Thank you all.
& said his phone card is giving him trouble.
I am asking for good thoughts & prayers for all of our soldiers in the middle east. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through since becoming a mom. And I know there are thousands out there just like me!
Thanks again, Nan
Nan, sorry I missed your birthday. But Happy belated.
I know how hard it is to have a child deployed. Our son will be going back to the Middle East in January. It will be his fourth time for this war. He was also deployed in Kuwait, and years ago when there was fighting in the gulf on oil rigs. He has 25 years in the Marines.
My DH was in during Vietnam and deployed many thimes. I worried a lot about him, but for some reason the worry is worse when it's my son. I guess we expect our spouses to be savvy enough to be safe. But our child is always our child and we are sure they can't handle themselves as well. I KNOW he is 43 and very smart and competant and capable, but I am his MOMMY and it is my job to worry!
I have great respect for all of the men and women who are in the military, whether they are in harm's way or not. And all the veterans who served, as well. They have very difficult jobs, for very poor pay. God bless them!
No one wants anyone in war. Just hope we can get the situation settled down over there. If we hadn't gone to Iraq, maybe this situation wouldn't have been as bad now. I hope and pray your son will be safe.