OT note from son

on 11/2/09 8:45 am - Alexander, AR
Thank you all for your wonderful support while I was being an emotional wreck today. I couldn't stand waiting for Jeff to contact me, so I sent an e-mail asking when we could get together to discuss this situation. Here is his reply:

I can get together tomorrow after work. I'm sorry about the way I brought all of this up. It was impersonal, unfair, and downright dreadful. I feel absolutely sick about the way I made you feel. Do you want me to come down to Alexander? Just me? Do you want Tess to come too?

I'm sorry. I think I really do deserve to have my birthday taken away on this one.

Then, I got an e-mail from Tess, who has apparently reacted the same way I have and cried herself to sleep last night and been a mess all day.

There's no denying that Jeff is the product of the two of us. Obsessive compulsive and emotional. We're meeting for dinner tomorrow to chat. I know this will be better by the end of the evening.

Thanks again for being here for me. But then, there was never a doubt that you would be. I love you all

P.S. I told Jeff the jury was still out on his birthday....lol



on 11/2/09 9:32 am

I couldn't be happier that you contacted your son.  I know this all was a misunderstanding and probably just taking other stressors out on you....no excuse, I know, but.....we do tend to take our stress out on those we love the most and who are most forgiving.  I'm confident everything will be just fine!!!!  Have fun tomorrow. 

Blessings to you,



on 11/2/09 9:53 am - Alexander, AR
Hey Debbie,

After I posted this, I also received a note from Tess. She's as sick as I am over this. I'm sure everything will be fine, maybe better when I explain some of my concerns.

Thanks again



Connie D.
on 11/2/09 10:50 am
Susan...things seem a little brighter...I am keeping you all in my prayers!!

Love ya...hugs....connie d
on 11/2/09 10:58 am - Alexander, AR
yes, Connie, they do. I admit I'm rather a over reactor. Gary said I shouldn't worry about it last night. Easy for him to say!
Anyway, things are getting better. Thanks for being here, as always. You're a dear



on 11/2/09 11:54 am, edited 11/2/09 11:55 am - Canada
Oh Susan, I'm so happy for you.  I know that having that emotional distance between your son, Tess and you was dreadful for you. 
Your news made my night!
Love, Margaret
PS your son sounds wonderful.
on 11/2/09 7:34 pm - NY
Oh Susan,
  I'm so sorry this all happened.  I've always said about my kids...I truly love them, but I can't live without them and can't live with them, and I can't kill em.  Dang.
  I have 25 year old twin daughters that have been my
"Jekyl and Hyde" since they were 12.  It never stops..sometimes you cry..mostly I get mad and tell them to get over it.
  It will get better and maybe, even tho this was bad..maybe it will bring you closer to your son and Tess.

  Good luck tonight..breathe deep..and try to have some fun.
  Big (((hugs)) for you.
on 11/2/09 8:06 pm - Alexander, AR
After reading Tess' side of this, it seems that my dear son is the one who flew off the handle. Not unusual, but he's never directed it at me before. We'll be fine and move on. The day is already brighter!

Thanks for everything, Marcy!



annette R.
on 11/2/09 8:16 pm - ithaca, NY

Sounds like a better day - YAY. His note was kind and considerate.

When my daughters were younger and had been giving me one of their "tag team" bad times, I told them "that's it - turn in your bellybuttons. I'm tired of being your mother". Jeepers, I never thought of reclaiming their birthday.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 11/2/09 8:21 pm - Alexander, AR
Oh yeah, it's been a running joke with us since he was a kid.

I'll be calling you in a bit.



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