodone which did little to help. I just do not want surgery and I really was pushing the limits of time. Because of the mesh that is in place i can not feel it so I can not pu**** back in. this scared me, but it finally went back by it's self. I was really sore for 3 days but I really did not want to have surgery. I saw my surgeon and I have to have another cat scan next week the 8th in 12 months. They say it is not a lot of radiation like it used to be, but I wonder. I wish I could have an MRI instead. The doctor said he could easily fix the problem but it will take another surgery. And I know that I will have a lot of soreness everytime I get up for about 4 weeks. Of course I will not have such a large gut to pull down when I stand ( gravity sucks) so maybe it will be better I won't need a binder. the last time they had to put two large binders together to get around me. I wanted to die of embarrassment. I am just tired of this. I have lost my job and have unemployment, but I really want to get back to work. I will have to give up my unemployment for at least a week after surgery. This is not fair!!
I just had to vent. If you read this far thank you.
I just had to vent. If you read this far thank you.