It's Wednesday morning, what's new review
I've not been on for a couple days....but just had to share some news.
I've been afraid to say anything about this because I don't want to jinx it, however, when I saw my foot Doctor on Monday for my toe nails, he's been keeping up on my foot problem and treating some residual effects of it, he has a strong sense that he can operate on my foot and fix's called tendon transfer. I have a strong healthy tendon on the left side of my foot and he can transfer it to the right side so my toes and ankle will work about God answering prayers. I don't want to get too excited because he wants to see the neurologist's report first, but he has done this operation quite a few times and had wonderful success. He can also fit me for an ankle brace in the meantime, saving me further trips to Kalamazoo.
Went down to Shipshewana yesterday -- such a pretty drive. I get my "sturdy" shoes at Yoder's Dept. Store and they measured my feet again and said I needed 7 1/2 ---- before WLS I was wearing 9's. Anyhoo they had to order the black SAS for me, hopefully they will come soon.
I also found a pretty black top with a bit of red print trim, will probably need it soon for my BIL's calling and funeral.....I didn't get a call yet, but just feeling today might be it.....poor soul hasn't eaten in nearly a week.....just praying for his release from this old earth and all his suffering.
Gotta get back to work now.....thoughts and prayers for everyone here.
What would we do without our OFF family?
Pat r.
I've been afraid to say anything about this because I don't want to jinx it, however, when I saw my foot Doctor on Monday for my toe nails, he's been keeping up on my foot problem and treating some residual effects of it, he has a strong sense that he can operate on my foot and fix's called tendon transfer. I have a strong healthy tendon on the left side of my foot and he can transfer it to the right side so my toes and ankle will work about God answering prayers. I don't want to get too excited because he wants to see the neurologist's report first, but he has done this operation quite a few times and had wonderful success. He can also fit me for an ankle brace in the meantime, saving me further trips to Kalamazoo.
Went down to Shipshewana yesterday -- such a pretty drive. I get my "sturdy" shoes at Yoder's Dept. Store and they measured my feet again and said I needed 7 1/2 ---- before WLS I was wearing 9's. Anyhoo they had to order the black SAS for me, hopefully they will come soon.
I also found a pretty black top with a bit of red print trim, will probably need it soon for my BIL's calling and funeral.....I didn't get a call yet, but just feeling today might be it.....poor soul hasn't eaten in nearly a week.....just praying for his release from this old earth and all his suffering.
Gotta get back to work now.....thoughts and prayers for everyone here.
What would we do without our OFF family?
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Keeping my fingers crossed and will say prayers and send out positive thoughts for your doctor's procedure to be doable and fix what is wrong with your foot! Amazing what they can do in this modern era and some of what they do we are all testaments of!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Hi Debbie and my OFF family:
Four phone calls this morning while I was trying to sleep ... I need to turn off the ringer in the bedroom. I had turned it on when the main phones were fried this summer and only the bedroom phone worked; need to remember what I did to turn it on and turn it off because it's bugging the hell out of me.
I didn't get to sleep til almost 6 a.m. I got home after 3 a.m. and wound up watching the news and two shows on my DVR. I was only going to watch the news and one show but then Scooter was snoozing on my nap and I couldn't just shove him off, so I watched a second show. It was after 5 a.m. when I went to bed, then I started obsessing over work and couldn't shut that out of my mind.
Same old stuff at work. I asked my boss if it was OK to take other work from the news side while I was sitting doing nothing; he said of course and wondered why I asked. I told him there was this perception from the news side that since I was in sports, I was not to do anything for news. And last night, the Grand Rapids sports department wouldn't even give me pages to proof, thinking I was only allowed to do stuff for Muskegon. And we're supposed to be one big happy copy desk! There are definite "territories" and no one wants to cross over those lines. My boss doesn't want to see it. Even the Muskegon people were surprised when I offered my help on the news side ... I told them I speak news as well as sports. I'm sick of sitting there twiddling my thumbs doing nothing.
I took this copy editing test for a book editor job yesterday afternoon and today I realized I never saved the changes, so now I have to take it again ... grrrr! Hopefully, I can remember everything I changed on it. There were a lot of changes to make. It's a freelance thing. Just hate to have to go through it again. I was going to go back through it today one more time to see if there was anything I missed ... now I have to do the whole damn thing again.
Well, that's all for me. It was pretty cold this morning ... glad I have the flannel sheets on. Have a good day ... Carla, if you're coming up here, I hope you have a warm coat.
Four phone calls this morning while I was trying to sleep ... I need to turn off the ringer in the bedroom. I had turned it on when the main phones were fried this summer and only the bedroom phone worked; need to remember what I did to turn it on and turn it off because it's bugging the hell out of me.
