It's Tuesday, It's 4AM, time for the what's new revue!!

on 11/2/09 11:46 pm - Medina, OH
Thanks Connie,

I appreciate your comments.  And, yes pray for my art teacher if you can.  SHe and her family really need it.

I do hope I get the picture painted by then.. It is soooooo


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

Connie D.
on 11/2/09 11:19 pm
Good Morning  George and Everyone......

George....tell your son congratulations...he is a winner!!! Wonder where he learned that from...apples don't fall far from the tree!!
Thank you so much for bringing Linda's post to our attention.

Linda ....and always!!

Margo....change of plans is sometimes for the best. Sounds like you will meet up with some great people along the way!!!

Jan C...prayers are going up for you today. Hope the surgery goes well.I will be watching for an update.

Susan...I am keeping you in my prayers as always. Hope you get together goes well tonight.

As for me....I had a quiet evening at home yesterday...just by felt great. Sometimes I just need that. I am hating this time change takes forever to adjust!

My family finally seems to be over all their colds and least for now...winter isn't here yet...bbbrrrrrrrr!! I know... think positive!

I hope everyone has a good day. Time for me to get back to work.

Prayers continue for all in need...especially Linda S. 

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

annette R.
on 11/2/09 11:37 pm - ithaca, NY
There seems to be so much stuff  happening and I can't keep up with reading, let alone replying to all. How about a big group hug instead?

Just waiting to hear about my labs. Marcy and I are trying to be patient. although she has offered to make a voodoo doll. We both have tummy issues and no satisfactory responses from the doctors involved. It is sure nice to have a supportive friend through this recent mess.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Judy G.
on 11/2/09 11:54 pm - Galion, OH

morning georger and OFF!!!

 george you must be so proud of your son!!! i know i am!!! ;-) also i work at a wholesale club at the food court. right now i am trying to get a vacation planned...need to get away from there for awhile before i say something and get in trouble....people are really bothering me big time and that isn't good!!! so hopefully i get approved for the week of thanksgiving to have me vacation!!!! i didn't see any post from linda...i looked and didn't find...:-(

wow!!! so many having problems...thought i was the only one!!! good to see some getting good results and back to normal again!!! rest of us just hang in there things will get better soon i am sure.

still need to get my labs done...maybe next week. want to get more vit D in me due to the fact i keep forgetting to take it!!! GRRRRRRR i DO have it sitting right next to my water bottle so its helping me to remember!!!

went to the dentist this morning and had the temporary filling put back in. so far it feels ok but dr said it could build up pressure again...GOD i hope not!!!!!!!!

my sister loved her little stuffed yorkie dog i sent her!!! she said it looks just like sam except for the bow!!!! she said she carries it with her all over the hose....hope it helps with her depression!!!!

weather here is chilly but sunny right now..calling for some snow mixed in with the rain later this week...yuck!!!!! lots of leaves stillneed to fall...was nice walking through the fallen leaves with bandit...the smell of fall in the air....;-)

well i need to get off here and get some much needed rug scrubbing done while i feel like doing it...have to get ready for the holidays ya know...not sure if anyone will come over or not but i want it to look nice for me and rick :-) and if the onse i asked to come and they don't...well i will not ask them ricks mom...i did not ask her this year after last year she didn't show for thanksgiving or Christmas!! and right now she is on my list to avoid...waaaay to much dram once again going on with her and ricks step dad...mever ends and we are both tired of listening to it....sighs.

so anyhow hope you all have a great day and know i am thinking of each and every one of you!!! WELCOME to the newbies!!!


on 11/3/09 12:13 am - Shelbyville, MI
George...tell you son congrats...we need more people like him...he has passion!!

Hi OFF family,
Work is busy as usual. Going to the gym to work out after work.
I'm hating this time change, maybe by next week my body will get into the groove!

All the Hickory kitchen cabinets are delivered and hubby will be busy for the next few weeks. I love hickory, it's replacing old (very old) dark ugly cabinets.

I'm looking forward to our cruise...the count down is on...17 more days! Wwhhhoooooooo!!!
I'll try to exercise everyday and go dancing every night.
Brenda R.
on 11/3/09 12:19 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to you, George and the rest of my OFFer's. I sure hope that today is good for all of us.

It sure sounds like you have a right to be proud of your son Brad, George. He sounds like a go getter that is for sure. There should be more of them in this world and maybe things would be going better.

The sun is shining like a jewel in the sky but it is cold. Winter coat cold around here for sure. I wore my winter coat the other day for the first time. I got it at a rummage sale for $3 and it is so nice. Just a nice almost satiny jacket and warm to boot so it is good all the way around. And to top that is a size medium and there is plenty of room for sweaters under it too!

