It's Monday morning, wake up everyone, what's happening today??
Was a really good weekend. Enjoyed a bunch of time with my wife for three days. A shame I had to go back to work.
Gotta stop at WallyWorld before I go home in the morning. Pick up a few things. Can sleep late today because I do not have to work my part time job, going to Bible study instead.
Catch you all later today.
Good Morning all..
I'm up early..getting ready for school. Its cold here in NY...29 degrees this morning BRRRR!!!
Full schedule today..rush home and get ready..tonight is support group.
Our Doctor is holding a free seminar tomorrow night to talk about his WL to the public, but Annette was told we are not allowed to attend???? We may just sneak in!!!
I also get (I hope) results of my labs today..see what the old liver is complaining about.
And I guess its supposed to be cold here all week..I so wished that winter would skip us this year...dang!!
Well everyone have a great day and week!
Keep smiling (especially since everyone who sees you, will wonder what you're smiling about! Keeps people guessing and lends you an air of mystery).
I had no intentions of speaking or telling anyone that I'm his patient without his say we really aren't sure why we are not allowed to come.
I guess it was an administrative know bad talk of complications etc.
Who knows what their beef is???
CANNOT BELIEVE IT IS NOVEMBER!!!!! yes, meant that to be in caps!!!!
had another "near fire" episode yesterday-something must have been on a burner so when michael put on my dutch oven to boil water for hard boiled eggs; the kettle turned black and smoked...gee**** cleaned right up but it scared me-again!he was around the corner in living room and i smelled it in my bathroom...his smeller doesn't seem to be working right! and chico is suffering again today from it!
yesterday's birthday party was great- the grands don't know us when their gramma patty is there- i just gave in and enjoyed self inspite! this 2 year old sure doesn't need Christmas in 54 days!!! her 4 year oild brother wouldn't miss it either!spent some quality time with my eldest granddaughter, my own daughter and my ex and his wife -updates on his dad. he's ready to die ; misses his wife and would not allow stent or anything other than meds to stay comfy..if he dies in his chair at home he's ok- he's outlived his friends....trouble between ex and his brother-bro is in total denial that their 86 yr old dad has health issues and wants to "fire all the doctors"!!!
today is my michael's 70th birthday!!! we're not really celebrating....he has PT and i go to work....he brought home cake from yesterday's "do"....
hoping to hear soon about scheduling for his aneureism surgery...
i think i need to knit myself an orange hat before i go to my mom's- deer season starts that weekend up north and i don't wanna get shot!!!
sent an email to my boss friday telling him i need friday the 13th off- we'll see if i still have a job! i need the paychecks but i really could care less about the job anymore....oh-i'll go and i'll do my best to give it my all and full attention-do a through job etc....just don't care anymore about being there ...too much i should be doing at home.........have to be careful what i wish for!
the computer says it's 34* here this morning-i just know it's cold!i kicked on the heat pump at 3 when i ate my was nice when i got back up at 515!!!almost all of the leaves are down off our trees and i hate that part when they are bare! the color and the gentle falling is the part i like! soon ,i think we'll take all of the wind chimes and bird houses down to pack away....
sure wish i could get my labs drawn...i am taking b12 almost daily and really am noticing dyslexia in my typing more and more....i keep telling myself it's cuz i think (and talk!!!) faster than i can type and i never took typing!
well-hugs and prayers.............
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White