I didn't get to sleep til almost 6 a.m. I got home after 3 a.m. and wound up watching the news and two shows on my DVR. I was only going to watch the news and one show but then Scooter was snoozing on my nap and I couldn't just shove him off, so I watched a second show. It was after 5 a.m. when I went to bed, then I started obsessing over work and couldn't shut that out of my mind.
Same old stuff at work. I asked my boss if it was OK to take other work from the news side while I was sitting doing nothing; he said of course and wondered why I asked. I told him there was this perception from the news side that since I was in sports, I was not to do anything for news. And last night, the Grand Rapids sports department wouldn't even give me pages to proof, thinking I was only allowed to do stuff for Muskegon. And we're supposed to be one big happy copy desk! There are definite "territories" and no one wants to cross over those lines. My boss doesn't want to see it. Even the Muskegon people were surprised when I offered my help on the news side ... I told them I speak news as well as sports. I'm sick of sitting there twiddling my thumbs doing nothing.
I took this copy editing test for a book editor job yesterday afternoon and today I realized I never saved the changes, so now I have to take it again ... grrrr! Hopefully, I can remember everything I changed on it. There were a lot of changes to make. It's a freelance thing. Just hate to have to go through it again. I was going to go back through it today one more time to see if there was anything I missed ... now I have to do the whole damn thing again.
Well, that's all for me. It was pretty cold this morning ... glad I have the flannel sheets on. Have a good day ... Carla, if you're coming up here, I hope you have a warm coat.
Hello Debbie and all my OFF friends,
Well here I sit eating my 120 cal. veggie soup with a 2 oz. piece of chicken leftover that I cut up into it. I've decided I will up my protein and lower my calorie count and get this latest weight gain off!
Our company's stock took a dive and is half what it was a month ago. Things are slow and the only reason I'm still here is because no one knows how to do what I do. Things don't look good for the company though.
Spent some time sending out an email to my Red Hats group to go to a show in December. It's a Christmas comedy, it will be good to laugh.
We've always gone to the Grands for Christmas but they will be down for the weekend of Dec. 5. I'm going to have the house decorated by then so they can see how Grandma and Grandpa decorate.
Friday night I'm going to a Holiday fundraiser for a women's learning center. They teach women English and life skills like managing your money. It's at the home of a lady my hubby works with. She decorates for Christmas and has the most beautiful quilts that she has done hanging everywhere. I love the way her house is decorated. About 70 women stop by throughout the night. We bring grocery bags of food, baby supplies, books for children and grocery store gift certificates. Last year it was equal to $4,000 worth of stuff.
Tonight I'm stopping by the Troop meeting to get our tickets to the meatball and spaghetti dinner fundraiser on Sat. night. I can see already that the calendar is starting to pick up pace with the season.
Prayers and Hugs to all who need them.
Well here I sit eating my 120 cal. veggie soup with a 2 oz. piece of chicken leftover that I cut up into it. I've decided I will up my protein and lower my calorie count and get this latest weight gain off!
Our company's stock took a dive and is half what it was a month ago. Things are slow and the only reason I'm still here is because no one knows how to do what I do. Things don't look good for the company though.
Spent some time sending out an email to my Red Hats group to go to a show in December. It's a Christmas comedy, it will be good to laugh.
We've always gone to the Grands for Christmas but they will be down for the weekend of Dec. 5. I'm going to have the house decorated by then so they can see how Grandma and Grandpa decorate.
Friday night I'm going to a Holiday fundraiser for a women's learning center. They teach women English and life skills like managing your money. It's at the home of a lady my hubby works with. She decorates for Christmas and has the most beautiful quilts that she has done hanging everywhere. I love the way her house is decorated. About 70 women stop by throughout the night. We bring grocery bags of food, baby supplies, books for children and grocery store gift certificates. Last year it was equal to $4,000 worth of stuff.
Tonight I'm stopping by the Troop meeting to get our tickets to the meatball and spaghetti dinner fundraiser on Sat. night. I can see already that the calendar is starting to pick up pace with the season.
Prayers and Hugs to all who need them.
Good afternoon Debbie and everyone.....
I have been working almost non stop since 7:00 this morning....its 12:45 now....lots of fires to put out! Some days this job is so mentally tiring...oh my gosh!
Monday evening my daughter Jamie's dog was playing with Nic and poked Nic in the eye with his nose. Nic's eye was all swollen and he couldn't see out of it. Off to the eye doctor he went.He has a scratch on his eye.They gave him medication and an eye patch to wear. He couldn't go to school for a couple days. He is feeling and seeing better today. Nic gets infections so easily and everything must we watched so carefully.He can't risk infections of any kind.
