What's new Wednesday?

Margo M.
on 10/27/09 8:21 pm - Elyria, OH
today is one of those that i truly wish i didn't have to go to work,,,,,,but calling off would be my pink slip for sure!!!!!!1

michael's cardiologist appt went well- clearance given for aneurism surgery ----could be before thanksgiving-would be fine with me!

michael is in total denial about our detour in moving plans...and i am not sure why-well- i think i know part of it--he was drinking my regular coffee again yesterday-and that reacts with his atavan in a very negative way--so--when he got upset with me about something last nite i just made myself scarce...and it was quiet all nite- we did speak to his atty's gal and will wait til we see the ortho guy in november --and she is pulling a "list" for me of potential Ohio BWC approved docs in Cadillac-Big Rapids area of michigan...would make workers comp so much easier than to do from hawaii... i feel like i am letting him down however-the realistic approach is to have family nearby and support --and almost free rent doesn't huirt when i leave my job til i find soemthing else!

i appreciate the caring that you are showing toward this- i know it confuses ppl --margaret wondered when it happened /where it came from--i have been holding out talking about it--seems we change our minds so much at my house that i didn't want to say much before now--and right now i just want to be done- moved -out of here- have to wiat til his aneurism surgery if possible tho....

my immediate co workers know how i feel about work and are trying to be supportive--another topic for another time-today the new guy starts -and i get to train him--probly the only reason i am going in to work!

jan--i will look fwd to meeting with you and hope to spend some great time with nan as well- am anxious to get up there but it's gonna be cold by then!!!!

i was absolutely completely non productive last nite after work due to the silent treatment going on so tonite i hope to accomplish something meaningful!

labs-bloodwork--i am very discouraged- my mother asked me for a list of labs she should be getting donw- now- she is only 14 years older than me so not a huge age difference-biggest difference is that she had her surgery at MMPC (Dr Kemmeter-what's his new place called? and addy? phone number?)--so her pcp 's PA gives her a list yesterday and says that they aren't even putting my list (which was a copy of my own surgeon's info as well as viatlady michelle's list) in her file for her doc...she read me the list of what they are ordering and they are all tehre but they are looking at hyper cholesterol and hyper thyroid--no malabsoprtion at all- so we shall see- three times she told  them she wants a copy of teh report--and she also told them she will go back to her surheon if need be--dang i hate how ppl treat us wls ppl if they are not "UP" on bariatrics......sorry-had to vent!! they said that our "age difference" is why they are looking at the other things vs mal;absorption--well wake up--she malabsorbs too.....ok- sorry!!! had to get taht off my chest--now i 'm back down to my normal bra size!!!

i have rambled too long and i apologize--i love that you are all here and will let me!!
hugs and prayers..and specially to jacki and annette and judy g---and where has our carla been?????

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Pat R.
on 10/27/09 9:21 pm - Sturgis, MI
Grand Health Partners
Dr. Paul Kemmeter
2060 East Paris SE, Ste 100
Kentwood MI 49546
toll free 1-888 691-0050

I am assuming your Mom has not been going back for yearly checkups to them.....they have a Looooong list of bloodwork she needs to have.

Their new location is just about a mile south of MMPC on the same street.

Sending hugs and prayers your way.....
Love ya,
Pat R.


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Margo M.
on 10/28/09 12:33 pm - Elyria, OH
thanks pat!!
oh she had a Looooonnnnng list for her labs today!!! just not Dr K's list.....

i'm going to stay on top of her with this!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/28/09 12:11 am - Bradenton, FL
Im here and I tried to call you last night!!!!!
Guess what you might just have a surprize sometime soon!!!!!
image hosting site

Margo M.
on 10/28/09 12:34 pm - Elyria, OH
sorry-did you leave a message???
 do i need to be watching my driveway??????

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/27/09 8:26 pm
Good morning Eileen and OFF friends,

I should have gotten up at 5, instead slept until 6, so I need to get started with work.  Wanted to wish everyone a happy day.  Prayers and well wishes for those in need. 



Pat R.
on 10/27/09 9:28 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning all....

I'm up, showered and checking e-mail this morning.  

