Tuesday Happenings
How odd to poke yourself like that. Hope the mark goes away soon!
Rain. Today is day 15 of rain this month. I usually love a rainy day, but honestly, my toes are beginning to web and I'm sprouting gills and scales. Between the rain and my ankle bothering me, there is no walking for exercise for me.
I keep bouncing back and forth with the same three pounds. It comes, it goes. I haven't been good about getting in all my calories for a while now, averaging around 1200-1300 instead of the suggested 1440 by the nut. Wondering if that's the reason. Hmmm. One more thing to think about.
Work is HORRIBLY slow. I only have 8 clients on the books this week and I worry that I won't make enough to pay my space rent. One more thing to think about.
Too much to think about. Hope you're all going to have a good day. Gonna go find my row boat to get to work.
Love and hugs to all!
morning millie and OFF family...
well its a nice day so far here in ohio....rain might show up at times but not sure when. leaves are really falling and the colors are fantastic!!! just hate the thought of a long cold winter!!! i can deal with the snow but the cold...no!!!!
took my car in for the estimate yesterday...OMG almost $800.00!!!! i called the man that hit it and he said very nasty to me to deal with his insurance company because it sounded excessive to him!!!! well excuse me mister but YOU hit my car i didn't hit you!!!! and no it isn't from the bike accident at all that there is damage...so this morning i will call his insurance company and see what to do from there. my car will be in the shop for 3 days so i will need a rental car and that is $20.00 per day. that also will go to his insurance company. i need to get to and from work now don't i? while there i was shaking...nervous type of shaking...why?? not sure....one thing i do know is i am feeling like i am having WAY to many senior moments!!! am i losing my mind?? i can't seem to concentrate on anything and i keep saying i need to get my head out of my ass!!!! is it a vitamin thing or what??? sighs i hate this!!!
also on my way home from work yesterday i saw the woman i hit riding her bike..yes the same one i hit...peddeling no-handed yet!!!! but this time she had a helmet on!!! guess she isn't hurt at all huh??!!! still nothing on the police report and not sure what is taking so long to get it. will stop at police station later when i am out.
dentist today for the root canal tooth to be redone. hopefully this time it works!!! i just hope i am not going to make it worse!!! if it IS worse i guess i will just have him pull the dang thing out!!!!
tomorrow they are supposed to come fix my tv. hope i don't have to sit here all day waiting. but then where would i go...no money....sighs...i can hook the afghan together all afternoon ;-) worked on that last night and i did rip it out and start over because of the mistake...well guess what...i have 2 more mistakes!!!! GRRRRRRRRR i will NOT rip it out and re-do it again!!!! its just for us so no biggie...but if it were for someone else i would re-do it AGAIN!!! i have 2 rows hooked now and its looking very pretty if i do say so myself!!!
last night at the store i found a stuffed yorkie dog and am going to send it to my sister...she misses her little yorkie so much...this dog was always with her and like a therapy dog to her....she said she could talk to her and it was like sam could understand...so hope this helps her depression and gets her better soon.
well time to get a shower and then dishes need doing and the floor needs to be swept. cocoa gets her seed all over the floor big time with her in this huge cage now. rick did move her food to the floor of the cage and in the middle so its not as bad but still it gets all over!!!!
well time to get out of here....have a great day and know i am thinking of you all!!!! :-)
on 10/27/09 4:19 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
It seems very odd to me that you can't get the police report. Have you gone to the station? If not I would stop by and ask for a copy. If they push you off ask to speak to the officer in charge. You have the right to see this.
So far as seeing the woman again, it might be a good idea to take the same route at the same time to see if you spot her again. Take a camera with you and snap some pictures of her. Be sure you have the date stamp turned on so it captures it on the photo. It will make great "evidence" if needed.
Good luck with it all.
i did stop by the afternoon the day AFTER it was supposed to be ready....they told me it wasn't finished yet...i got the report today tho will post seperate post on it so others will see it...
yeah rick said the same thing about taking her picture...but if i am driving how can i take it??? sighs....
thanks again...hugs
It is raining here too. Bridget would not go out and go potty yesterday...well, not very well; Good thing Tom was home all day to keep letting her out.
I was NEVER a seamstress, mom and grandma were. I wore a wool cape to work last week that mom made me in about 6th grade. Looked brand new (hated it back then.)
The nerve of some peoples mothers liking to have their bed cleaned off. Hm mph!
Take Care,
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
I am at work now and have figured if I don't post here I don't have time as morning is too rushed and at night it's sooo late that you are probably all in bed by the time I can post. Right, Julia?
