PATTS yesterday
Apparently I am in very good health, especially for an old broad of 58. I don't have diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease or any other serious problem. I am just fat or rather obese! I do have arthritis and I know that my knees, back and ankle will feel a lot better once I am human size again.
The anesthesiologist told me that I was "tiny" - what was he on? What a hoot! I've never been told that I was tiny.
I'm almost there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soon, I will look like a slimmer 58 year old with a lot of wrinkles after WLS, but I don't care if I am able to move around and enjoy life more.
Thanks for all your support.

i do think that cuz i still use my cpap and have a chin strap (to keep my mouth shut!!!) it helps a bit....
turtlenecks are great under sweaters in northern michigan in winter!!!!
sorry! trying to find the bright side!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
There was a commercial on TV a few years ago where there was a device that women used to pull the saggy/baggy face wrinkles back toward the ears. I haven't thought about this in years, but my ruminating over all the wrinkles that I'll have has brought this idea back.
I think that there was something sticky that stuck to the skin in front of the ear. It was attached to a stretchy string that went behind the head to the sticky thing on the other side of the head. I think that it was a very cheap face lift. LOL
Anyway, if anyone has got one laying in a junk drawer somewhere, I may be interested. LOL
I found it online!!!! It's still around!
Here's what the ad says -
The application of instant face lift tape is quite simple. One end of the elastic string found on the tape is positioned on each side of the face by your ears. After the tape is secured, lift the strings over your head and hook them together under your hair with the adjustable strap. This will cause the skin around your cheeks and jawline to “pull back" and give a more youthful appearance.
Wearing the tape has been compared to wearing a bra for your face. There may be slight discomfort at first; however, with time you quickly grow accustomed to it. In fact, the tape can be so non-intrusive that some women wear it every single day. This is a great alternative to invasive surgery, and you will find your confidence growing as your wrinkles and sags decrease!
The tape can be worn all day long, and many companies sell sets, since the instant face lift can only go through one use.