My complications
You my friend I worry about....can they fix you ???
I'm here for ya....:)
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
you have been dealing with this for way too long and have pretty much kept it to yourself- your choice- your body your life- however; if we don't KNOW what is going on we cannot support....this board shares many many down things in life...many of us turn here when we need someone to talk to...and we celebrate---
i would like to comment- if you look at moosie's (ruth) post and wonder about the wine and the mc d's etc--remember too that she HAS NOT had any wls so it is very difficult to lump her into that category--her successes and failures have been by sheer determination and willpower and work. also-she chooses us -the OFF board to share with and should receive consolation and/or dusting should you--
ya know; one thing i really find for many of us "oldsters" and i don't mean age- you,me,darlene, janet, eileen...(if i left out someone else who fuits there i am sorry!)i think we are the most active of the "older" group--we tend to get our feelings hurt more maybe because we have struggled; we have done the right things ,,,,we have watched idiots (and i am NOT talking about moosie or anyone else on this board) who have gone out thru mc d's drivethru the day after surgery....we have offered suggestions and many have not listened...gosh-darlene kept asking me about the sugars in my shakes when i mixed with milk--and i "didn't get it" for a long time!!!!!!
jeannie- you are hurting-and maybe you do need to break away from the board a bit-but don't stay away- your input, your take, your humor is often very valuable....
not sure if i got my message out here....
and as darlene asked....can they fix you???????????????
sending you a special hug.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I am sorry you are having some major complications. I hope your doctor can find a way to help make that better.
Please don't feel have a right to be here and express your views too. Please come back!!
Hope your day gets brighter!!
Hugs...connie d
I'm so sorry you are having complications. Keep posting, we will support you.
I think all of us know WLS is not a cakewalk. Lots of people are struggling with malnutrition. Many have transfer eating addictions, along with sex, shopping, alcohol, exercise (that's me, I did decide ahead of time what my transfer addiction was going to be) the list can go on and on.
What I'm trying to say is you are loved here. You are accepted and we validate your feelings always. You are going through a very rough time and I know it's not easy...all of us know it's not easy. We have to stay on top of our health always. Because we are over 50, we are mature, wise and most of us accepts our bodies on how we turn out post op. Most of us our thankful to just have our health back.
I hope you are feeling better today, and hey...vent away! It's good for the soul!!
I am sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing and truly hope that a solution comes your way in a hurry!
While I have not always agreed with some of you thought processes (and I'm sure you might not agree with some of mine ;)), I also feel privledged to read your viewpoints and do so with an openmind, as you are obviously intelligent and have good stuff to offer. We all can open up controversial things here, as our backgrounds differ greatly, however, the common denonminator that brought us here, was looking for a solution and support from others who know how it feels to live a life that can be limiting based on our size and when, and if, we have WLS, it seems we need to grow thicker skins to deal with the bruises we sometimes inflict upon each other with our differing views and senstive natures. Also, this venue is tough, remember, written words have no inflection and therefore we oftentimes have no idea how they are meant. So please, you, as well as others reading this, remember, support is what we offer here and we all have opinions, some more pleasant than others. Tolerance is a big part of what support should be about!
I wish you health dear Jeanne and what you are going through matters, this journey has countless pitfalls, but so did being 100 lbs. overweight. While I've, thusfar, had no complications, I know not what the future holds and hope all will be here to offer me a hand when and if the day comes I need it, as I certainly have gotten and felt supported when I've experienced non-WLS related issues and brought them here.
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Please stay with are a valued part of the family.
I am truly hoping that you are on the road to recovery and that soon you will be back to just being Jeanne!
I can only ditto what everyone else has said, we need your honesty and the knowledge you've learned and especially what's going on with you. Take a break if you need to but please don't stay away...we need you around here!
Please continue to post. It is nice to read all the Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows. But it is also nice to be brought back to earth. Life is not all great. There are bumps in the road. There are detours.
Let me encourage you to post. If you have good to say, post it. If you have something bad going on in your life, it is going on in our life too. You are part of the OFF family.
I honestly do not feel you were picking on one person. It was just the example at hand. I understand that. And I know what you mean. Sometimes people come across as not caring, when the problem is actually they don't know how to say what they mean.
Hang around. Post. And know there are people here praying for the correction of your problems and thankful they don't have the same problem. And maybe something you post will prevent someone from having the same problem. And if it does, it was all worth it.