It's Tuesday, It's 4AM, time for the what's new revue!!
Good morning all. Such a wonderful morning. What's up with you?
It was so nice to see that Linda posted yesterday. Pray for her please. (If you missed it, she posted in the Where are they thread).
Mary and I have been talking and talking about our trip to Branson and I came up with the idea to leave a day early. So I called the hotel and they have the room available for the night before we were supposed to get there. Well, we talked about it and then I came up with the idea to stop in Arkansas (half way point of the trip) and spend the night there. I realize the trip is only 8 hours, but I want to relax. I found a hotel in Eureka Springs that was $20 less than the one in Branson and had a gym, spa, sauna and pool. Then Mary said if we are going to stop in Arkansas, why not stop in Searcy. Searcy is the home of the first American Mary met in Madrid when she arrived there 43 years ago. And they have stayed in touch. So we called her and we will now be leaving Friday morning and spending Friday night and all day Saturday with Karen and leaving Sunday morning for Branson. What this means for my visit with Jan C. is that we will get into Branson at a decent hour and will not be that tired, as Searcy is less than 4 hours away. I figure we will be leaving Searcy about 8 AM or so, getting us to Branson shortly after noon.
Sorry I ramble, but I am excited. 24 days before we go.
Now I would like a couple of minutes to brag about my son. He was fired from his job back in late April or early May. He did not sit around. He hit it hard trying to find a job. And he found one he loves.
Last month he told the boss he was going to hit a certain number in revenue. If he did, it would be an increase in revenue of 30% over the best month the company had ever had. The boss said you do that and I will give you Cowboy tickets for you and your family. He missed by about 2%. This month, he did not know the offer was still on the table. He blew it away. 40% higher than the company had ever done before.
Yesterday the boss calls him and tells him he has to go to a business meeting. My son did not want to go, but he went. When he got there, they did the normal business, then gave out the Employee of the Quarter Award. Brad has been there 4 1/2 months. The boss made the comment the EOQ came to him less than 5 months ago saying "Give me a chance, I can do the job. I will show you I can do it." When he was hired the company had 3 trucks. Brad kept increasing the trucks they were using. And increasing. The boss told Brad at the meeting "Tell them how many trucks we have now." Brad says "21". The boss then told everyone "You guys need to take a look at Brad and get his attitude. He believes in himself. And he believes in the company. He stays positive all the time. You guys can learn a lot from him."
He loves working for a company that so appreciates him. Oh, and since he made the numbers last month, he gets his bonus of $500. Plus the EOQ comes with a $250 bonus. He is gonna love this payday.
Enough from me. later.
It was so nice to see that Linda posted yesterday. Pray for her please. (If you missed it, she posted in the Where are they thread).
Mary and I have been talking and talking about our trip to Branson and I came up with the idea to leave a day early. So I called the hotel and they have the room available for the night before we were supposed to get there. Well, we talked about it and then I came up with the idea to stop in Arkansas (half way point of the trip) and spend the night there. I realize the trip is only 8 hours, but I want to relax. I found a hotel in Eureka Springs that was $20 less than the one in Branson and had a gym, spa, sauna and pool. Then Mary said if we are going to stop in Arkansas, why not stop in Searcy. Searcy is the home of the first American Mary met in Madrid when she arrived there 43 years ago. And they have stayed in touch. So we called her and we will now be leaving Friday morning and spending Friday night and all day Saturday with Karen and leaving Sunday morning for Branson. What this means for my visit with Jan C. is that we will get into Branson at a decent hour and will not be that tired, as Searcy is less than 4 hours away. I figure we will be leaving Searcy about 8 AM or so, getting us to Branson shortly after noon.
Sorry I ramble, but I am excited. 24 days before we go.
Now I would like a couple of minutes to brag about my son. He was fired from his job back in late April or early May. He did not sit around. He hit it hard trying to find a job. And he found one he loves.
Last month he told the boss he was going to hit a certain number in revenue. If he did, it would be an increase in revenue of 30% over the best month the company had ever had. The boss said you do that and I will give you Cowboy tickets for you and your family. He missed by about 2%. This month, he did not know the offer was still on the table. He blew it away. 40% higher than the company had ever done before.
Yesterday the boss calls him and tells him he has to go to a business meeting. My son did not want to go, but he went. When he got there, they did the normal business, then gave out the Employee of the Quarter Award. Brad has been there 4 1/2 months. The boss made the comment the EOQ came to him less than 5 months ago saying "Give me a chance, I can do the job. I will show you I can do it." When he was hired the company had 3 trucks. Brad kept increasing the trucks they were using. And increasing. The boss told Brad at the meeting "Tell them how many trucks we have now." Brad says "21". The boss then told everyone "You guys need to take a look at Brad and get his attitude. He believes in himself. And he believes in the company. He stays positive all the time. You guys can learn a lot from him."