I've been really discouraged with my weight.....just can't seem to get my head on straight.....I know what to do, but don't do it.   Talked to Dr. K. on e-mail last nite and he was so encouraging.....hope today is better.   My problem is I do good one day and can't seem to keep it going.....what happened to my mind set?   All I can do is try and not give up.   My oldest grand daughter is getting married in May next year and I wanted to be under 200.....it's gonna take a lot of hard work!!!

Well, I'm off to the neurologist this morning - have to leave home by 8:30, so better get my butt in gear.

Eileen, I'm glad you are trying to have a good attitude and your Boss appreciates it too....you'll make it girl, you're tough!!

later folks,
Pat r.


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on 10/27/09 10:08 pm - Interlochen, MI
Good luck with the doc today Pat.  I'm telling you, the spring brace really made life easier for my mom on her dropped foot.  She wore slacks most of the time, and it wasn't visible.  You might want to seriously consider it...  Put your vanity away!  :)
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 10/28/09 12:13 am - Shelbyville, MI
Dear Pat,
Good luck with your doc apt.
Hang in there, you are loved and appreciated.

Dig deep, find that motivation and try to keep at it. Just keep kicking it along my friend.
I'm going to challenge you, heck I'll challenge all of those out there that are still trying to lose that weight!!

1. Set small goals on weight, only weigh yourself once a month. If you are a slave to that stupid scale then only weigh yourself once a week. Don't let that scale dictate your mood. Remember we are doing this for our health, everything else is a plus in my book. Small goals should be no MORE than 5 POUNDS at a time. This is doable. Small goals.

2. Made that 5 pound goal? Reward yourself with a mani/pedicure.

3. How about us that are at goal size? How do we keep motivated? I do that by staying involved and serving others. Volunteer at a nursing home or hospice. I enjoy going to the Borgess Health and Fitness Center, see it's "just not a gym" they work on you and want you to be healthy. Try to find work out buddies.

4. Yeah...we all know what to do...but how to stay motivated??? That comes within. It's our inner strength. We need to count our blessings and look forward to our future. Some of us take baby steps, some of us leap right in!! Oh yeah..."I'm a big leaper"

On the RNY board, a lot of discussion lately on depression, skin issues and trying to learn to love their new body. Some can't; they can't get past the skin, they still see the fat girl within.
Well, you are ahead of the game if you were an active fat person that loved them self. I was lucky, I was that fat girl. Happy and very busy in life. Then I got older and my health declined.

So does anyone need a challenge? Maybe we can post on that once a week or once a month.
Post about your improvements in your life.

I thank God that I'm 53 and now healthy. I do exercise and love to do it. Find some passion in your life, it could be exercise, quilting, gardening...active things...ha!!! Like my grandchildren. But even more than that...exercise, really exercise besides running after the grand kids. Find that workout buddy.

on 10/27/09 10:05 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning ya'll.

It is Wednesday, my second chemo.  This will also be a reduced strength one, since we leave for Oregon on Friday.  Don't wanna be sick while I am there.

This morning I began a chicken pot pie for my DIL.  I make a yummy one and haven't done it in awhile.  After being on my feet for about 45 minutes I had to come sit down.  I used to be able to stand for 6 to 8 hours, baking and cooking for holidays, etc.  Now I just get SOOO tired.  Almost shakey.  I guess the chemo is affecting me some.

My DH got his third fill yesterday.  He had gained 9 pounds since his last visit.  The doc STILL did not want to give him a fill.  Told him it was just stress eating and he needed to 'cut back'.  Well, geez doc, if we could 'cut back' and lose weight why have any WLS?  After much talking my DH convinced him to give him a fill.  He does now seem to have some restriction.  Of course, his doc never says anything about not eating after a fill, so we had to stop for breakfast on the way home.  He TRIED to eat an omelet and hash browns.  Got about 1/2 of it down.  Brought the rest home and ate it later.  He had steak for breakfast this morning.  Again he stopped at 1/2.  So he is recognizing when to stop.  He hasn't PB's or slimed or anything like that.  Which is a plus.  I hope this restriction lasts for awhile.  He IS cutting his food smaller and chewing better, too

Guess that's all.  It's a shmutzy, drizzly, dark day!  MY DIL got stopped on base this morning cause she had a headlight out.  First time she has ever been stopped by a cop.  Luckily she only got a warning.  My grandson will replace the light when he gets home from school today.  Our son is deployed so she took his truck to work.  Why do the cops ask "Do you know why I stopped you?"

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


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