(deactivated member)
on 10/30/09 4:23 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Do I dare think I'll beat George or Eileen????

karen C.
on 10/30/09 8:17 pm - Kennewick, WA

Well, shucks!

It's just 3am. I was just sure I would get to start! Two Tylenol PM and STILL I'm up in the middle of the night.

Exciting day here yesterday. Actually, it was fun. I was driving by a Concord grape vineyard that had a sign out saying "free grapes." More and more I am my mother's daughter. Pulled over, gleaned the somewhat meager pickings and came home and made grape juice, then proceeded to make grape jelly.

Of course I had more juice than jars so then I had to scour the thrift stores for enough jars to finish the job. Used some pint mayo jars tho I wasn't sure they'd hold up in the ho****er bath cooker for 5 minutes of boiling. But, they did fine.

What a mess by the end of the process but oh did my kitchen smell divine. The jelly I buy in the store doesn't even smell like grapes. This sure does!

Mike's been down with his back and feet most of the week. Wish he'd DO something about it even if it's wrong. He was left with neuropathy in his feet stemming from nerve damage in his back either before or during back surgery. If he doesn't do something soon he's not going to be able to walk at all. He hurts all the time, so he's *****y (can a guy by *****y?) and never feels like doing anything.

Reading on line I came across something called "peripheral neuropathy impingement syndrome" which sure sounds like what he's suffering from. Wouldn't you think if you were hurting that much that you would go to any lengths to find a solution? Well, not him.

Sorry about the grousing. Gonna try to go back to sleep.

Karen C

Eileen Briesch
on 10/31/09 2:37 am - Evansville, IN

Has Mike seen a pain specialist? I have similar problems with my back, and that's what has helped me. I get injections in my back. Don't know if it would help him. Just a suggestion.

I agree, if he's hurting that much, you think he'd try to find relief (I sure would!).

What about alternative therapy, like acupuncture? I know my Aunt Bernice, who had her share of aches and pains (I really believe she had fibromyalgia too), used acupuncture, and it seemed to help her back, migraines and shoulder pain. Not covered by insurance, unfortunately, but if it works, what the hell, why not? Or massage?

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 10/30/09 9:17 pm, edited 10/30/09 9:17 pm - Elyria, OH
morning lovelies!!! and guys to post later!

had a very peaceful nite and spent some time in genealogy land--woke up naturally this morning-as opposed to alarm clock! well- yes- first wakeup was cuz michael had left the bedroom window open all nite so nature was telling me it was cold outside!!!!

chico is having troubles breathing again so i got michael up to treat him- he uses his inhaler in a paper bag and shoves the poor dear's head in---so he is up as well and there went my fgorious saturday morning quiet time...

we are in a big bunch of turbulence surrounding our house and moving issues and i am just so tired of it all....he is being stubborn and not accepting opportunities put before us nor finding any gratitude for any of the positives we have....and i just plain ol am tired.....sorry to whine! yes; i'd love some cheese with thta!!!

karen your grape escapade sounds wonderful! i can understand your frustrations with your mike-our men can be so stubborn...
janet-no nothin to tell???

well- i'm going to attempt to get some quiet and will check back in later!
hugs and prayers.............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


(deactivated member)
on 10/30/09 10:47 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Can I join you....Let's make it party.....I've got plenty of whine here too and I'll bring the cheese!!!!
Eileen Briesch
on 10/31/09 2:07 am, edited 10/31/09 7:32 am - Evansville, IN
I'm always ready to whine ... I'll join you!

Last night, someone had a headline about a hockey team having a wining streak (as opposed to a winning streak) ... I'm on a whining streak, too!  I had a chuckle on that one (and it came from skinny Amy, too, who's so damn perfect and NEVER makes a mistake).

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




(deactivated member)
on 10/30/09 9:50 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Oh okay, Margo....

I got up early because I had to pee.  Now that's way too much information....:)

Let' see... son is still 'seeing' THE 'girl' we'll see how that works out.... and is.

Work is stressful as usual.... the floodgates are opening so I'm much busier.... finally hit over goal this month.  Working from home is in my future and I'm not one bit happy.  May cause me to look for another job and I sure don't want to.  I just so enjoy going somewhere to work.  I'm NOT a homebody.

Laundry is up to my ears!! So today BETTER be laundry day but there are so many other things I'd rather do.  I may just turn the panties inside out for another week...:)

I've had an insatiable appetite lately and the scales are showing it.  Got to get this curbed....and quick.

Five new pairs of slacks...10p's... the brown ones fit perfectly....I'll take the other 4 back and get the dreaded 12's...

Found a pair of gorgeous brown suede loafers at Talbot Outlet... they were $98 shoes and got them for $27.  I've worn them with the SIZE 10P slacks and many compliments... thank goodness they were BROWN.

The yard guy comes whether the yard needs cutting or not so I'll be stopping that today.

I'd like to find a housekeeper for at least twice a month to pamper me and maybe I'd get a life back again.... think I might do that.

Online dating services have yielded 83 year old men either in a trailer park or sky diving enthusiast.  I'd go for the sky diver but he's probably got living heirs and money that will go to them.... just my luck.

I'm using too much 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee at $4 so I think that could be the culprit for the scale... either that or the loaf of bread I'm now eating a week.

I've driven to work in the rain most every day at some point. So, for those that were here... it ain't stopped yet.

Grandson won first place in archery at Boy Scouts for his age division. Pretty good for a kid that is left-handed and wears glasses... and 10.  He got a frozen turkey.  We'll have Christmas dinner...again... got one last year but cried all through dinner. That was a joy.

Well, Margo my lovely.... be careful what you ask for... you wanted gottem....



Pat R.
on 10/30/09 10:20 pm, edited 10/30/09 10:20 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning Margo and Janet:
I'm up and ready to clean house, but my neighbor on the other side of the house has overnite company, so I'll wait a bit before I start running the sweeper.

Do have laundry going in the garage and another load waiting.

The wind is terrible this morning.....probably blowing all those leaves we raked to the curb, back into the yard...yuck!

Just finished our book club selection "These is my Words" by Nancy Taylor last evening.......could not put it down.....wonderful story.

Have a 90th birthday party to go to this afternoon, church and Bible Class in the morning, a quick trip to my sister's to take some food down to them, then at 3 p.m. our local Wind Symphony gives their will be all Broadway tunes -- it is always a wonderful program.   We are extremely lucky to have such great talent in our community......and the concert is FREE.  Then it's book club at 6:30, so a busy weekend for me --- yes, it sure beats sitting home alone.

Janet I'd have to say you have a busy life, girl.......

Margo, thinking of you and Michael and hoping for the best.
Karen, your grape jelly sounds yummy.

Hugs to all,
Pat r.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
Margo M.
on 10/30/09 11:30 pm - Elyria, OH
thank you sweet sistah!!!!!!!!! i enjoy getting caught up....i would cut down on the half anfd half and maybe eat only half a loaf of bread per week!!!!

can't do anything about the weather and happy to hear about the turkey!!!!
your grands are special kids!!!! look from whence they came!!!!
love you!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/31/09 11:33 pm - Houston, TX

Good to hear details about your life.  Glad your son is still seeing the 'girl". She is so pretty and they look good together.

Sorry to hear you may have to work at home. That has been so hard for me and not good on my physical or emotional health, just too isolating. Hope something works out for you so that does not happen. Now that I have the at home experience to use as a comparison I would so enjoy having a workplace to go to but that is just not in my immediate future.

Which online dating service are you using, Plenty of Fish or Yahoo or another one. I just had my first communication from one of my matches on eharmony but cannot read it as I let the subscription lapse two weeks ago.




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