What's new Wednesday?
I left there exhausted from the test and it hit me on the way home what he had said.....I wanted to cry, but couldn't because I was driving on a busy highway.....well, I can do this so I'm not going to cry about it.
He will send a report to the orthopedic surgeon and I will hear from him within the next few days.
Thats my story -- I'm going in the bedroom and take a nap now.
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Sorry to hear your news. Hopefully, the brace will make things better for you to get around. Although the doctor can't get your hopes up, it's amazing the healing power of the spirit. Think really good thoughts about this and don't give up. Keep exercising than foot and ankle. Miracles do happen.
I've cried many times in my car. I've even pulled over off an exit to give myself freedom to have a really good cry.
(P.S. you replied to my post so you might want to repost on the outer reply.)
You can deal with the leg brace, you are a strong beautiful woman.
Allow yourself to cry if needed, get that release off your chest and....just cry! Crying is good for the soul my friend.
Then pick yourself up and continue on...just keep..."keeping on"
You are loved and appreciated!!
Such a special lady you are.
Oh Debbie you are such a sweetheart.....what would we do without your caring spirit. I just got up from my nap (me and my kitty, Fluffy) and I feel a lot better. I will keep on keeping on.....Thanks for your love and support.....maybe if I have to go to the brace place on Gull Road, I can come over and we can have a cuppa coffee or such.
You are the special lady, my friend.
Cyber hugs,
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
well that really isn't what i wanted to read!!! now listen here pat...you can wear the brace and be happy with it!!!! just think if you couldn't use it to walk better...what if you had to have the foot/leg cut off??? see i made you think about the worst possible thing...you will be strong and carry on....big cyber HUG to you form me!!!! and if there is anything i can do for you please let me know!!!! (sorry if i came on to strong to you just now but please know i meant well!!!)
Fluffy and I had a nap (well she's still asleep on the bed) and I feel a lot better.....no more pity parties for this old gal.
I will adapt to whatever has to be.....that's just how I am.
Big hugs back at 'cha,
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Sorry you are going through this. Your ortho doc should be paying for the problems you are having ... i.e., the neuro exam, the brace, etc. He made the mistake, he's admitted it. I know you like him, but a mistake was made and you are the one that's living with it. My opinion.