Hi I am home
Hi, just wanted to let you all know I am home!! Gave me good drugs & orders for a soft diet & call my PCP if needed. The other gramma has the girls until Tuesday. We will go the GR that afternoon,stay one night & bring them home on Wed. afternoon. No school Thurs. & Fri. They will get picked up on Sunday.
WE aren't going to Florida this month either. Sorry Carla, but I am glad we are staying home. When we got home today I saw the finished yard. All I can say is wow! Now that they are done with the trees it looks really different. Not good or bad, just different!
Thank you all for your support, you are a wonderful group.
WE aren't going to Florida this month either. Sorry Carla, but I am glad we are staying home. When we got home today I saw the finished yard. All I can say is wow! Now that they are done with the trees it looks really different. Not good or bad, just different!
Thank you all for your support, you are a wonderful group.
before i knew you were in hospiatl i had joked that the only way i'd see you next weekend was if you showed up at my mom's to help me unpack!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Oh Nan,
You take care of yourself. I am glad you are out of the hospital. I was wondering what happened.
I am feeling a little better today, I did go out to shop for a bit today. I wanted to get my hair cut but chickened out while sitting looking at the way the girl was cutting hair.
Dont worry about comming to Florida, I understand and it will be here when you do decide to come.
You take care of yourself. I am glad you are out of the hospital. I was wondering what happened.
I am feeling a little better today, I did go out to shop for a bit today. I wanted to get my hair cut but chickened out while sitting looking at the way the girl was cutting hair.
Dont worry about comming to Florida, I understand and it will be here when you do decide to come.