It's Wednesday morning, what's new review

I'm getting close to the surgery date. I want this surgery very much, but I guess that the notion of surgery is frightening me and I am hearing so many stories of strictures, hernias, vomiting for months, that I'm wondering if I've made the right decision. I don't see myself backing out, but I'm really hoping for the best.
Have a good day.
good luck Margo with showing the house tomorrow.
It is hard not to listen to the stories of complications, but try to focus on the good. The good outweighs any bad by far.
I have had 3 hernia surgeries but honestly, they were more of a nuisance than a true complication.
No months of vomiting for me either. I can eat just about anything except sugar. The only "problem" if you want to call it a problem, is that I was and still am, a fussy eater. I don't like a lot of foods but the ones I eat, I really enjoy.

It is very natural to be afraid of the unknown. You are not alone, we all went though those feelings. Before long you can tell us about all your WOW moments and we will rejoice with you.

I went into surgery knowing full well all the risks and complications, hearing all the scary stories and none of it bothered me. What was going to happen, would happen. And you know what? It didn't happen. I rarely vomit (only if I eat too fast or too much). You will learn what your pouch can tolerate. I didn't have complications. I didn't have strictures or hernias. The only thing I have is gas ... but that's tolerable.
Please don't let the complications and other things scare you. Just relax. Surgery is a big step, no doubt. They're rearranging your innards. But there are such big rewards.
on 11/4/09 7:44 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I did not have WLS but have met a lot of people who did and they say it's the best thing they ever did.
Surgery of any kind is scary. I'm going in 4 weeks again for another round of plastics....the joy of losing 162 lbs is having a bunch of plastic surgery...LOL!
Anyhow, I know surgery is scary but I'm sure you are in good hands with your doctor.
Best wishes on your journey!!
Its cold in Michigan this am. A week ago last Sunday when I drove up to moms and went into the transitional center it was so colorful and beautiful. When I came out Wed morning the leaves had all fallen and it looked like winter on the way and still looks that way!
Busy day with my little ones with shrink sessions and pedi appts. Then to interview babysitters. Angel Mary has to leave town to care for her aging mother so now I have to find another special angel.
Prayers going up for all who need them. Good luck with job interviews and moving everyone! Have a great Monday
morning debbie and OFF family...brrrrrr its chilly out there this morning!!!!! had bandit out for his potty time and BRRRRRRR!!!!! saw a few turkeys out there also...think i heard a deer but couldn't see it...lots of rustling in the leaves so maybe it was a deer???
colored my hair last night looks ok but i hate how the length is now...need a cut so maybe i will get it cut today...or i might wait til next week not sure yet. all i do know is it WILL get cut soon!!!
still waiting to hear from the tv repair on my tv. said 3 working days...its now day 5....i will give them til monday to call me and then i will call them and see what the hold up is!!!!
got a pain in my lower tooth now same side as the one just fixed!!! GRRRRRRR didn't have it there til i left dentist yesterday....hopefully it goes away!!!! i never hated the dentist til i went to this one and he did the root canal!!!!!!!! i miss my dentist from back home that retired!!!!!!!!! :-( sighs...
hope tomorrow i hear if i got approved for my vacation!!!! talked with phyllis last night and she wants us to come home and stay with them. just not sure if i want to go back home or not....its a long drive and i am hating it more and more...but who knows what we will do. not sure if i will even get the time i want off. all i know is they better giver me this time off or i will not be a happy food court attendant for the holidays!!! i need to get away and regroup is all i am saying.
did a couple more rows on afghan....omg its looking so pretty now!!!! rick said it sure is colorful!!!! and it IS warm sitting on my lap while i hook it together!!!
made a beef roast for super last night...mmmmmmm good!!!! had to stop myself from eating to much so i didn't get sick!!!! but it was good thats for sure!!! rick picked at it most of the he is putting some weight on now since we have been together and living here out of the basement!!! his 29" waist pants are needing to go to maybe a 30 or 31" waist now....;-)
went to the mall to pay on our phone bill and they had a place set up with all sorts of games...found a couple different farkle games...not sure which one to get though...any help out there??? any how we will be getting off his mom's family plan and on our own phone account. we are both sick and tired of her not making her payments and depending on us to cover her part. so with us going on our own it will cost us a few bucks more every month but then it will still be cheaper considering how much we have been paying to cover her part of the bill!!! we just need her to go with us to say she approves of us leaving her account so we will do that today after she is done serving lunch.
going to take a trip to ashtabula to the Christmas world store. see if its anything like bronners in frankenmuth michigan...probably not even close but i want to go see it.
well thats about it for me today...shower is calling and i think the hair will be getting cut also....;-)
laureen...good to hear good news on dillenger!!! best of luck on his surgery!!!!
carla...good luck today also on your 2nd interview!!!!
margo have fun moving in that budget truck!!! hope it doesn't leak if it rains!!!!!
CR**** so here i go again....i AM thinking of you ALL and wish you the best!!!!! :-)
Chilly here today and it's sprinkling a little too, which makes it cold and damp. But, it's Michigan, so what do I expect.
Was at ACO hardware this morning and looked at the add board. I found a guy that puts 8mm films and slides onto DVD's. I'm going to look up his pricing and maybe have him do our old movies and slides for us.
Gary got a nice Bose stereo system for his retirement from the people he worked with. We can't wait to set it up. We can attach a cable to our TV and listen to it thru the bose system. Maybe Gary won't have to have it turned up so loud any more. I'm thinking of buying him one of those things that looks like a blue tooth, but it picks up sound like a hearing aid. They advertise them on TV. Anyone have any info on them?
Well. catcha all later.
Status quo here. Showing my rental today. Still dealing with the legal stuff concerning retirement. I'm having a chili feed/firepit tomorrow evening for some local friends so need to make the chili and do other prep work today. Aside from money being tight, all is well here.
Carmel Valley Linda