It's 3:20AM here, Do you know where your OFF Family is? What's new?
Is Mary a Cricut expert? I might want to ask her a couple of questions if she doesn't mind.
Do you use labels to address the envelopes? Writing them out is what I dread. I ruin at least 2-5 envelopes before I'm done.
The postage will be expensive $132.00 if my math is right. Yikes. I hope you can hand deliver some of them.
It is rainy and gloomy again today. Kind of fits my mood.
I am having so much arthritis and fibromyalgia pain this week it is unreal. I actully had to drug myself with Vicodin and Fexeril last night just to get some sleep. I hate when that is necessary.Now I will be groggy all day.
My good friend Jean lost her mother yesterday...her mother was old and had been suffering is a blessing she is gone.Such a sad time for that family.
I only have to work two hours today....did one already to go...then weekend time...wooohooo!!
I don't plan on doing anything else all day. Just going to kick tv...and maybe read a book.
Prayers to those in need. Have a good day!
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Veteran Bandster 2002
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
on 10/30/09 9:04 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
morning george and OFF family!!!
well just got back from the dentist and he took out the temporary filling and man what a relief it is!!!!!!!!! most of the pain is gone now...he left it open to airrate it for a few days...i go back tuesday morning to get temporary filling put it. hopefully this time it works!!!!!!!!! he did give me a script for percocet incase it hurts again...vicodin only took 10% of pain away. made me so groggy i am still in a fog!!!! sighs...
not doing anything for halloween that i know can't trick or treat here due to the main door to building being locked. thats ok i don't like having all the candy around....i get into enough trouble on my own without it being halloween!!!! ;-)
my sister should be getting here package i sent to her and i hope it doesn't make her more depressed!! its a stuffed yorkie dog and it hopefully will make her happy....she misses her sammy and maybe this will keep her happy or atleast out of depression....
got the news yesterday that after thanksgiving the store will be open til 10 pm every night!!!! YUCK!!! double yuck especially if i have to close then open the next day at 8 am!!!! sighs....hopefully there won't be to many of those nights and mornings to do!!!! store Christmas party will be on nov 29th. all they do is have a buffet and then pull tickets out for gifts...not everyone wins a me its not right but oh well who am i to say what is right or not....
well going to go pick up my script and see how that helps if the pain comes back...not supposed to eat anything real chewy and especially on the side that has the open tooth...thats my chewer side...:-( hope i can eat something good atleast!!!
have a good day and know i am thinking of each and everyone of you!!!! ;-)
What kind of store do you work in? It is a food place of some kind, isn't it? It gives people a place to go when they are out shopping. Also on the plus side is you do have a job. Smile.