on 10/31/09 12:10 am
Good morning all. It seems we are all up and at um.

I went to Jordan's school yesterday for his Halloween party and got to meet his class mates in his special ed class. Was I in for a rude awakening. It was nothing like I had imagined.

There are only 8 children in the class and 2 of them were not there. What I didn't realize is that each students has his own little cubby hole, with his desk, and can only see, maybe one other student. I was told to bring goodies for 8 children and 4 adults. I think it is settling in, that there are two students to every one teacher. I just thought that it would be students, at their desks, with the teacher in front of the room, teaching.   Wrong.

Jordan wanted to be dressed as a fireman, so a fireman it was. We left the school at 2:30 and we had a party at church at 6:30 and I couldn't get him to take off the suit or the big rubber boots for the 3 hours in between.

There was a theme at church, to dress up like your favorite person in the scriptures. I told them Jordan was dressed up as one of the wise men. They looked puzzled, and I told them all the wise men were firemen, it said in the bible that all of them had come from a far, so they must be firemen.

He made a haul with the 'trunk or treat' at the church, and today we are headed to a densely populated neighborhood, to get enough candy to last both of us until next Halloween.....John
Don't blame me. I voted for Sarah......

on 10/31/09 1:28 am
 Chuckling ! !   

John you are too funny.....  The wiseman story was perfect...  they came from afar..... 

My grandson was dressed as the terminator..... he won a first place for his costume.... not what Mom wanted at the church event but.... 

I think it is wonderful what you are doing with Jordan.  I do sense a little pride from you for him, and that is good.

on 10/31/09 12:22 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 11/05/08 with
Well I am looking forward to seeing the grands dressed up today - maybe I will post pics of them tonight or tomorrow.  I also have to make a diabetic dessert for an entertainment tomorrow.  Tonight for dinner I am off to Kelsey's to meet a virtual OH Ontario lady who is visiting our city.  there will be about 10 of us and should be fun.  Really looking forward to it.
I am he assisting minister at church tomorrow and then off to a ladies card party.
As for WLS I am having trouble staying away from sweets and need to get back on track... need help there!
RNY ohcardsmallsheri.gif picture by lynnca1972 Nov 5, 2008
16 pounds lost pre surgery    
George T.
on 10/31/09 12:55 am - Grand Prairie, TX
Two things.  I actually went to bed before 2AM.  And I don't work Fridays.

Besides, I like to give others a chance to start the thread.  It would get boring if the same person started it every day.  That is part of the fun of it, seeing who starts it each day.

Thanks for being here.  Mary was just asking about you this morning.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

George T.
on 10/31/09 1:07 am - Grand Prairie, TX
This board is busy today.  I like it.

At work now.  So far, we are having a good day.  Already sold in one hour what we sold in four hours last night.

Busy day for me today.  Mary and I are doing the Fall Festival thing at our church today.  Will get there about 4 to help set up.  It goes on from 5-7 PM, we will stay and help cleanup.

Our church is getting ready for it's annual Thanksgiving Dinner the Sunday before (just like all churches probably).  I volunteered to make a turkey this year.  I love turkey and I really enjoy cooking them.  Gotta keep on the lookout for low prices.  Need to put a couple in my freezer too.

Mary is out now getting a tune-up for our car.  The check engine light is on.  The readout says catalytic converter, but the mechanic says if that was the problem there should be a loss of power.  And there is not.  They also say it might be the sensor.  Whatever.  I have noticed the engine runs a little rough when I first start it up in the morning, so that can hopefully be fixed by the tuneup.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 10/31/09 1:44 am
 Goooooood  Morning  wonderful friends

Today is sunny and cold. Perfect for a ghoulish Halloween.  There is more excitement for the day around here than normal.  The three neighbor girls have been Loudly exclaiming what they are going to be for the last couple of weeks.  I bought special treats for them.  I don't get trick or treaters in my little corner....  it is too far and dark for the little ones.

I make my grandsons costume every year.  He was Commando one year, then Bain (from batman) and Terminator this year.  This year the costume was such a thrown together project and a messy sewing job.  He bought a jacket from the thrift store and we altered it.... anyway, I was not happy with the way it looked but he was thrilled with it.   He won a prize at the school party.... go figure... lol lol

The little one is going a "piderman"  ( he doesn't pronounce his Sss).  He will be going to the church for their function.  Mom is making cupcakes with spiderweb frosting and plastic spiders on them.  So cute.

I've had an issue with candy the past week.  I feel so frustrated ( now that all the candy is gone)  I had a container of peppermint patties, the small ones.  I would eat them, then get sick... but continue to eat them...... why do we do that?  Boy was I out of control.  I knew I was doing it but didn't stop....  Need to deal with the head game for sure.... 

