It's Monday morning, wake up everyone, what's happening today??
susan...i can't make it any better either-nor do i have special words-just love and hugs and a big shoulder.....
thank you for sharing this with us--this week has been nasty for you-rain and the salon "chicks" and now fun.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I must lead a boring life, nothing is new. Last night went to my in laws and played cards and my husband got into a little spat. I told him to apologize, he was kind of nasty. I don't know what got into him.
I go to art class tonight. Her husband is now officially on the lung transplant waiting list and too ill to be sent home while he waits. They can't get his oxygen level up high enough. I feel so bad for both of them. This was a very funny and vital man. He keeps in good spirits, I don't know how. SHe is a total wreck.
Going to do laundry and clean up some. I want the house to look nice for the Holidays. It is a mess right now. I have two kids ( not really kids . One is 28 and one is 24) But they don't pick up after themselves and their bedrooms are a mess. I refuse to go in there.
My husband worked Saturday which is good news for us. A few more dollars on the paycheck. I made so many cut backs, I don't know where or what to cut back on now. Still getting a lot of hospital bills but I pay them what I can and that is it.
Well I hope everyone is well today. I feel good no problems. I gained a pound and I don't know how. Maybe it is just fluid.
Take care everyone.
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Thanks Connie... You are right. No flaming from me
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

We don't have Kayden today or tomorrow. His mom has him now...she got him yesterday for 3 days then dad gets him for 3 and so on. DIL is off today and tomorrow..funny that the last 2 or 3 weeks she has had to "work" her days off and now she doesn't. As my grandma use to say...something smells in grandma's kitchen if you ask me.
Bill has gone to wash the winter coats and jackets. His is a stinking mess since it was worn to work so it needs to be done soooo badly. I told him to wa**** separate since it is so dirty. I hope he listens to me...sometimes that doesn't happen. Probably more often than I am aware of if truth be known!
The sun is out today but it is chilly. I guess from the weather on the t.v. earlier the rain from Chicago is headed here but she said the sun would be out later on. It is still out so maybe it just went out over the lake..that would be great. I am so sick of rain. We need more sun if you ask me...especially now with winter coming on our heels. The sun is something that we don't see a lot of when winter comes.
I am working on this time change thing. I don't do well with the winter time change. I go into a depression through the winter because of the time and the weather. I am hoping that it is different this year since I am on a anti depressant now. I had the mg of it raised to 60 and I feel like it starting to help more. I am not sure if she will raise it this coming visit or what. Part of me thinks it should be but I don't want to be a zombie either.
I better go. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a great Monday and know that just smiling at others will help bring happiness to you and not just them.
Hi Debbie and my OFF family:
I am on here really late today, and no, I didn't just get up. I got up about 11 a.m., had my protein breakfast shake as I usually do and then made coffee, sat down to read my e-mail and decided to call my friend Gayle, who used to work at the Press. She lives close by and I wanted to see if she could take care of the kitties while I was in Wisconsin later this month taking care of my brother when he has his surgery. I had tried getting ahold of her last week, but she hasn't called back. She had taken a buyout last summer. She did our weddings and engagements page and also helped out in the library and at the front desk. Anyway, I called her and as we were talking, she asked if I wanted to go out to lunch. I said I'd love to but I was broke. She offered to buy, so of course, I went out to lunch with her. I just got back not long ago.
We went to On The Border. I had tortilla soup and a half of a steak quesadilla. It was a lovely lunch. We talked a lot about the changes at the newspaper (her husband is a part-time Metro editor) and I told her what was happening to me. After lunch, we came back here and I gave her a book we talked about (we are both into historic fiction, like the same kind of books ... it's kinda freaky how similar are tastes are ... except for sports, but I'm like that with a lot of my friends ... I don't have a lot of friends who like sports). Then we visited for a while ... she is probably one of the few people I know who Scooter will come right up to and is not afraid of. But then, he is so used to her because she has helped me out when I've had surgeries and been stuck at home. It was good to see Gayle, although unexpected ... I hadn't seen her since this summer.
I had planned to sit around in my jammies all day, but ... oh well, it was nice to get cleaned up. I'm back in my jammies now at least. I do plan on getting those turkey rollups made today at least. There is the World Series game tonight and a football game (at the same time ... I'll be flipping back and forth to check out the score).
Well, not much else going on. Another day off ... at least no work. That's always a good thing.
Have a good day.