The City Took Back Our Pensions in Error
Hi Everyone!
If you are y Facebook friends forgive me because you already saw this post on there...
I went grocery shopping today and my debit card was turned down. I was sooooo embarrassed! That should have been impossible because our New York City pensions went in on the 1st. Both my husband and I were teachers in New York for over 30 years. We found out today the City's bank made a huge error and took back all of the teachers' pensions. I have spent the day on the phone with my bank, their bank, the union, the Teacher's Retirement System of the Ciuty of New York. Well I still don't have my money. I am way overdrawn and more than angry! They promise that they will pay all of the bank fees etc. that we will be charged. It's Friday night and it still isn't fixed so it probably won't be fixed before Monday. I took some money out of savings to buy a few groceries and just for emergencies over the weekend. Even though they are saying that they are sorry it just doesn't make up for the mess or the stress that this has caused so many good people who worked their whole lives for the children of the City of New York.

I went grocery shopping today and my debit card was turned down. I was sooooo embarrassed! That should have been impossible because our New York City pensions went in on the 1st. Both my husband and I were teachers in New York for over 30 years. We found out today the City's bank made a huge error and took back all of the teachers' pensions. I have spent the day on the phone with my bank, their bank, the union, the Teacher's Retirement System of the Ciuty of New York. Well I still don't have my money. I am way overdrawn and more than angry! They promise that they will pay all of the bank fees etc. that we will be charged. It's Friday night and it still isn't fixed so it probably won't be fixed before Monday. I took some money out of savings to buy a few groceries and just for emergencies over the weekend. Even though they are saying that they are sorry it just doesn't make up for the mess or the stress that this has caused so many good people who worked their whole lives for the children of the City of New York.
(deactivated member)
on 11/6/09 10:00 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
on 11/6/09 10:00 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
WOW what a mess!
I worked for many, many years at the worlds largest credit card processor and mover of money. There was once a computer "boo-boo" which impacted hundreds of thousands of people. We had the problem identified and reversed within the day. I'm shocked that the bank couldn't do a mass reversal same day.
Not only should they pay you any fees you incurred they should pay out the interest lost (if you were earning interest on the account). Even if it's only a dollar for the couple of days I would push for it. Just imagine if all 64,000 people lost $1.00......anyhow, I guess it's more the principle of it rather than the actual dollar value.
Sure hope it gets straightened out for you and quickly!!!
I worked for many, many years at the worlds largest credit card processor and mover of money. There was once a computer "boo-boo" which impacted hundreds of thousands of people. We had the problem identified and reversed within the day. I'm shocked that the bank couldn't do a mass reversal same day.
Not only should they pay you any fees you incurred they should pay out the interest lost (if you were earning interest on the account). Even if it's only a dollar for the couple of days I would push for it. Just imagine if all 64,000 people lost $1.00......anyhow, I guess it's more the principle of it rather than the actual dollar value.
Sure hope it gets straightened out for you and quickly!!!
I'm sure that the union is going to push for some kind of damages for us. I would like to fire whoever is responsible. They should have been able to just reverse it. I would have thought if they took it out so easily they could have put it back just as easily. They are too busy deciding who to blame...
Thanks Connie! I know thst I won't have money before Monday and it had better be Monday and not later!
I had a great day today - A support group meeting this morning, out to lunch with girls from the group & then to a huge craft fair. Of course I couldn't spend much money but I bought beautiful hand painted candles to go on my dinner table with blue roses on them. This made me very happy... I had to cheer myself up!
Tonight I came home and made a roast chicken, stewed tomatoes and rice for Steve & me for dinner. All told I had a great day!
I had a great day today - A support group meeting this morning, out to lunch with girls from the group & then to a huge craft fair. Of course I couldn't spend much money but I bought beautiful hand painted candles to go on my dinner table with blue roses on them. This made me very happy... I had to cheer myself up!
Tonight I came home and made a roast chicken, stewed tomatoes and rice for Steve & me for dinner. All told I had a great day!