I am fighting some major depression...have been for a while now....sure hope it lifts soon. I think the time change has made it worse....and the dark cold weather too.
George.....great job helping your boss with the hours and saving $. I know people don't want less hours but some hours are better then none. It is going to get worse before it gets better. I hope people are planning ahead. I know that isn't always easy.
Margo...good luck with the house showing. Very funny about the propane guy and the burners. I wonder how many people have gotten new burners because of his errors.
Susan...I am so happy that you and your son got things worked out. You will have a wonderful holiday season now!
Prayers do work!
Laureen....You are right... Dillinger is so worth the cost of his surgery...good for you for putting his needs first!! I will keep Dillinger and you in my prayers as always.
Pat R.....glad to hear that you will be able to have surgery on your foot. I will keep praying for you and also for your BIL.
I know there are others I wanted to post to but I can't remember who....SORRY!
Special prayers to those in need...especially Lina S.
Love and oodles of hugs....connie d
I have been working almost non stop since 7:00 this morning....its 12:45 now....lots of fires to put out! Some days this job is so mentally tiring...oh my gosh!
Monday evening my daughter Jamie's dog was playing with Nic and poked Nic in the eye with his nose. Nic's eye was all swollen and he couldn't see out of it. Off to the eye doctor he went.He has a scratch on his eye.They gave him medication and an eye patch to wear. He couldn't go to school for a couple days. He is feeling and seeing better today. Nic gets infections so easily and everything must we watched so carefully.He can't risk infections of any kind.
I am fighting some major depression...have been for a while now....sure hope it lifts soon. I think the time change has made it worse....and the dark cold weather too.
George.....great job helping your boss with the hours and saving $. I know people don't want less hours but some hours are better then none. It is going to get worse before it gets better. I hope people are planning ahead. I know that isn't always easy.
Margo...good luck with the house showing. Very funny about the propane guy and the burners. I wonder how many people have gotten new burners because of his errors.
Susan...I am so happy that you and your son got things worked out. You will have a wonderful holiday season now!
Prayers do work!
Laureen....You are right... Dillinger is so worth the cost of his surgery...good for you for putting his needs first!! I will keep Dillinger and you in my prayers as always.
Pat R.....glad to hear that you will be able to have surgery on your foot. I will keep praying for you and also for your BIL.
I know there are others I wanted to post to but I can't remember who....SORRY!
Special prayers to those in need...especially Lina S.
Love and oodles of hugs....connie d
Good afternoon, Debbie and my OFF family. I hope that your days are going good...
I have Kayden today and he is in such a good mood. You should have seen his little face brighten up when he saw me. He was going to start to cry and then he saw Grandma and it turned into big grins. What a transformation that was. We have played with him and he took a nap and played some more. Now Grandpa is giving him some more of his bottle and he is going to settle down for a nap again. He is just laughing so much today...I haven't had him since last Wednesday and OMG has he changed so looks and actions! He looks more grown up and he is doing things now that he didn't do last week. I can't get over how fast they grow...if only he could stay this age forever.
The sun is finally out now. It has been cloudy all morning and it feels so good to have the sun shinning. I miss it when it isn't here. They said on the weather last night that this week end we are suppose to be in the mid 60's so that is great. This time change has been so awful. I always get so messed up when we set the time back. Now I am wanting to go to bed early in the evening and get up at 2 in the morning!
DS just called and he is home from work now. So we have to take our little bundle of energy home now. I am going to miss him. I would love it if he just lived here with us. Maybe I should watch what I wish boo boo! ha ha
I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a great one..what is left of it anyway. Spread the joy where you go!
I have Kayden today and he is in such a good mood. You should have seen his little face brighten up when he saw me. He was going to start to cry and then he saw Grandma and it turned into big grins. What a transformation that was. We have played with him and he took a nap and played some more. Now Grandpa is giving him some more of his bottle and he is going to settle down for a nap again. He is just laughing so much today...I haven't had him since last Wednesday and OMG has he changed so looks and actions! He looks more grown up and he is doing things now that he didn't do last week. I can't get over how fast they grow...if only he could stay this age forever.
The sun is finally out now. It has been cloudy all morning and it feels so good to have the sun shinning. I miss it when it isn't here. They said on the weather last night that this week end we are suppose to be in the mid 60's so that is great. This time change has been so awful. I always get so messed up when we set the time back. Now I am wanting to go to bed early in the evening and get up at 2 in the morning!
DS just called and he is home from work now. So we have to take our little bundle of energy home now. I am going to miss him. I would love it if he just lived here with us. Maybe I should watch what I wish boo boo! ha ha
I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a great one..what is left of it anyway. Spread the joy where you go!