Just a couple of thoughts.........
Dear Marti:
I am also in the process of fighting regain and have been VERY fortunate to have been referred by my WLS surgeon to a special Medical Clinic out of town that specializes in WLS people who are struggling.
Trust me..I DO understand all too well. I agree with you that being accountable helps alot..I have to drive to this clinic 3 times a week, an hour each way IF I dont hit the rush traffic headed to and from Toronto. I'm directionally-challenged and being a drab lil country mouse, I dread driving there alone but I will.
Ive been weighed, measured, and challenged..still tests to come include metabolism, stress-rate, echo-cardiogram, endless blood work and more...filled out dozens of sheets of info..already doing nutrition educational homework too. Part of me is scared..what if I fail this too? Part of me is so excited. I will see the doctor, the counsellors and the bariatric educators, attend support groups there and attend classes every week.
I know this will be quite a challenge for both of us..especially with the Holiday Season coming up so quickly and for me, the bad weather driving too.
But Marti, we can and WILL do this. Let's do it together! *hugs*
Nancy B
We can do it....be sure to post on Susan's Eating Thread....I remember when you did the Eating thread and you did so well personally....it is all about being accountable isn't it.?
YOU WILL NOT FAIL!!! I know you and when you get determined ....you can do it.
Love, Marti
ps we are all in this together. xxoo
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"