What's new Wednesday?
morning eileen and OFF friends...
well i called the mans insurance to let them know about them paying for the car to be fixed...i had to leave a message because all lines were busy....so ok i get a call back a 1/2 hour later...this woman asks me how I hit HIS car!!! i said excuse me....i was parked and inside working when HE hit MY PARKED CAR!!! she said oh sorry...yeah right...so anyhow she gives me another number to call and a claim number...called that number and guess what...had to leave another message...are the insurance people that busy now days??? so waiting for that call to come back.
tooth is still a little sore but not like it was last night...omg it hurt so bad i thought now what did i do...i should have left it alone!!! but maybe as today goes on it will get better i hope...if not i call dentist this afternoon and see what he says to do.
got 4 rows of afghan done and let me tell you....i am ignorant or something because each and every row has a mistake in it!!! i even check 2-3 times before moving on to see if there are any mistakes and i don't see them!!! GRRRRRRRR this one will surely be one of many mistakes!!!! rick says he can't see them and i can't either unless i look for them so its just going to be left alone!!!! its looking really pretty though.
waiting for the tv repair to get here. they were supposed to call me yesterday to let me know when they would be here today...no call...they did call this morning at 830 and said they would be here 9-12 so we will see.
well best get going and get house straightened up some. table is loaded with junk again and that ****** rick off...mr clean ya know....;-)
so have a great day and again thanks for being here for me!!!! also know i am thinking of you all!!!! :-)
I am looking for a flower ahghan like you are doing. Can you give me the directions on how to make the square? I would appreciate it. It sounds lovely.
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

hi mary...the flowers are not squares...you need a round loom to make them on...i found mine at jo ann's it was under $4.00 a good buy!! so you need to get one of those and then make the flowers.
let me know if you find it and if you can't i can get one for you if you like. mine is a blue color and i found it near the needles, hooks and other looms. more for a kid to use i guess...but i like it...i have made so many over the years and now its been MANY years since i did one i am lost trying to hook it together!!! grrr
I am working on an ahfghan for my dad but it is nothing fancy.
Have a good easy crocheted slipper pattern?... Must be easy..lol
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

I forgot how to make the granny square. I am working on how to do it. If you have an easy pattern let me know...:)
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

now listen here mary....this IS easy to do!! i do NOT know how to crochet or knit at all!!! i CAN do the chain stitch though....LOL i once treid making my mom, sister and aunts hot pads for a gift...ROFLMAO!!!!! the first row started out about 3-4 feet long!!!!! now here is the funny part of it all...the hot pads came out about 3 inch by 3 inch!!!!!!!!!!! roflmaoooooooooooooooo they all had a good laugh and mom til this very day has hers and still LOL at how it came out!!!! i tell her i can make her another one if she wants and she laughs so hard trying to say NO...lmao so now if I can do it YOU can DO IT!!!!! it is easy trust me!!!!
This I needed for a bad day. A good laugh. I guess IF you can do it I can too. I am just going to sit myself down and make a chain. Maybe I can find some good use for it..lol
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Sounds like we are all dealing with some life situation or another that makes us feel "pissy". . .
I have my issues with this job of mine, but I've learned to come in, do what I am paid to do and than enjoy the life I have after I leave it behind, because it's an employers market these days, which very simply means they hold the cards and I have to find a sense of gratitude that I am not one of the unemployed. Do I like it, HELL NO, but it's the reality of life today. What I do have is all you wondeful people who I can count on to share my annoyances with the nature of the job situations we have to deal with today. I try to remind myself daily, that often it is the attitude I bring into things that will ultimately make or break my day, some days I'm broken before I walk out the door, but I also have learned I can start my day over at any time. Just my ruminations on the world we now live in. . .
Heard a local High School young man died of H1N1 over the weekend, how sad and it is scary to note how this is already making the rounds. So if your handling money, which is a great carrier of germs, or shaking hands, please be sure not to touch your face without using one of those hand sanitizers!
It's another rainy, grey day here, but I am chosing not to be gloomy and looking forward to seeing some part of the world series tonight and hanging with my best bud, Dillinger.
I wish all of you dealing with health issues, a resolution that is total health and for everything else, I wish you peace and strength to get through the day!
Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I slept in this morning and now I am way behind on everything...ggrrrrrrrr!!
My grandson, Lucas (11) has H1N1 and I am so worried about him. Temp went up to 104.5 last night. My daughter gave him a cool bath and that brought it down some. He is sleeping good right now. Hope my granddaghter doesn't get it or my daughter for that matter.
I am going to a Haunted House with Dwayne tonight...that will be fun...I love Haunted Houses....I love Halloween!!
No sunshine today...pretty dark and gloomy...and COLD!
My thoughts and prayers are with so many of you today. There sure is a lot going on with everyone right now.
I need to get back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
Love and hugs....connie d