Thank you
Thank you all so much for the kind words and warm thoughts!
It has been long hard week and saying goodbye today was the hardest thing I will ever have to do but the many small kindnesses and words and visits from so many lovely friends reinforced what a special lady my mom was.
Now its time to get to normal live as we start living without mom. If all we did was to sit around mourning, I swear mom would come back to give us a whomp upside the head and tell us stop crying to get on with living!!!
Sweet note to our day, IN our family, all adults help keep an eye on all the children where ever we are. I noticed my 6yo grand nephew looking his dearly beloved greatgramma so sadly so I as I tried to get to him a well intended friend told Isiac that greatgrammas in heaven and while we would all miss her she was happy with God. She also said that the very rainy day was God crying for gramma. Sweet part here, Isiac looked so confused and looked around for family, found me and ask "Aunt Joey, If gramma is in heaven she is with God. Why is God crying? He has my gramma He shouldn't be crying we should be! My sweet little guy!
My whole family do believe in God and heaven and we all know where mom woke up Thurs morning.
Thank you again everyone.
It has been long hard week and saying goodbye today was the hardest thing I will ever have to do but the many small kindnesses and words and visits from so many lovely friends reinforced what a special lady my mom was.
Now its time to get to normal live as we start living without mom. If all we did was to sit around mourning, I swear mom would come back to give us a whomp upside the head and tell us stop crying to get on with living!!!
Sweet note to our day, IN our family, all adults help keep an eye on all the children where ever we are. I noticed my 6yo grand nephew looking his dearly beloved greatgramma so sadly so I as I tried to get to him a well intended friend told Isiac that greatgrammas in heaven and while we would all miss her she was happy with God. She also said that the very rainy day was God crying for gramma. Sweet part here, Isiac looked so confused and looked around for family, found me and ask "Aunt Joey, If gramma is in heaven she is with God. Why is God crying? He has my gramma He shouldn't be crying we should be! My sweet little guy!
My whole family do believe in God and heaven and we all know where mom woke up Thurs morning.
Thank you again everyone.
Aloha Jo..........I'm just getting caught up with everyone, and read your story. It is so hard to lose a parent....the whole universe seems to shift. When my mother died, I was vacationing on Maui and my brother called and said I better catch the next plane because mom was going downhill fast. Well, I packed like a maniac and did get the next plane to Oregon, but I was an hour too late......I didn't get to say good bye to her in person. I felt badly about that for years. My mother and I didn't always see eye to eye, but I find myself being so much like her in so many's sort of frightening.
Please take care of yourself and let your wonderful family fill you with love and happy memories.
With so much aloha,
Maui Karen
Please take care of yourself and let your wonderful family fill you with love and happy memories.
With so much aloha,
Maui Karen
Hi, Jo. My heartfelt sympathy in the loss of your mother. One of the things we did when my mom passed away 6 years ago was to write scraps of memories and throw them in a quart jar. Whenever we all get together, we pull out the jar and stroll down memory lane. Lots of laughs, lots of tears.
Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Blessings to you and your loved ones.
So sorry for your loss. Isiac sounds like he is a fun kid to be around.
OT - a little bit - today we were in church and there was a baptism. My grandson is now 4, so he comes in to big church for 30 minutes and then goes to kid's church. During the baptism, he said real loud "Is that real water up there?" Art Linkletter was right. Kids say the darndest things.
OT - a little bit - today we were in church and there was a baptism. My grandson is now 4, so he comes in to big church for 30 minutes and then goes to kid's church. During the baptism, he said real loud "Is that real water up there?" Art Linkletter was right. Kids say the darndest things.
I have been busy and missed your previous post, just wanted to say I am sorry for your loss, but as it was stated, it is God's gain and she is just a memory away from you, hope that carries you through some.
Hugs and warm wishes, Laureen
Hugs and warm wishes, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland