What's new Thursday?
i got your pm-and understand--we'll gettime together-next week would be rush rush anyhow so it's all good....you need to be with your brother for this!
um eileen-take the gallon of milk with you for pete's sake! or freeze it.....
um eileen-take the gallon of milk with you for pete's sake! or freeze it.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Good morning Eileen & all,
It has been almost a week and still no word on those labs. I'm trying not to fret but jeepers, enough already.
When I first began attending the support group, not one person had anything bad to say about WLS. That has changed over the years. Now we tell all. Not only the physical problems but also the emotional upheaval many experience are brought to the group. It helps to know that we don't go through this alone and others have the same feelings.
We learn that complications can happen even if we do exactly as the doctor orders. We also learn not to ignore the signs and symptoms. Little problems can grow into great BIG ones if ignored.
The best part is sharing our accomplishments. Most people don't understand the thrill of being able to cross their legs or tieing your own shoes. Getting under 200 lbs doesn't sound thrilling to most, but we all know it is a super WOW moment.
Guess I'm just blathering this morning.
It has been almost a week and still no word on those labs. I'm trying not to fret but jeepers, enough already.
When I first began attending the support group, not one person had anything bad to say about WLS. That has changed over the years. Now we tell all. Not only the physical problems but also the emotional upheaval many experience are brought to the group. It helps to know that we don't go through this alone and others have the same feelings.
We learn that complications can happen even if we do exactly as the doctor orders. We also learn not to ignore the signs and symptoms. Little problems can grow into great BIG ones if ignored.
The best part is sharing our accomplishments. Most people don't understand the thrill of being able to cross their legs or tieing your own shoes. Getting under 200 lbs doesn't sound thrilling to most, but we all know it is a super WOW moment.
Guess I'm just blathering this morning.
Good Thursday morning, Annette!!
Sounds like your WLS support group is maturing nicely! I just started one in Galveston and it's really slow going. So "blather" away cuz you are doing good work!
Sounds like your WLS support group is maturing nicely! I just started one in Galveston and it's really slow going. So "blather" away cuz you are doing good work!
back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
I see George does know the number of days until the season opener!!! Have a good payday Thursday!!!
back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
Good morning everyone!
I hate to say it, I am glad the Yankee's won. I was rooting for them. Now don't anyone flame me about it..lol
Yesterday my art teacher called me and she talked for an hour and a half. Then she said want to go to lunch so I went with her and spent the day with her. We had lunch. I had Wendy's chili and that was it. She was so wound up and it seemed to ease her mind going out for a bit, I am suppose to pick her up again today and go to breakfast and then off to some thrift store she wants to go to. So, I am taking the time for her. She really needs a friend right now.
Yesterday in the morning, I was suppose to go to the food pantry and help at chucrch. Got all ready and I was suppose to call before I left. Which I did and they told me they didn't need me. Only one family signed up to come yesterday and the man that has been doing it for years could handle it. I was a little disappointed since I was looking forward to it.
Nothing other than that is new. I hope everyone gets their wishes. Prayers to all who need them. Even those that could use a few extra ones...:)
Have a good day,
Mary G
I hate to say it, I am glad the Yankee's won. I was rooting for them. Now don't anyone flame me about it..lol
Yesterday my art teacher called me and she talked for an hour and a half. Then she said want to go to lunch so I went with her and spent the day with her. We had lunch. I had Wendy's chili and that was it. She was so wound up and it seemed to ease her mind going out for a bit, I am suppose to pick her up again today and go to breakfast and then off to some thrift store she wants to go to. So, I am taking the time for her. She really needs a friend right now.
Yesterday in the morning, I was suppose to go to the food pantry and help at chucrch. Got all ready and I was suppose to call before I left. Which I did and they told me they didn't need me. Only one family signed up to come yesterday and the man that has been doing it for years could handle it. I was a little disappointed since I was looking forward to it.
