What's new Thursday?

George T.
on 11/4/09 4:20 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Most teams will be having pitchers and catchers report somewhere between Feb 11 and Feb 18 is my guess.  But I do know it is 151 days until the Rangers Opening Day. 

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Jo W.
on 11/4/09 6:16 pm - Owosso, MI
Morning Off
  I'm  up  way too early  or maybe  way to late!    My littlest one had night terrors again so I walked the floor.  Does that count exercise?   Heading for bed for  few hrs  sleep here soon.  One of my former foster girls is here and will watch the little ones so I'M  taking a lunesta and crashing.  Cloie is one of my blessing.  All 4 of the kids I finished raising are blessings to us. 
Have a job interview today  but hope I'M  not offered the job as its all second shift and I don't have a reliable babysitter for second.  Mary only does first or third when shes here. 
I do see unemployment extension passed for a few more weeks that will help many people for a while. 
Everyone have a great day .
Margo M.
on 11/4/09 7:08 pm - Elyria, OH
morning! flying by quickly-we cleaned and cleaned and i noticed a few more things that need to be doen before 9 am--and i am off to work in half hour so need to get dressed...

carla will be here tonite or tomorrow-she wants to drive straight thru and i really feel she should stop somewhere- i think it's too long of a drive straight  thru...

janet-that reflux worries me....do you have any clue  what is triggering????

had a mtg at work yesterday- we thought it would be boss man and this guy --nope- they were selling to all of us in dept-and it took 90 minutes away from our productivity.dang....

well- lots to talk about but none really important and i need to get dressed...

sending hugs and prayers to all...............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 11/4/09 8:51 pm - Galveston, TX
Good morning, Margo!!  Fingers crossed and prayers going up for you showing today!!!

back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel

“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne

OH Support Group Leader



annette R.
on 11/4/09 9:35 pm - ithaca, NY

Good luck. If we decided to move, I would need 5 dumpsters to get rid of 43 years worth of pack ratting.

You and Carla give each other BIG hugs from me
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Nancy H.
on 11/4/09 10:09 pm - Traverse City, MI

Hi Margo,still here in hospitol. I have pancreatitus(sp) It came on like someone hit me with a brick!!!!! Don't know how long I will be here . Came in Tues, morning. Don't know what caused it either. Will talk to you all whenI get oit' Sorry but I am all drugged up so don't make a lot of sense.

Pat R.
on 11/5/09 12:11 am - Sturgis, MI
Nan, sorry to hear you are sick and in hospital......what hospital are you at???  Hope they are taking good care of you and prayers for a quick recovery.

Pat r.


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Done! Your Ticker: 
Laureen S.
on 11/5/09 12:28 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Wow, sorry to hear you are in the hospital, hope it passes quickly. . .

Hugs and positive healing thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Brenda R.
on 11/5/09 1:26 am - Portage, IN
Nan, take care of yourself and do what you are suppose to do...rest! We will chat with you when you get home. I am keeping you in my prayers. Sending love and hugs to you too.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Eileen Briesch
on 11/5/09 6:20 am - Evansville, IN
Sorry you're sick ... are you in GR or in Traverse?

I may be leaving for Wisconsin on Sunday ... brother's surgery may be moved up, or he may be moving soon if his apartment is sold (he lives in a duplex). Everything's up in the air until I get to work and talk to sports desk chief. I'm on edge about this. I bought groceries for the week and now I have a gallon of milk that I won't be able to use. What a waste!

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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