He loves working for a company that so appreciates him. Oh, and since he made the numbers last month, he gets his bonus of $500. Plus the EOQ comes with a $250 bonus. He is gonna love this payday.
Enough from me. later.

brag this day and age we need positives to look to and applaud!!!!!
and the trip is sounding wonderful...shaping up nicely!!! wish my michael believed in breaking up a drive and being rested-when we drove to texas it was straight thru only stopping for gas and maybe a potty stop...not enjoyable....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
good morning! here for a quickie- haha! bossman says i can work the hours to make up and so i am going in early....
will try to catch up my reading tonite- last nite was really too tired for much-i swear this time change is getting harder...
i owe some explanation to many of you about our move plans changing and promise to elaborate at a later time-for now; we are detouring to hawaii via michigan--i know- a stretch!!!!it is a good thing tho in the long run and means i get to be near my mom and nan (and marc) h and meet jani!!! also closer to phyllis gilbert and maybe see eileen once in a while!since my gramma is still alive maybe i'll get to stop in sturgis even to see pat r!!! one never knows- i am trying to make positives tho michael is hating this.....
sending special prayers for our jan c today with her knee surgery ...and susan with the kiddles(jeff and tess) at dinner tonite...
hugs and prayers
will try to catch up my reading tonite- last nite was really too tired for much-i swear this time change is getting harder...
i owe some explanation to many of you about our move plans changing and promise to elaborate at a later time-for now; we are detouring to hawaii via michigan--i know- a stretch!!!!it is a good thing tho in the long run and means i get to be near my mom and nan (and marc) h and meet jani!!! also closer to phyllis gilbert and maybe see eileen once in a while!since my gramma is still alive maybe i'll get to stop in sturgis even to see pat r!!! one never knows- i am trying to make positives tho michael is hating this.....
sending special prayers for our jan c today with her knee surgery ...and susan with the kiddles(jeff and tess) at dinner tonite...
hugs and prayers
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
George, how wonderful for your son's job! Hard work should be rewarded, too often the employer just doesn't get it anymore. You have good reason to be proud.
Eureks Springs is a charming little town. Gary and I spent our 25th anniversary there. Are you coming up I-30??? I live just off of it, right before the I-430 connector. Check your map. Maybe we can meet for a cup of coffee while you zip by?
No business on the books today, so I'll spend it working on SaintBella. The weather has been so beautiful I just can't help but go for a walk this morning before starting on Bella, though. Dinner or coffee, or something with Jeff and Tess tonight to clear the air.
Good thoughts to Jan today, and to our dear Linda. Everyone take care!
Eureks Springs is a charming little town. Gary and I spent our 25th anniversary there. Are you coming up I-30??? I live just off of it, right before the I-430 connector. Check your map. Maybe we can meet for a cup of coffee while you zip by?
No business on the books today, so I'll spend it working on SaintBella. The weather has been so beautiful I just can't help but go for a walk this morning before starting on Bella, though. Dinner or coffee, or something with Jeff and Tess tonight to clear the air.
Good thoughts to Jan today, and to our dear Linda. Everyone take care!
Morning George and everyone else here and to follow.
Last night I went to art class. I am working on a kitten sleeping in a blanket. Oh my the fur is really hard. I am working in acrylics. I was planning on giving this to my mother in law for Christmas ( I bought her other things too) But I am afraid it is not going to turn out. I don't know if it will be done for Christmas at the rate I am
I enjoy art class very much. It is theraputic for me and for my art teacher who is going through so much right now. There are four women plus the teacher. We all gab about the week and make light jokes. It is fun.
Kids are just about over their colds. Thank God.
Going to donate my two hours to the food pantry tomorrow. I am looking forward to it since it will be my first time.
George your trip sounds wonderful. Lots of stops and lits of fun.
Margo, I know you will enjoy your family in MI and hang in there. All good things come to people who wait.
Everyone else have a great day and take care of yourselves.
Mary G
Last night I went to art class. I am working on a kitten sleeping in a blanket. Oh my the fur is really hard. I am working in acrylics. I was planning on giving this to my mother in law for Christmas ( I bought her other things too) But I am afraid it is not going to turn out. I don't know if it will be done for Christmas at the rate I am
I enjoy art class very much. It is theraputic for me and for my art teacher who is going through so much right now. There are four women plus the teacher. We all gab about the week and make light jokes. It is fun.
Kids are just about over their colds. Thank God.
Going to donate my two hours to the food pantry tomorrow. I am looking forward to it since it will be my first time.
George your trip sounds wonderful. Lots of stops and lits of fun.
Margo, I know you will enjoy your family in MI and hang in there. All good things come to people who wait.
Everyone else have a great day and take care of yourselves.
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.