Nothing other than that is new. I hope everyone gets their wishes. Prayers to all who need them. Even those that could use a few extra ones...:)
Have a good day,
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

(deactivated member)
on 11/4/09 9:31 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
on 11/4/09 9:31 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Good Morning!
Actually it's not that I'm a Yankee fan, I'm a NY'er!! I'm really a die hard Met fan but this year since I'm not there I decide to root for NY. The rest of my family back home is VERY happy.
I'm happy today because we are going to order the furniture today and I hope it will be delivered by Weds next week. Finally!! But the bedroom won't be available till around Thanksgiving week (have to wait for the mattress). Going to go down from a King size bed to a Queen.... I love new sheets so it will fun buying some.
We decided on the style fence for the backyard but now I have to get a land survey.....I didn't know you need permit here to put up a fence. Hopefully we'll get all that done and the fence up before Thanksgiving. Then I can have the entire lawn pulled up and new sod put down. PROGRESS!!
I hung curtains on Sunday...it makes such a difference in the room.
I'm watching the Today show....WOW it looks cold in NYC!!
Hope you all have a nice day.
Actually it's not that I'm a Yankee fan, I'm a NY'er!! I'm really a die hard Met fan but this year since I'm not there I decide to root for NY. The rest of my family back home is VERY happy.
I'm happy today because we are going to order the furniture today and I hope it will be delivered by Weds next week. Finally!! But the bedroom won't be available till around Thanksgiving week (have to wait for the mattress). Going to go down from a King size bed to a Queen.... I love new sheets so it will fun buying some.
We decided on the style fence for the backyard but now I have to get a land survey.....I didn't know you need permit here to put up a fence. Hopefully we'll get all that done and the fence up before Thanksgiving. Then I can have the entire lawn pulled up and new sod put down. PROGRESS!!
I hung curtains on Sunday...it makes such a difference in the room.
I'm watching the Today show....WOW it looks cold in NYC!!
Hope you all have a nice day.
Howdy Eileen and fellow OFF family,
The sun is shining in Kalamazoo. Work is busy. All ready had to put out one "fire" this morning. Our volunteers who are greeter/escorts and the ER volunteers were given the okay to come in today and have the H1N1 shot. Unfortunately management forgot to tell the nurses who give the shots that our volunteers could have them. They serve on the "frontline". The secretary was kind of nasty to me on the phone, finally I just said let me talk to someone that is in charge please.
It's all good, I kept my cool because I had to...I had 3 volunteers standing in my office, I kept my smile on my face...hopefully the rest of the day will be calm.
On a lighter note, my hubby started to put in the new cabinets in the kitchen. They really lighten it up and I can't wait til it's all completed.
Hoping everyone has a great day....did I tell you the sun is shining in my window? Now that makes me smile. Hugs to everyone.
The sun is shining in Kalamazoo. Work is busy. All ready had to put out one "fire" this morning. Our volunteers who are greeter/escorts and the ER volunteers were given the okay to come in today and have the H1N1 shot. Unfortunately management forgot to tell the nurses who give the shots that our volunteers could have them. They serve on the "frontline". The secretary was kind of nasty to me on the phone, finally I just said let me talk to someone that is in charge please.
It's all good, I kept my cool because I had to...I had 3 volunteers standing in my office, I kept my smile on my face...hopefully the rest of the day will be calm.
On a lighter note, my hubby started to put in the new cabinets in the kitchen. They really lighten it up and I can't wait til it's all completed.
Hoping everyone has a great day....did I tell you the sun is shining in my window? Now that makes me smile. Hugs to everyone.
Good morning Eileen and everyone.....
Just checking in...having a rough day emotionally. Not much to say...no news to tell.I will check in later.
I wish you all a very wonderful day!!
Prayers to those in need....some a few extras!!
Share a smile with a stranger today...or someone strange...they may need it!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Just checking in...having a rough day emotionally. Not much to say...no news to tell.I will check in later.
I wish you all a very wonderful day!!
Prayers to those in need....some a few extras!!
Share a smile with a stranger today...or someone strange...they may need it!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d