We got a call last night to tell us that 2 people who was at the Halloween party Saturday night now has the H1N1 flu. Oh happy happy!!!!! Juanita's brother and youngest son have it and was to the doctor yesterday for it. Now it is a sit and wait to see if it shows it's ugly head in this household. It better not...I heard that it is something terrible to have and lasts for about 7 full days. 

Bill has gone to the store to get some bread for both us and the neighbor across the hall. She had me over there this morning to watch the kids (her greats) while she went to the bank and to the store to get them some soup for lunch. I guess her grandson is taking to the store to shop either tomorrow or Thursday. It is a crime the way they use that poor old woman. She is 91 now and it seems like hardly anyone from her family give a care if she needs anything or not. I feel sorry for her. That must be why I have gotten yet another mother...I have to help her because I feel that I would want someone to help my mom if the shoe was on the other foot.

I better get to movin' now. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Spread the joy in your life to never know who needs it.

BTW...I didn't see Linda S's post yesterday. I looked for it but found nothing. Can someone put me in the right direction of where to find it? I sure would appreciate it greatly! Thanks so much!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Pat R.
on 11/3/09 4:41 am - Sturgis, MI
Hey Brenda, it took me a while to find it's 3 or 4 pages back under a heading "wondering where they are" or something like that.

Pat r.

PS hope you and Bill don't get that nasty flu.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
George T.
on 11/3/09 12:46 pm - Grand Prairie, TX

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Laureen S.
on 11/3/09 12:59 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Almost Afternoon George & OFFr Friends!

Sounds like you got a good trip shaping up there George and it is nice to hear about your son's situation, yup, hitting the bricks hard and a positive attitude is a good thing usually. . .

However, my work situation continues to detiorate I am having issues with people here that I've never had in my entire working life and quite frankly I consider myself too much of a professional and too old for this childish bs.  I have brought it to the attention of HR and we shall see what happens, though to be honest I am not expecting anything to change, because the way things are here, it's them (the people who came and started this office as a collective group) and then there is the group I was hired with (who came a year later and have no history together, though we 4 get along fine) and while I have, to this point, just turned the other cheek, this is a very  hostile environment and as I've said, not something I've ever experienced before and while I can understand people being in fear of their jobs, I will not tolerate being treated the way I was on Friday by a co-worker, especially, when I did not do anything, she has issues with one of my bosses (though she seems to have an issues with someone each week) and I won't have her taking it out on me and then spreading lies around to cover her ass, which is why I had to go to HR as soon as things happened, as knowing how she is, I had to be sure my side was heard before she spread her lies around.  I like a life that is drama free, this is just over the top.  I need a new job, hope the economy turns around soon.  I tell myself every day to be grateful for the job I have, that I was lucky to find a job as quickly as I did, but I've been here almost 6 months and once the assignments were made, all those people I thought were so nice began showing the ulgy side of themselves.  I am friendly, offer assistance, make polite conversation when I can, but mostly keep to myself, so as not to get pulled into the dramas that are always going on around here and quite frankly, I think that has aggravated the situation with the individuals that are involved.  I feel like I am back in 8th grade. . .

I also have to take Dillinger to the vet this afternoon, as the growth he has on his front paw, one which the vets previously stated should be left alone, as it was not in a place to cause him discomfort and they did not want to pursue surgical intervention at that time due to the nature of his age.  Well it is now an issue, as it started bleeding, which, of course, makes him lick it.  So I medicated him and put the halo collar I have from his previous surgery on him.  Came to work, as one of my co-workers had been out since last week and we were not sure if she would be in today and with the climate in here, I felt as though I needed to show up and got a late afternoon vet appointment.  He looked mad at me when I left for work this morning, I know how he hates that damn collar and I hope they can do something, because however much time he has, I don't want him to be miserable with that collar day in and day out. . .  besides this latest event, things have been remarkly good with him, he eats, begs for treats and still looks to chase Zeus (dog next door, who is also 13 and having health issues), though he can't chase him the way he used to, but he tries, certainly not at death's door, which considering the original timeline I was given, my buddy should have been gone almost 6 months ago, instead I am planning a big 13 Birthday party for the 15th of November!  So let's hope today goes well.

Anyway, I wish all facing life's greatest challenges, a victorious day!

Prayers, hugs and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

George T.
on 11/3/09 12:49 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I have a funny image when you mention the two dogs "chasing".  Figuring they are both 13 (91 in human years), I imagine what it would be like with two 90 year old men chasing each other.  A lazy shuffling walk.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

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