Well, y'all, I am having a ***** of a time (please pardon my French) with this regain. I am soooo frustrated. I took a drastic step today. I have been having 6 saltines with a dab a peanut butter everyday for almost 2 years (since I could eat solids) for lunch. With a ham and cheese roll up and some fruit usually. I am addicted to the granola bars, and so I have decided to cut them both out ALL of THE WAY! I will have 1 piece of toast in am, it is called High 5 Fiber from one of the bread bakers here in town ,Great Harvest, and it has flax, sunflower seeds, whole wheat and other good things in it and it keeps me "regular." I love it and for now I will keep it. This is going to be tough and it really ****** me off. Please excuse my French again. I am feeling sorry for myself. I don't think I ever got rid of carbs as well as I should have and now I am paying the piper.
I am feeling deprived and scared.
Otherwise life is grand and all is well.
Work is slow, which in one way is good, cuz people must not be sick. But let me tell you, it does get boring sometimes.
I made little paper witch shoes and plan to put some candy corn in them. Just a smidge. And no, I WILL NOT EAT IT! I hope. I am giving to co-workers for Halloween. I can't afford anything non eatable to stick in them...anyone have an idea?
I've rambled and said bad words enough so I will get to work.
Take care,
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
I saw my oncologist last week for what I thought was the last visit since I am five years out from the diagnosis now. However, she sent me for an ultra sound of my abdomen today, and tomorrow I will have a bone scan and chest xray. All of this is done to make sure that I am in good health and the cancer didn't spread. I don't have any symptoms and I feel great, except for being obese LOL, so I am not worried.
There is another drug that I can be on for five years to thwart the return of the cancer (don't you love that word "thwart"?? I'll have to use it with my students this afternoon LOL). I took tamoxifen for five years, and now the next drug will be taken for five years, also.
Next week, I go for the pre-operative testing for the rny. I hope that I don't have to have any more xrays - I'll light up like a Christmas tree soon.
Can't believe that surgery is only 28 days away!! I'm ready. The only concern that I have that is of any consequence is that there has been a lot of rumbling on the Ontario board about the DS surgery being the best of all wls surgeries (and the vsg being the next best). Many are saying that with the RNY, less weight is lost and weight is more easily regained. God, it's been awful reading all of that. I am trying to remain relaxed as getting uptight about this now won't do me any good. I'm going to have to try harder as I couldn't sleep Sunday night after reading all of the rantings.
I'm off to the college. I hope that all have a wonderful day.
Margo - don't know how or when the moving to a trailer came about, but I know that you will do what's best.

Nothing much going on here. I am going to go tan in a little while. Then I have a meeting with all my clients from 1:00-4:00....I swear I will need a drink by the end of that meeting!!!!
The sun is actually peeking out today. We are supposed to have temps in the 50s for the next three days....I am a happy girl!!
I best get back to work. Everyone have a wonderful day.
Prayers to those in need....especially Linda S.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
I slept great last night ... my back is feeling better. I think the ice packs did the trick in getting the inflammation down on whatever I did to my back yesterday, because there's only little twinges of pain now, not the searing pain of yesterday. So I don't think I need to go to the chiropractor. That's good, because it means less money.
I had a good, nearly two-hour phone call with my friend Mary Kay yesterday ... she's become my psychologist when my shrink isn't available (because my shrink got married last weekend and is on her honeymoon). Mary Kay used to work at the paper, so she knows the politics of the place. She gave me lots of good advice and insight into what's going on. Right now, I'm going to do my job, keep my mouth shut, but if they expect me to work any holidays anymore or do any special favors for them as I have been doing, they can forget it. I'm done with that. We don't get anything extra now for working holidays anyway, so why bother. I bent over backward for these people and they kicked me in the ass. Just like every other paper I've worked for. Why don't I ever learn?
Went to see "The Time Traveler's Wife" yesterday ... wonderful movie. I really enjoyed it. Then last night, I watched the first 20 minutes of the movie I was in, "The Chaos Experiment" ... I was told just to watch that much, because the movie is supposedly horrible ... so I saw myself and other coworkers and the newspaper office, which was really cool, and other scenes of Grand Rapids. Then I watched three more episodes of "The Tudors, Season Two" ... Ann Boleyn is about to lose her head! It's a great series, if anyone has ever seen it. I just love it. There's one more episode to watch, and then the special features. So anyway, I had a nice day off, other than wrenching my back.
Well, I have until 7 p.m. before I have to go to work ... not much to do today, just hanging around the house. I started a ceramics project (something I picked up on eBay) so I'll work on that later ... keeps me from eating. Can't paint and eat too easily. I have to put on another coat of black and then I can start drybrushing.
Have a good day.