Well, I better get going.  I have "things" to do and "places" to be.


Eileen Briesch
on 10/31/09 2:33 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Janet and my OFF family:

I was up, Janet, but too depressed to post. Got in last night at 5 p.m. to work and sat there until nearly 10 p.m. until I got something to do. Oh, and I had two pages to proof early on, but nothing until there. I will remember next week not to get in until 6 p.m., because there really isn't anything to do early. But these guys I work with from the Muskegon paper told me 5 p.m.

It is sooooo boring working in sports. I know I love sports, but not working in sports ... if you understand the difference. I got out of sports writing because I began to hate it, and now I understand why. I love watching sports, reading the sports I like, but not the sports I don't. And having to work with the Muskegon paper, it's like taking a demotion ... plus, all I'm doing is inside pages. I don't know who I pissed off, but it must have been a good one. If this is all I'm going to do for the next 11 years, I'm going to be extremely bored. I can do a whole lot more, but I'm wasting my talents doing this. Unfortunately, there are no jobs out there.

I have no purpose anymore. My career was my purpose in life. It isn't anymore. I have no reason to get up in the morning. I hate going to work. In the past, when I was dissatisfied with my job, I could find another one, eventually. But that isn't going to happen. There's nothing out there. I've been looking for a year.

What ****** me off is last year, when the buyouts were offered, the executive editor and my boss told me I was one of the people they wanted to keep. They told me they hoped I wouldn't take the buyout. Well, I couldn't take it anyway. What happened in that year? What did I do? It seems I'm being punished or being pushed out the door. My friend Mary Kay hinted that my employer doesn't like it if workers take too much sick time ... are my surgeries the past few years being counted against me?

Sorry for my whining. I am trying to do my job at work and not complain there, but I have to vent somewhere. I know I could be doing more at work, but I'm not being given more to do. I feel I'm being wasted. I was really depressed when I got home last night, and spent a lot of time up before I went to bed ... I couldn't get to sleep and wished I had someone to talk to, but there's usually no one up at 3 a.m. Eventually, Scooter purred me to sleep.

Not much going on today. I go to work at 3:30 p.m. for another thrilling day. Then I have two days off for my weekend ... nowhere to go because I have no money to do anything. Which is OK ... I'm tired and plan to sit home and watch football and baseball.

Well, enough of my whining ... cheese is good with that too ... I need to get a life ... does anyone have one? I need to see my psychologist, but don't have an appointment til Nov. 9, unfortunately.

Have a good day. Happy Halloween!

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




(deactivated member)
on 10/31/09 12:20 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I know what it's like to suddenly be forced to working in a new area and HATE it.  Same thing happened to me.  I used to LOVE my job, then I liked it but after being forced to work an area I did not like and felt very unchallenged I was miserable!  After about 18 months I asked them to retire first they said no, I was too valuable......then they did a big lay off got rid of a bunch of good people and kept me......I felt bad because I asked to be let go and people who needed and wanted their job were fired......about 4 months later I made it known I was not happy and I would volunteer to leave if there was going to be another lay off (we heard the rumor of another one coming)......This time they  listened.......I took my severence pkg and left very happy (Full pay, bonus and full beneifts for a year).

Have you told your boss you feel like you are being punished and not being used to your full potential?  Or have you asked to be transferred back to the other area or at least ask when you can move back?

I know it's hard to feel stuck doing something you don't like......Hang in there.  I hope the boss wakes up and moves you to another area.

Eileen Briesch
on 10/31/09 12:32 pm - Evansville, IN
I was told more or less it was this or the door. I'm too young to retire and there are no jobs in my field (the newspaper industry sucks, if you haven't heard). I am keeping every page I do, so after a month or so I can sit down with my boss and tell him how I feel. He told me I'd have plenty to do; so far, it's been a page a night  (sometimes two). Tonight, it's one, and I've been sitting here most of the night reading a magazine, waiting for my stories to come in. I told him my misgivings when he informed me of the move. It's only been a week, so I have to do my job and shut up at work. But it's not the same as it was.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




(deactivated member)
on 11/1/09 5:51 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Gee sorry to hear the boss put it to you in such a negative way.  I sure hope he wakes up and has a change of heart/mind and gives you something more substantial to work on.
Gotta be frustrating but like you said with the job market it's tough to just walk out.  A friend of mine used to tell me all the time "if they want to pay you big bucks to do nothing, sit back and enjoy".  I never felt comfortable with that.

Hope things pick up soon for you!
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